This work is fictitious, and any similarities to any persons, alive or dead, are purely coincidental. Mention is made of persons in public life only for the purposes of realism, and for that reason alone. Certain licence is taken in respect of medical procedures, terms and conditions, and the author does not claim to be the fount of all knowledge. The author accepts the right of the individual to hold his/her (or whatever) own political, religious and social views, and there is no intention to deliberately offend anyone. If you wish to take offence, that is your problem.
This is only a story, and it contains adult material, which includes sex and intimate descriptive details pertaining to genitalia. If this is likely to offend, then don't read it.
Unfortunately no politicians were injured or killed in the writing of this story, and no one else was either.
If you enjoyed it, then please Email me and tell me. If you hated it, Email me and lie. I will always welcome contact.
The legal stuff.
This work is the property of the author, and the author retains full copyright, in relation to printed material, whether on paper or electronically. Any adaptation of the whole or part of the material for broadcast by radio, TV, or for stage plays or film, is the right of the author unless negotiated through legal contract. Permission is granted for it to be copied and read by individuals, and for no other purpose. Any commercial use by anyone other than the author is strictly prohibited, and may only be posted to free sites with the express permission of the author.
Joe Fortune, a bright and pleasant young man, with a secret life as a drag artist, and a desire to be the woman he feels he always should have been. Working in a shop he and some friends have set up, he does some photo imaging work for a client, which starts him on a roller-coaster ride, involving hired killers, a corrupt M.P., and the police. He takes the opportunity to pretend to be his twin sister, and become a ski rep for a month to avoid the heat. With more twists and turns than is good for him, he faces the truth, his family and friends, and takes the decision to become the girl he always wanted to be.
I had nothing to get up for the next morning, so I stayed in bed, and dozed, luxuriating in my silk nightdress. It had snowed heavily during the night, and the view from my window was like a Christmas card, but in late February.
I got a call from Stewart at ten to say there had been a break-in at the shop. Nothing was taken, but it looked like someone tampered with the hard drive of the main PC. I immediately knew who it was, Global Technics Ltd.
There was a need for me to attend, as I had to make a statement that I had locked up, but I was now worried. Would they try to find me?
I asked Stewart to meet me in the café round the corner first. Then I set off. I was in jeans and an old sweater, but was still wearing the breast enhancers in my bra, and was en femme again.
I met him and he saw that I was wearing a little make up, and my hair was flowing freely. He also saw my red-varnished nails and earrings. I saw him frown, but he said nothing.
He was about my height, and had very short fair hair, in a crew cut. He was very lazy, and having his hair this short saved at least three minutes each morning. Like me he was slim, but he had more muscle, although more lithe than chunky. He was quick and quite strong, and he had a great sense of humour.
"Stewart. Look, you've been a mate for a long time. I have to tell you something," I said.
"Yeah, like I don't know what's coming?"
I looked at him.
"Look, you are the most camp bloke I have ever met. You are gay, aren't you?"
I shook my head.
"No, I'm a transsexual, and I am going for a sex change. I had the first little operation yesterday. I am called Josie now."
Stewart did a wonderful goldfish impression.
"You are going to be a girl?"
"No Stewart. I am a girl, I just need some corrective surgery to finish the job."
He stared at me, and slowly nodded.
"You certainly look the part. I'm amazed I never noticed before. Are those your boobs or what?"
"Some is me, and some is padding. Soon it will be all me."
"Wicked! You look fucking awesome. Man, this is weird. Do your folks know?"
"I told them yesterday."
"Shit! I told the cops that you were a bloke."
"Okay, stay here," I said. The café had only one unisex loo, so I simply removed all the feminine stuff, and appeared a few minutes later as Joe again.
We returned to the shop, and a bored policeman filled out a pre-printed statement form saying I had locked the premises up, and given no one permission to enter over night.
I made a decision. I told him about the strange visitors, and gave him the spare CD that I was going to give to the solicitor and the business card. I explained about the man who was shot, and that I was intending to tell the police later in the day. I did not mention about the other CD. I wasn't prepared to hang onto this any longer. If it would help, then I was happy to let the Police figure it all out.
The police left after making me do another statement exhibiting the card and the CD. I immediately went into the back and became Josie again. I hated being Joe so much.
This time I put on a pair of warm tights and my denim skirt. I had warm knee length boots on, and when I reappeared, Stewart whistled.
