Mum and Aunt Carol made their way over to where we were stood with the owner of the shop.
"I'm sorry mum....."
"It was all my fault..."
Maddy and I started to say together.
" SHH!!!" Said mum. "We'll discuss it in a while, but for now let's get you two home . We have a lot to do and an early start tomorrow."
The owner gushed over us to our mums and insisted that we keep the outfits we were wearing, as well as a make up kit and a cheque for £50 each. COOL.
The journey home started very quietly as I tried to scrunch down in my seat, hoping that mum would forget ( or something). Not a hope.
"Well, is someone going to explain why I started the day with my son, Drew, but finished it with my daughter Gaby."
So we told them the story , and Maddy said it was all her fault cos' she had talked me into it. I couldn't let her take all the blame though and said so.
When we got home, Aunt Carol and Maddy went to their home and mum and I went indoors. I made a pot of tea, while mum put her shopping away , then we sat down to drink the tea and mum started the twenty questions bit.
"Well Drew, I would like to talk to you about what happened today. You are not in any trouble , and I am not angry or upset, however I feel we need to talk. How did you feel about what happened today?"
"At the start I was a bit upset at Maddy for stopping me saying I was a boy, but as time went on, I started to relax and actually felt more comfortable with things. Then I saw you in the crowd and panicked."
"Why did you panic when you saw me ?" Asked mum with a puzzled look on her face.
"Well!! I thought you would have been angry and as I don't see you often, the last thing I want is for you to be mad at me. I wasn't even trying to be girly, yet the shop lady saw me as a girl. Why is that mum?" I asked starting to sniffle a bit and desperately holding back my tears.
"I don't know all of the reasons, Drew." Said Mum, "but we do know that you don't produce testosterone as you should and as everyone produces the hormones of both sexes, perhaps your estrogen is higher than it should be. That would cause you to act more feminine. I'll talk to the doctor when we get back from Cornwall. OK."
" Thanks mum. I'm sorry if I upset you." I sniffled.
"Hey, let's not forget who started this in the first place, by dressing you as Gabrielle to my Zena." Mum reminded me, and we both giggled.
"Anyway, I think you should change back to Drew before your dad gets home, don't forget to use cold cream to remove the make up before washing. You'll find some on my dressing table."
"Thanks mum," I said.
We were setting off early next morning , so Jules and I had a fight for first shower. She won, cos' she's bigger than me GRRR Eventually we were all packed and ready to go, and on the dot of 8 AM the Peters pulled up outside in a brand new 14 seater minibus. COOL. Dad got in front with uncle John and Jules, mum and I got into the back with Aunt Carol and Maddy. All of the luggage was neatly stacked in a special area and tied down securely. We set off for Cornwall and the wedding. Predictably , we stuck to the motorways (M1, M42, M5) till we were to join the A38 at Exeter. Mad, Jules and I listened to music on our personal stereos, but I got that bored after a while that I fell asleep.
I jerked forward as my mind registered the sounds going on around me , then I hit my head and everything went black.
My brain slowly swam into focus, but the pain in my head was too much and I blacked out again.
Once again I found myself slowly starting to be aware of my surroundings. This time the pain wasn't half as bad and I felt able to open my eyes.
" About time you woke up. Lazybones!" Said a voice I recognized.
" MUM!!" I tried to cuddle her , but found I couldn't move. " What happened. Where am I . Was there some kind of a crash!"
" Don't try to move, you are strapped down because the doctor has put tubes in your arms and we don't want you to disturb them. Yes! There was a crash. Everyone is safe, so don't worry. A lorry swerved out of control and hit us. Only you and Maddy were hurt , because you were nearest the back. Maddy has a broken leg and you hit your head." Mum leaned over and pressed a button at the head of the bed , and a nurse came in.
"Oh good!! He's awake, I'll go and advise the doctor." She gave me a smile , then turned and walked out.
About 20 minutes later, a lady came in to examine me and asked me all sorts of questions. Things like 'How many fingers have I got up' '2 and a thumb'
" Oh , a smart Alec eh! Do you feel dizzy at all and how severe is your headache?"
" No, I don't feel dizzy, I have a fairly strong headache and I see sparkles at the corners of my eyes. I also feel very weak and I ache all over."
"Most of that is due to the blow on the head and will go in a few days. However I would like to take a blood sample and run a cat scan just to be on the safe side. I'm not over happy with the weakness. I should have the results by the end of the day, and if nothing turns up you'll be ready to go at the same time as Maddy. Possibly tomorrow. Could I talk to you outside please Mrs. Bond. You try to get some sleep Drew , and I'll see you later."
After the doctor had taken mum outside, the nurse came back in and took out the various tubes that were in my arms. That felt a lot more comfortable. She said that dad and Jules were outside and did I want to see them or have a nap. I said I would like to see them.
They came in and Jules was a bit quiet, so I asked her what was up.
"Oh!! Drew, I was so afraid that when I saw you lying there in the crash .... I was afraid that we had lost you. I was scared to death. Thank goodness you are OK."
"Hey!! I have a race to ride tomorrow . Do you think a little thing like a lorry will stop me from that?" Jules giggled and dad just rolled his eyes. They stayed with me for about half an hour, then I said I felt a bit tired so they went and I had a nap.