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Hi Food Fans!
As you will know by now I er, sort of, um, enjoy my food. Mum and Aunt C insist that we kids pull our weight in the kitchen, not just washing up but cooking too. So here are a few of my favourite recipes, the ones I like cooking myself. I'm not exactly Gordon Ramsay but I've not killed anyone yet!
All these recipes have been okayed by Mum and there is a fair bit of cheating going on, if you want to use all fresh veg and stuff you can but this is how I usually do them.
So if you are feeling brave have a go and kids, always have a parent around to do the dangerous stuff! Remember to follow basic safety and hygiene procedures, ovens are hot and knives are sharp!
Firsts Special Chilli Spag Bol Meat & Tatty Pie* Sausage & Mash* Stew & Dumplings* Pizza Gabriella* Chuck-it-in Special* Flat Elvis* Stuffed Tomatoes* Prawn Paella* Chicken Risotto* |
Seconds Bread & Butter Pudding Quick Crumble Rice Pud* Custard & Rice* Summer Pudding* Bread Pudding* Yoghurt Cups* Flapjack* Drifle* Toffee a la Drew* Chrimbo Cake* |
* coming soon
Drew's Special Chilli
I really like hot food and homemade chilli is a good chance to make it well hot! The recipe is with beef mince but I have used lamb mince or you could use diced beef but make sure it's cooked properly. If you don't eat it all you can freeze it and it also makes good toasted sandwiches!
Ingredients to serve 4
- 500 grams beef mince
- 1 medium onion, chopped coarsely
- 1 tin chopped plum tomatoes
- 1 tin red kidney beans
- 1 tin baked beans
- 2 beef stock cubes
- 2 cups long grain rice
- curry powder
- chilli powder
- paprika
- onion salt
- chopped garlic
- black pepper
- salt
- knob of butter or margarine
- 100 grams grated cheddar
In a large deep frying pan gently fry the mince until brown then add the onion and stir fry until soft. (You could cheat and microwave the onion for 2 minutes!) Then add the tomatoes, baked and kidney beans to the pan and stir in turn heat down to simmer.
Put a pan of water on to boil.
Add both stock cubes, half a teaspoon each of curry, paprika and chilli powder, a dash of onion salt, pepper and garlic and a pinch of salt. Stir in thoroughly and leave to simmer on a low heat.
Add rice to boiling water with knob of butter and cover.
Check chilli regularly and stir, add more chilli powder to taste.
Rinse cooked rice and serve on warmed plate. Serve Chilli on same plate, sprinkle with the cheese.
Best served with slices of fresh buttered bread but you could have corn bread or tacos instead.
Drew's Spag Bol
We all like Italian food but this is all I can make! So okay it's quite similar to Chilli but it tastes a fair bit different. We don't always have spaghetti, pasta shells or shapes work good too.
Ingredients to serve 4
- 500 grams beef mince
- 1 medium onion, chopped coarsely
- 1 tin chopped plum tomatoes
- 2 beef stock cubes
- enough wholemeal spaghetti for four
- paprika
- onion salt
- chopped garlic
- black pepper
- salt
- grated parmesan cheese
- knob of butter or margarine
In a large deep frying pan gently fry the mince until brown then add the onion and stir fry until soft. (You could cheat and microwave the onion for 2 minutes!) Then add the tomatoes to the pan and stir in, turn heat down to simmer.
Put a pan of water on to boil.
Add both stock cubes, half a teaspoon of paprika, a dash of onion salt, pepper and garlic and a pinch of salt. Stir in thoroughly and leave to simmer on a low heat.
Add spaghetti to boiling water with knob of butter and cover.
Check bolognese sauce regularly and stir, add more salt and pepper to taste.
Rinse cooked spaghetti and serve on warmed plate. Spoon bolognese sauce over the spaghetti, dust with parmesan if you like.
Drew's bread and Butter Pudding
I'm a real sucker for traditional English pud's and this one's easy to make.
Ingredients to serve 4
- about 10 thick slices of white bread, can be a bit stale but not crusts
- butter or margarine
- 250ml of full or half fat milk not skimmed
- 200 grams dried sultanas
- 100 grams of sugar
pre heat oven to @ gas Mark 7. Then grease a medium pudding basin with butter or margarine.
Butter the bread making sure you are fairly generous and go right to the edges. Starting at the bottom of the bowl, line it with one layer of bread, butter side in. dust the bread with sugar and sultanas. Repeat with another layer and so on until the bowl is filled. At this stage cut a slice of bread to act as a lid, butter it and put to one side.
Carefully pour the milk over the bread so that it is absorbed but not saturated. Place the lid' on top, butter upward and give a generous sprinkle of sugar.
Cover loosely with tin foil and place in the middle of the oven. After @ 15 mins remove the foil so the top can brown, then cook for a further 10 mins or until golden brown.
Mum always turns it out but you can serve from the basin if you like, its best with thick creamy custard, yummy!
Don't forget to turn the oven off, Jules did that once and nearly burnt the kitchen down when it caught light!
Drew's Quick Crumble
Like I said, I love puds and crumble is really easy to make especially if you cheat!
Ingredients to serve 4
- About 10 digestive biscuits or really cheat with pack of crumble topping!
- 100 grams demerara sugar
- table spoon white sugar
- 2 tins of fruit in syrup, my fave combination is rhubarb and sliced peaches
pre heat the oven to gas mark 7. Thoroughly crumb the biscuits and mix with the demerara sugar (or open the crumble bag!). empty the canned fruit into a two pint pyrex pie dish and mix up a bit, you might need to drain any excess syrup, it should just cover the fruit at most. Sprinkle the topping over the fruit so that it is cover completely, lightly fork so the surface is loose. Sprinkle with white sugar and place in middle of oven for 20 minutes or until browned.
You just have to have this with custard although ice cream is good too!
Other combinations to try
apple and strawberry
pineapple and pear
peach and fruit salad
raspberry and cherry