"Shit, this is so weird. My mate is a babe!"
I smiled and blew him a kiss.
My mobile rang; it was Paul.
"Hi babe," he said, and I giggled.
"What's so funny?"
"My mate Stewart has just called me a babe, and now you have too."
"Well, you are."
"Thanks, Honey," I said, in an American accent. "Can I come over?"
I explained about the break-in, and that I had given the CD to the police.
"Well done. It has to be for the best."
He arrived half an hour later, and walked straight up and gave me a hug and a kiss. The kiss went on a while, and made my legs go weak. Stewart's eyes popped out, and I started to giggle.
We broke off for air, and Stewart was looking at me in a weird way.
"Stewart, this is my friend Paul, Paul, my old mate Stewart."
"Hi Stewart. Are you okay?" Paul said. He pronounced his name as 'Stoo-art', and it sounded strange.
"Ah, not really. This is totally odd. I mean, a couple of days ago, my mate Joe was a bloke, and now she's a girl, who has a boyfriend an all. I can't take this."
"I've bought you something," Paul said, and passed me a box.
It contained realistic silicone breast forms, which even had large nipples and aureoles. There was a bottle of fixative, and removal resin.
"They actually stick to you, and look like the real thing," he explained.
I rushed out the back and within a few minutes had a lovely pair of breasts.
They felt brilliant, so realistic and the shape was perfect. I gave him a huge hug.
"Mind you, you shouldn't need them for that long."
Stewart was shaking his head and muttering. The security fitters arrived and repaired the grill. The burglars had only damaged the locks, and they were easily replaced.
Paul had to leave, and promised to call later. We kissed again, which caused Stewart some more distress.
"Look, I need to hand in my D&T assignment. Could you come with me, and I'll get it out the way?" I said to Stewart.
"You are going to college looking like that?" Stewart squeaked at me.
"Why not? It is who I am from now on."
"This I have to see," he said, and we set off together.
We arrived just before the lunch break, and it was quite quiet. But the few people about stared at me a little. I felt very vulnerable and self-conscious, believing that everyone would see through me instantly.
"They are looking at me," I said.
"Only because you are a very attractive girl."
We went up to Mr Cooper's room, and I knocked.
I entered and he looked up from his desk.
"Assignment, sir."
"Put it down there," he said, pointing to an empty space on a table by the door.
He was frowning.
"Remind me, who are you?"
"Jo Fortune, Design and Technology, upper sixth."
"Oh, yes, of course," he said, still frowning.
I went to leave and he called me back.
"I don't have any girls in upper sixth. I should certainly remember one as pretty as you."
"Yes you do, just me sir."
He frowned and I escaped.
We walked rapidly away, and rounded a corner. Coming towards us was a group of guys in my IT class.
"Shit!" I muttered.
"Stay cool," said Stewart.
"Hey Stewie! Wow, who's your friend?" said Craig, the tallest geek with the silly woolly hat.
Stewart gave him one finger.
"She's called Josie, and she is spoken for."
"Not by you, you little runt?" Craig asked.
"No, not that it is any business of yours," said Stewart.
"Hello, Josie. You aren't a student here, by any chance?"
"Hello Craig, I see your charm is no better," I said, and the others sniggered.
"Do I know you?" he asked, frowning.
"Not intimately, but lets say our paths have crossed. Bye-bye boys!" I said, and we walked off. They stood staring after us.
"Next term is going to be very interesting," said Stewart, ruefully.
We went back to the shop, and I went into the back room and practised doing my makeup like my sister. She called and told me she had accepted the job for me, and was flying out early in the morning.
"Right, you owe me big time now sis."
"Okay, Sis, I'll make it up to you when I get back. You never know I may be an engaged lady by then."
It seems that the rich American was very interested in her, and my dumb sister was intelligent enough to recognise a good thing when she saw one. She also had the sexual appetite of a rampant rabbit.
I left Stewart at the shop, and went home early. I found Mum alone, and we had a real heart-to-heart chat. She was slowly coming to terms with me, and the implications of my change in gender. I told her I was going out, and was staying with Paul for a bit.
She was concerned for me, and I jokingly told her I was a big girl, and that at least I couldn't get in the family way. She almost smiled, and I felt awful.
I drove round to Paul's, and he opened the door.
He kissed me, and I felt wanted again.
I called Mike at the club, and told him I was going to be away for a while. He was good about it, and asked whether I was going for SRS.
