This work is fictitious, and any similarities to any persons, alive or dead, are purely coincidental. Mention is made of persons in public life only for the purposes of realism, and for that reason alone. Certain licence is taken in respect of medical procedures, terms and conditions, and the author does not claim to be the fount of all knowledge. The author accepts the right of the individual to hold his/her (or whatever) own political, religious and social views, and there is no intention to deliberately offend anyone. If you wish to take offence, that is your problem.
This is only a story, and it contains adult material, which includes sex and intimate descriptive details pertaining to genitalia. If this is likely to offend, then don't read it.
Unfortunately no politicians were injured or killed in the writing of this story, and no one else was either.
If you enjoyed it, then please Email me and tell me. If you hated it, Email me and lie. I will always welcome contact.
The legal stuff.
This work is the property of the author, and the author retains full copyright, in relation to printed material, whether on paper or electronically. Any adaptation of the whole or part of the material for broadcast by radio, TV, or for stage plays or film, is the right of the author unless negotiated through legal contract. Permission is granted for it to be copied and read by individuals, and for no other purpose. Any commercial use by anyone other than the author is strictly prohibited, and may only be posted to free sites with the express permission of the author.
I sat by Dad's bed, and read a magazine. I was able to remember being in my hospital bed when Dad and Mom sat by me. The operation had gone okay, and he was sleeping off the anaesthetic. The surgeon thought he had removed everything.
There were no complications and he took out 10" - 12" of colon. They took biopsies of 16 lymph nodes, and now we just had to wait. Dad had a 13" scar from his breastbone down to just above the pubic area. I hated seeing him looking so out of it. He had catheters and drips attached, as well as a heart monitor. It was early evening on the Monday, and he had been back in his room since about 1 pm.
Peejay had caught the bus on Sunday morning, and reluctantly I said an emotional goodbye to him. We had grown together so much in a very short time and I drew a lot of strength from him. He called his Dad, because the poor man was worrying as to why his son had just upped and left his college.
The Colonel was totally bemused by the fact we were now engaged, and I think a little shocked. He was aware we had been close as kids, but probably thought we had both moved on. Well, we had, and found each other again. He was sad to hear about Dad, and passed on his, and his wife's best wishes to the family.
Mom had been by Dad's bed for the last four hours, and I had gone to the market to get some groceries in. We changed shifts, and she had just gone to the cafeteria for a coffee and to take a walk. It was almost harder on her than Dad. He just had to get better, whereas Mom had to cope with the emotions and looking after him.
Dad stirred, and he opened his eyes briefly. He looked at me.
"Hi Daddy," I said.
He smiled, and then his eyes rolled and he was asleep again. I had never been a great one for praying. Even when I was going through my own problems, as I never seemed to know what to say. I prayed now. I felt so helpless that there was nothing else I could do.
The nurse came in, and smiled at me.
"He opened his eyes a second ago, just for a moment," I said.
"That's good. He will begin to come round gradually over the next hour or so," she said, just checking everything. "So, do you live with your folks?" she asked.
"No, I live in Oregon. In a small town called Freetown."
"Oh, are you at college there?"
"No, I am a police officer."
"Really?" she asked, seemingly surprised.
I smiled.
"You seem surprised?"
"Maybe it's me, but you appear far too pretty to be a cop. How long have you been in law enforcement?"
"Two years. I was in the Air Force Security Police for over eighteen months before joining my current department."
"Do you like it?"
"Yeah, a lot."
"My brother is a cop, he is with St Pete's Beach PD."
"Oh. Is that a big department?"
"Not really, but it is a nice place to work."
Dad moaned and opened his eyes again.
I stood up, and took his hand.
"Hello Daddy."
He focussed on me, and smiled.
"Hi Honey. Where's your Mom?"
"Having a break. She'll be back soon."
He smiled. "Take care of her for me."
"Sure, you take it easy," I said, and his eyes closed again.
The nurse smiled at me, and left me alone again. Ten minutes later Mom returned.
"Any change?" she asked.
"He opened his eyes a couple of times, and spoke the last time. He told me to look after you," I said, and she smiled, tears in her eyes.
She sat in the chair I just vacated.
"This is horrible, and what is worse is just not knowing whether he will need chemotherapy," she said.
"We'll be fine, Mom. We'll get through it together." I said, standing behind her, with my hands on her shoulders. She tilted her head to one side, and held one of my hands in hers.
"Thanks for coming. It means so much to us."
"No problem, Mom. I wouldn't miss it."
We stayed like that for a while. Dad was a little restless and occasionally opened an eye, and closed it again.
"Did you get any detergent?" she asked.