"Not this time, but soon," I said.
"We'll miss you."
"Maybe, but there will always be someone else."
Paul took me out to the local pub for supper.
"I've been here a couple of times, its quiet, and they seem a decent bunch," he told me.
We sat at a small table by a roaring fire, and had a very nice simple meal. No one gave us a second glance, as we were just a very ordinary couple, enjoying a meal together.
"You have no idea how good this makes me feel," he said.
"What, being normal?" I asked.
"Yes, just fitting in. All my life I have felt different, and odd. For the first time, I feel like I belong, and that you belong with me."
"Is that a proposal?" I joked.
"If you want it to be?" he said, rather too seriously.
"I didn't think we could marry," I said.
"There was a case at the European Court of Human Rights, which says we can, but if you think about it, we could. You would be legally a male, and I would be legally female. Legally we could marry."
"Cool!" I said, and grinned.
I saw he looked serious again.
"Hey, don't look so serious. I never said no."
He smiled.
"A bit early, eh?
"A bit. I'm only two days old."
He laughed.
"Happy birthday," he said, and we chinked glasses.
I noticed he frowned slightly. I took his hand.
"What's up?" I asked.
"Nothing," he said, and smiled.
"Liar," I said. And he smiled again.
"Maybe you are right, and we are going too quick. I just find things so nice with you."
"But?" I added.
"But, I'm not sure I am the right person for you."
"Or I'm the right person for you."
He nodded.
"So, what do you say we just see where we get to?"
"That suits me," he said, and the frown had gone.
We returned to his little cottage and snuggled together in bed. I was still tender down below, so he didn't try anything, but we both enjoyed just being held.
I woke early, and had a warm bath, letting Paul sleep. I was amazed at the job the doctor had done, it really look the thing. I tried to make my breasts look bigger by squashing the flesh together. They were definitely bigger, and certainly sensitive, for after I had played with them a bit, they hurt.
I was just getting out when Paul came in.
"You should have woken me," he said.
"Why? You looked so peaceful," I said, and he noticed my crotch.
"Jeez. That looks the part."
"It does, doesn't it? But is for show only," I said.
"You look so lovely. So soft and feminine," he said, wrapping his arms around me.
"I could do with a bit more boob."
"You'll get there."
He helped me stick on my breast forms, and we ended up kissing and rolling on the bed. I made a decision then, and as he promised not to hurt me, it ended up with him sliding into my lubed up ass, doggie style, and I adored feeling him inside me. He was sufficiently small for it not to be painful, and big enough to give me pleasure. Neither of us could really achieve orgasm, but the visual impact in the mirrors and what we could feel and see, seemed to bring us very close. For both of us the psychological aspects of 'being' the genders we so wanted to be, was ultimately more important than the achievement of an orgasm.
He was so gentle, and didn't touch the sensitive parts, and I just liked feeling him slide in and out of me. I watched him in the mirror, and it made me feel like the woman I looked like. I felt a build up of sensations and a burst of pleasure that I had never experienced before, and screamed out and ground myself against him. He grinned and screwed me faster, and I went wild.
We then showered again together, and I washed his genitals. I was fascinated, as he had a penis, and two spheroids in a sac. It felt almost like the real thing.
"I wish you could come inside me," I said.
"I do too. But it is enough just to be inside you at all."
"I never thought I'd let anyone bugger me."
"I'm not buggering you, I'm making love to you."
"I just love having you inside me. It would be so cool to have a baby."
"Well, this is one couple destined to be childless."
"We could adopt," I said.
He went quiet.
"I'd love to be a Dad," he said, his voice quietly serious.
"You'd be so good," I said.
"Lets see what happens, we may not be together in a few weeks."
I smiled and kissed him. I didn't care, we were together now, and that was all that mattered.
We had breakfast and he kissed me and went and logged on to write his latest article. I went and did a bit of shopping for my forthcoming trip. I was looking forward in one respect, but I didn't want to leave Paul behind. It was nice having someone, and I didn't want to be alone again quite so soon.
The weekend went quickly, and we spent a lot of the time in bed, and finding out about each other. I didn't think of Paul as anything other than a normal guy and he treated me as a normal girl. I was the happiest I had even been.
Monday came, and I dressed in my Lynx Ski rep gear, the cool looking sweater and tight pants. I wore my long winter boots, just to show off. The plan was that I had to meet a group of clients at Gatwick, and see them through to the plane, and then on to Grenoble. We were then coaching it to various destinations, and I was heading for Risoul in the French Alps.
I had been skiing since I was about six. My father had passed on to all four of his children his one passion. It was also one sport at which I excelled. I was the best of the four of us children.
Paul had a silly smile on his face, which annoyed me intensely, as I was leaving him for five weeks, and he didn't seem to care.
"You look very smart, Jessica," he said, and I smiled at his use of my temporary name.
"I wish you were coming. It won't be the same sleeping alone."
"You will have a big blonde ski instructor very soon."
"Yeah, I wish," I said.
He drove me to Gatwick, and I was very quiet. He was inordinately cheerful, and I even wondered whether he had lined up another woman.
He dropped me off, and I kissed him. I watched as he drove off, and lugged my huge suitcase on wheels into the concourse. The Lynx supervisor was there, and I reported to her. She was quite a tall good-looking woman, in her thirties.
"Hi, I'm Jessica Fortune."
"Hello Jessica. I'm Miranda Scott. You are nice and early."
"Well, with the M25, it is better to be safe than sorry."
"Quite. Have you worked with us before?"
"Not on the Winter Holiday side," I said, quite truthfully!
She went through everything that Jezzy had, and I was able to ask the right questions.
"Okay, if you can gather your Risoul customers together this end, it will save time at the other end. The first thing is to make sure everyone has a passport. It is quite amazing how many forget it."
She gave me a list, and several brown envelopes for each individual, family or group.
I checked in my stuff first, and then I stood there, by the check in, and waited.
I looked down the list, and saw I had about forty people to deal with. There would be another rep in Risoul to meet the plane, and probably another one was flying home, which was why I was here.
One by one the holiday makers arrived and checked in with me. I checked them off the list, gave the envelopes to them, checked they had passports and tickets, and directed them to the check in.
"Excuse me, Miss, is this the line for Risoul?" said a familiar North American twang.
I turned round. It was Paul, grinning inanely at me.
There were several other clients also queuing behind him, so I couldn't hit him.
"Yes sir. Do you have your passport?" I said, through clenched teeth. There was so much I wanted to say to him.
He waved it at me.
"And your name, this time?" I asked.
"Paul Gardner. Without the E in the middle."
I found his name on the list. P Gardener. That was why I hadn't twigged.
"You look so fuckable in that uniform," he said in my ear. It sent shivers of expectant pleasure down my spine.
"Here is your envelope, please go and check-in your luggage."
He took the envelope, and kissed me on the cheek.
"I love you, Jessica," he whispered, and I grinned, I couldn't stay angry for long.
Eventually all the passengers were checked in, none missing, and all had passports. I said goodbye to Miranda, and went through to wait for the plane. I felt I was walking on air. Paul was sitting by himself, and I sat next to him.
"So, when did you arrange this?" I asked.
"As soon as I found out what you were doing. I was planning to do a piece on a ski resort in any case, you simply helped out where and when."
"You are an utter bastard. You knew how miserable I was at leaving you behind."
"Yeah, but think how happy you are now. Wasn't it worth it?"
I just smiled. One of my clients, Mr Hoskins, came over to me.
"Excuse me, Miss, but can I ask you some questions?"
"Yes Mr Hoskins, and please call me Jessica." He then went off about ski school, ski passes, coach trips and child minding facilities. I answered him as best I could, and he wandered off apparently satisfied.
Just before the flight was called, my mobile rang. It was Stewart.
"Josie, I've had the police here. They want to speak to you."
"What about?"
"I don't know. It was a detective chief something, from special branch."
"Shit! What did you tell them?"
"I didn't know where the hell you were."
"Good, lets keep it that way!"
"What happens if they come back?"
"Then you still don't know where I am."
"But I don't!"
"All the better for you," I said, and switched the phone off.
There was a full flight, as other tour operators were also heading the same way. I had a chat with the Thomson reps, and found that all were very similar.
The flight wasn't that long, and I managed to get everyone there without losing anyone. Paul and I couldn't sit together, which perhaps was a good thing. No good getting the tongues wagging this early.
There was another rep waiting as planned, he was called Miles, and he was a nice boy, but as gay as they come. We gathered our coach load together, and boarded our coach.
Once everyone was in, and the driver had closed the luggage compartments, Miles took the microphone.
"Ladies and Gentlemen. Welcome to Grenoble, the coach trip will take nearly three hours, but there is some wonderful scenery on the way. My name is Miles, and together with the delectable Jessica, whom you already know, we will be your reps for your Lynx holiday.
"Jessica has already given you your information booklet and details of extra activities, and I'm sure you will have an opportunity to read them before the welcome meeting this evening. We will be having a pit stop in about an hour and a half, so you can stretch your legs and get some fresh air then. We have a DVD in the coach, and we hope you enjoy the show."
I stowed my Lynx ski jacket in the overhead rack, and sat next to Miles.
"So, Jessica, ever been skiing before?" Miles asked.
"Yes. Quite a bit, actually."
"Oh, what standard?"
"Really, ooh, lucky you, there are some real hunky advanced ski instructors."
"I won't need any instruction, thanks."
"How's your French?"
"Almost fluent, how's yours?"
"Oh, well, pardon me for breathing. They said you were new."
"New to Lynx, but not to skiing or France," I said.
He grinned.
"Then we should have fun. Thank God I don't have to teach you everything. I was dreading having a real new-bod on my hands."
I sat back and relaxed.
"Miles, I may need some help, but not much."
The scenery was spectacular, and as we climbed into the Alps, the snow was there in abundance.
"What is the reps' accommodation like?" I asked.
"Okay. You are in the apartments by the main tow, I think. You will be sharing with Debbie."
"What's she like?"
"You won't see much of her, she spends most nights with her boyfriend, Jean-Claude."
"Oh yes, a ski instructor?"
"Of course."
"How about you Miles, have you got lucky?"
He grinned.
"Oh yes, lets say, there is something for everyone."
"Is he nice?"
"Is it that obvious?" he asked.
"Miles, it couldn't be more obvious even if you had a placard around you neck."
He smiled, and made an effeminate wrist movement just to prove the point.
We climbed slowly up into the mountains, the twisty roads sometimes on the edge of sheer drops. The scenery simply went from wonderful to superb.
Finally, we arrived in the small purpose built resort of Risoul. With its circular shape, and the chair lifts and tows that came right into the centre of the resort. A large car park slap bang in the middle displayed how it was equally accessible to the day visitor, as much as the resident guests. All the architecture was wooden and with the typical Alpine roofs. I loved the whole atmosphere, and smiled as I looked out on my new home.
The punters were dropped off at their hotels or apartments. Surprise, surprise, Paul was in the same block as me. Only he had taken a luxury apartment, whereas I had to share a basic one. There was a welcoming meeting for all Lynx clients in a central restaurant at 8 pm, and as it was 6 pm now, it gave me enough time to find my apartment and find Paul.
Debbie was in, stark naked, but in. She waved at me, and started to get dressed.
"Hi, you must be Jessica, I'm Debbie. I'm just out, don't worry about me, I've a friend I stay with."
"You mean Jean-Claude?"
"That bastard Miles. He can be such a bitch," she said, and I laughed.
"As it happens, I may not be here a lot, either," I said.
"Already? Shit, that was bloody quick!" There was a hint of admiration in her voice.
I just smiled.
"Look we have to be at the bloody meeting at eight. I may be late, if I am, don't let Miles fob you off with anything extra."
She was like a whirlwind, and before my eyes, was dressed, made up and gone in a flash.
I dumped my case and went looking for Paul.
He answered his door very quickly.
"Hello you,." he said, and kissed me.
"Mm, that was nice."
I looked round his apartment. Compared to mine it was huge.
"Well, are you moving up?"
Ten minutes later, my case was in 'our' room, and I was hanging my stuff up in the wardrobe. He watched me with a smile on his face.
"You are so much a girl. I mean, look at the amount of clothes you've brought. I never owned a quarter of what you have, in my life."
"And what do you do to girls?" I asked.
He kissed me and slipped my pants down.
I pushed him onto the bed and stripped his trousers and boxers off. I stripped off, and knelt astride him. We had a fondling session, and I felt him rubbing some KY up my ass. I grinned.
What do you want?" I asked.
Then I felt him slip up into my tight little ass.
"Mmm, I have wanted you inside me all day," I said, as his dick hit my G spot, and I was away.
The meeting was very dull, but it gave me an insight as to what was expected of me. I had to help with the boots, skis and passes, and then to assist with ski school allocation. Then I had days when I had to be available in the Lynx office, and specific times to be in various apartment blocks or hotels.
For the more advanced skiers, we had days for ski trips across the pass to the neighbouring resort. Andy, one of our better skiers was the 'Ranger' for this. I thought I'd be up to help on that one.
There were six reps in the resort, and we managed to spread the load evenly. Apart from Debbie and Miles, there was Andy, the randy Scotsman, who fancied himself rotten, and always ended up bedding sixteen year olds. And finally, there was Cathy and Sue, whom I was almost positive were lesbians. They did everything together, even their duty time. They didn't ski, and as I came to know them, I realised my early assessment was entirely correct.
The next morning, I was up early, and dressed in my very sexy ski suit, with the Lynx logo.
Paul and I had breakfast together, and then I went off to sort out the idiots.
By ten they were all sorted, my French was a little rusty, but after a while it came flooding back, and I was almost fluent again. Miles looked rather jealous at me, and I was free for the rest of the day. As a new-bod, I was to observe for the first week, and just shadow the others, Miles in particular, as he was my buddy, and the guy I would work with.
I met Paul at the bottom of the chair lift.
"Hi, you look very professional," I said.
He grinned.
"Look is all. I have been skiing once before, and that was years ago, in my previous life."
"Why not join a ski school?"
"I'd rather ski with you?"
"You are hopeless. Come on, let's try you on the nursery slopes first."
We spent a hilarious morning, with him on his bum more than upright.
He got steadily better, and so after a quick lunch, we headed up the first tow.
By the end of the day, he managed to slip and snowplough his way down a blue run. It was fun, as I didn't want to leap straight into the red and black runs on my first day anyway.
As the days progressed, I got fitter, and more tanned, and Paul got better at skiing. Nearly all the ski instructors, and a lot of the single blokes, made passes at me, and I smiled as I turned them all down. I discovered that Paul was booked in for the duration, and after the first week, it became well known that we were a couple.
In the end, I forced him to join a ski school, so he could write about it in his piece, if nothing else. I took the opportunity to join the ski tour, and took up the rear as our party made its way across the Alps.
I was able to ski at my pace, and at a level I felt was challenging me. As I swished down a red run to the small café in the middle section, Andy was waiting at the bottom. The punters had all gone for a break.
"You really ski well," he said, perfect white teeth flashing.
"Thanks, you manage pretty good yourself," I said, as I kicked myself out of the bindings.
"This guy you are seeing. How serious is it?" he asked.
Now, don't get me wrong, Andy was very good looking, a dream skier and probably wonderful in bed, and to cap it all I was flattered that he was interested in me. However, he wasn't my type. I wasn't sure what was, as Paul and I were a couple of misfits who got together because of loneliness and circumstances. I think deep down we cared deeply about each other, and all Andy was after was a quick fuck.
"Put it this way, we have discussed children," I said, quite truthfully.
"Oh, so no chance of a quick, je ne sais quoi?"
"Absolument pas. You over-sexed Scotsman you," I said, and he grinned good naturedly.
"Ah well, one can but ask," he said, and bought me a mulled wine instead.
Life was really good. I enjoyed the job, and was pretty good at it. My personality as Josie, or in this place, Jessica, was totally different to what I had been like as Joe.
I found I had time for people, and patience with their problems. Miles was okay, but he had no time for people. In the end I was given more work, as people would deliberately wait for my duty time to come with their problems.
Occasionally we six would have little meetings to discuss tactics, and as each week ended, we would take it in turns to take the 3 hour coach trip to the airport, to bring the new lot back, on the 3 hour coach trip.
Debbie definitely did not pull her weight, and Miles was very frustrated with her. Miles was supposed to be the supervisor, but he was pretty useless. He was too weak, and everyone walked all over him. He tried pushing me about, and I found him too easy to bully. I took him aside and had a long talk with him.
As with lots of travel companies, the staff were not well trained, and we all were dumped into the deep end and allowed to struggle on. I offered my help to Miles, so that we would get organised a bit better. I devised proper paper schedules, which were given to everyone so they knew what was expected of them in advance. If they wanted to swap, that was up to them. Debbie tried to buck the system, and failed, as everyone was fed up with her doing bugger all.
After three weeks, Debbie and Miles were due to fly home, and that left Cathy, Sue, Andy and me left. I went with the coach, along with Debbie and Miles, who were not even speaking at this stage.
It was a gruesome journey, as it started snowing as soon as we left, and Miles was in a hump as he was leaving his new boyfriend.
We arrived at Grenoble to find the incoming plane was delayed by fog at Gatwick, and was going to be two hours late. That meant that I would not be back for supper. I called Paul and told him the good news.
As I sat and waited, trying to calm the passengers down, I reflected on my life to date.
Here I was, for the first time ever, totally at ease with who I was. I was in loving relationship with a lovely man, and we gave each other what we both needed at the moment. Whether this was to last, time would tell, but I wasn't really bothered.
The passengers were all checked in, and I said goodbye to Miles and Debbie, and was by myself again. I went out into the town and found a little café. I sat in the warmth and ordered a hot chocolate.
It was snowing quite hard, and I prayed the plane could land.
"Excuse me, is this seat taken?" someone asked in French
I looked up, and found myself looking at a very dishy French bloke, nearer my age.
I waved vaguely at the seat he wanted, and he smiled and sat down.
"You are English?" he asked, in English.
"Oui, je suis anglaise."
"You speak good French."
"You speak good English."
"My name is Thierry."
We shook hands, very Gallic.
"You work for the ski company, yes?"
I smiled, as I was in the uniform.
"Funny you should guess that," I said and he laughed.
"So, you always do this?"
"I'm a student, but need some cash."
"Same as me. I am studying architecture."
"Cool, I'm doing IT, design and technology."
"That is unusual for a pretty girl."
"I am an unusual girl," I said.
"You have a boyfriend?"
"Yes, do you?"
He laughed at this.
"No, and I have no girl friend at the moment. Is your boy in England?"
I smiled, boy, was he transparent or what?
"No, he is in France with me."
"In Grenoble?"
"No, in Risoul."
"So, you are alone for the moment."
"For the moment."
He smiled.
"I buy you another chocolate?"
"If you insist."
He waved at the waitress, and she came over with another chocolate and a coffee for him.
"Do you live in Grenoble?" I asked.
"Yes. It is nice. Yes?"
"I don't know, I've only seen the airport and this café."
"You wait for more tourists?"
"Yes, but the plane is late. It won't land for another two hours."
"Then I show you my town."
I shrugged, as it was the best offer I had had so far.
Thierry was a nice lad, and he took me straight home to show me off to his younger sister and brother. His mother was a wan creature, who looked tired, and seemed vaguely pleased to see me. I wondered how many stray English girls he had brought home.
We walked through the old town, and it was very pretty.
He bought me some pastries at a little shop, and we threw snowballs at each other in a small square.
Eventually, the two hours gone he returned me to the airport as the plane landed.
He shook my hand very solemnly.
"Thank you for a nice day. You are very nice, it is a pity you have a boyfriend," he said, and I had to laugh.
I kissed his cheek.
"Bye Thierry, thanks for showing me your home town."
"De rien."
I walked into airport, and he was just standing there. I was actually very pleased that I managed that all by myself. It was funny how little everyday things gave me such a buzz.
I met the off loading passengers, all looking weary and fed up. I tried to be cheerful, but was secretly worried that the roads would be impassable.
Suddenly there was Miranda Scott, our direct boss.
"Jessica, how are you getting along?"
"Fine thanks," I said.
"I've just had a word with Miles, he was full of your praises. It seems you are a natural."
"That was nice of him."
Further discussion was hampered by the arrival of passengers and their luggage. Another girl, Kelly, appeared, and Miranda introduced us.
"Kelly has just started with us, so look after her."
I gathered all the folk onto the coach, and gave them my welcome spiel.
I was keen to get started as soon as possible.
Georges, the driver, was as worried as me, and he really raced along the clear roads on the flat. As we started climbing, it was apparent that the snowploughs had been out, and the roads were not too bad, but it was getting late, and we were not yet half way.
As it happened, it was the last half-mile which was the worst, but we managed it, just. It was after 9 pm, and everyone was tired and fed up.
We dropped everyone off, and postponed the welcome talk to 08:00 the following morning. I went home and found Paul had bought some lovely pizzas, and had some red wine open and ready for me. With Debbie gone, Kelly was supposed to be sharing with me, so she found herself in an apartment on her own. I invited her round to share the pizza, and wine. Paul was fine, as he had ordered too much as usual.
With Miranda here for two weeks, all slack practices went by the board, and we worked properly for a change. I for one appreciated it, and actually liked working in a team that worked well together.
Miranda noticed that I did not stay in my apartment, and drew me aside. When she realised that my boyfriend was a travel journalist doing a piece on the ski business, she got a shrewd look in her eyes.
"He has promised to give us a terrific plug," I said, cashing in on my advantage.
"Okay, but keep this as discrete as possible," she had said, and that was the end of the matter.
Cathy and Sue, however, came in for a really hard time after she caught them snogging in a hotel reception area. It was only that we were short handed anyway that prevented her from sacking them on the spot. But they were left in no doubt as to what was expected of them in the future.
Miranda took two days to find a slightly more mature member of the ski patrol called Robert, and Paul and I ended up going out with them as two couples for most evenings. Paul's French was very good, with his Canadian accent, everyone thought he was French Canadian, which he found even slightly less insulting than being thought of as an American.
As my time in Risoul was drawing to a close, I felt really sad, and Miranda tried to persuade me to stay on as supervisor. She wrote some glowing reports about me, that I was acutely embarrassed. In fact as she went on and on about how wonderful I was, I had a word with Paul, and he told me to be open and honest with her.
On our last evening, we four returned to Paul's apartment for nightcaps, and I took Miranda aside.
"Look, Miranda, I have to be honest with you. I'm not Jessica Fortune. She is my twin sister. I'm Josie. But she really needed to be somewhere else, and she asked me to fill in for her. I didn't want her to lose out, but equally, you need to know the truth. And I am not prepared to be dishonest about what I've done."
I waited for the explosion, but it never came. I frowned, and saw she was smiling at me. "I knew you weren't Jessica. I have worked with her once in Greece, and she is a nice girl. In fact, you are so like her, that when you first came up to me I thought you were she, but when you didn't recognise me, I knew you were pulling a flanker, but couldn't work out what. I was determined to leave it to see how you got on, and I have to be honest, you are ten times better at this than your sister, even though she is good.
"So, I waited, and if you managed to get back to Britain without saying anything, I would instigate an investigation, but as you have been honest, I will be honest with you. I like you, Josie, is it? I think you have everything it takes to get on in this business. And I would love it if you came to work with me full time."
I was stunned. It is not often I am ever lost for words, but this time I was.
"What can I say?" was all I could manage.
"Say yes, and stay on. I'd like you to think about it seriously, as I think you'd make a very good supervisor."
"I can't. I have commitments. I have studies and a business I am involved in."
"You are a complicated girl. If I recall, your sister is rather more basic."
"Jezzy is your average dumb blonde," I said, and we both grinned.
"And you are not?"
"Most definitely not," I said.
"Look, I understand, and I admire loyalty. I also admire honesty and you have bags of both. Finish your studies, wind up you business and then call me. I really want you as one of my supervisors. You speak good French, you handle people wonderfully, and you ski like a dream. Please Josie, I really mean this."
"I'd like to. Really I would, as I have so enjoyed my time here. Can I call you in the summer?"
"Please do. I will wait twelve months. Think about it, you could take a year out before university, and work for me for as much of it as you like. Then, if you decide against further education, stay on. I can promise you a fun career."
"Thanks, and I am so sorry about not being my sister."
"Listen, you have made a real impact on the clients, I have so many letters about you, you wouldn't believe it."
"Will Jessica get into trouble?"
"She and I will have a little talk. But no, she won't. In her way she is as good, but not so dynamic as her sister."
Later I told Paul about our conversation, and he chuckled.
"Just as well you weren't completely honest."
I frowned.
"What about?"
"About being a boy, and all the rest."
For a very short time, I had genuinely forgotten, and it all came back in a rush.
"Bloody hell. I'd got so into role, I had almost completely forgotten." I said.
"Are you serious?" he asked, aghast.
"Mmm. Seriously, I had forgotten. Isn't that weird?"
"So, what happens when you get back?" he asked.
"I don't know. One thing at a time."
"What about us?"
"What about us?"
"Now you have stretched your wings, have we a future?"
I looked at this kind and gentle man, without whom I would still be stuck in a very uncertain rut.
"You have to ask?" I asked.
"I need to ask. I have watched a butterfly appear, and I feel very uncertain which way she may fly."
I stroked his head. I had grown to love him, in a real way. He was my rock, and I couldn't imagine how my life up to now would have been without him.
"Paul, I love you, and you've made all the difference for me so far. Does that answer your question?"
To my surprise he started to cry, and we simply held each other all night.