"It wasn't on the list," I said.
"I know, dear, but I just remembered, I ran out last week."
"In other words, you want me to go back to the market and get some."
"And some more salt for the water softener. Oh, and you'd better get some more beers. I think we are very low."
I smiled.
"Okay. Will you be all right on your own?" I asked.
"Sure. It's where I belong."
I took the car keys, and went out to the parking lot. Mom's Honda was nice to drive, better than Dad's station wagon. I hated reversing that beast. I drove to the store, and parked as near the doors as I could. It was about five thirty, and there were quite a few people about. I collected a cart and went in search of the items Mom wanted. I glanced for the security guard, as the last time he had been very much in evidence, and now he was gone. I didn't think much of it at first, but something wasn't quite right.
I unzipped my bag, and slipped my Glock down the back of the belt of my jeans. I walked up and down the aisles, and saw the office door was slightly open. Leaving my cart, I walked to the door, and risked a peep round the corner. Two men were in the office. One had a shotgun and the other a handgun. The guard was on the floor, and I couldn't tell whether he had been hurt. The manager was opening the safe and the man with the handgun was ramming the gun into the back of his neck to hurry him up. A girl was sitting on the floor crying in silent terror.
I ducked round out of sight, and dialled 911 on my mobile.
"Hi, My name is Sherri Brewster, and I am an off duty officer in the Walmart on Beach Road. There is an armed robbery in progress, two perps, both are male, Caucasian or Hispanic, one with hand gun, one with shotgun. Both wearing dark clothing, and hoods. In office forcing manager to open safe at gun point. Security guard down, not known if hurt or dead. Send backup. Silent approach, there are potential hostages in the office."
I left the phone channel open, and moved back into one of the aisles. I located a couple of staff members, and quietly we started getting all the people out to the rear exits. Then I heard the wail of sirens. So much for a silent approach. Then they cut out, as if they were told at the last minute.
One of the guys came running out of the office. It was the one with the shotgun. He ran to the doors and looked out. He must have seen the cops, because he swore and ran back to the office.
"Larry. Come on man. Cops."
The other guy, Larry, appeared carrying a bag. They looked at the doors, and then around the store.
"Come on, the back." Larry said, and they started to run to the rear.
I told the operator that they were making for the rear.
"No problem, Officer, we have it covered."
There were a couple of shots, and two cops came in through the main doors. I stayed put.
The two men came rushing down the aisle, and there was a shot, and one of the cops grabbed his leg and fell backwards.
The men were facing the other cop, and all were pointing their guns at each other. The cop was very young, and shaking. If I didn't do something, this kid would be shot.
"Two against one, pig," said the man with the shotgun.
From behind the best cover I could find, I levelled my gun at the man with the shotgun.
"Police. You are surrounded. Put your weapons down. Do it NOW," I shouted.
The man with the shotgun turned, levelling the gun towards me. I fired twice, and he flew backwards, dropping his weapon.
The other man immediately dropped his gun and put his hands up.
"Don't shoot, Shit, you killed him! Don't shoot me, man."
The other cop, came and cuffed him, and before long the place was swarming with uniforms. The security guard was in a bad way, as they had badly beaten him. I showed my badge to the cops, and the wounded cop had a flesh wound on the thigh. The one I shot was not looking too good, and the paramedics removed him first.
A Lieutenant came over to me.
"Are you Officer Sherri Brewster?"
"Yes sir," I said, and showed him my badge.
"Oregon, huh? You are a long way from home. I've just seen the CCTV footage. You saved my guys' lives."
"I just helped out, sir."
"Well, I guess we all owe you some thanks. But I am afraid I will have to take your weapon. He may die and we need to keep it for evidence."
This was standard procedure. I handed it over. The press and other ghouls were turning up for a look-see, so I was glad to get away. I went down town and made a full statement. The facts stood for themselves, and before I knew it, the Lieutenant handed me another Glock.
"I have had a word with my Chief and the assistant DA. There is no question of you facing any charges, in fact the word is, you will be recommended for a commendation, a citation for valour. But then, you knew that. This is so you don't feel too naked. We took the shells from your own weapon. All I ask is that you return it when your own is released back to you."
I grinned, and took the gun, checked it, and slipped it into my bag.
"Thanks." "No problem. What you did was very brave, considering why you are here," he said, as I had explained about my Dad's operation.
As I went into the general office, the cops there gave me a round of applause, and I went beetroot red.
"Hey Sherri, will you come for a beer with us tonight?" shouted out one.
"Maybe, I'll see how my Dad is first," I said.
I returned to the store, and as soon as I walked in the manager was over to me.
"Officer, I'm Charles Rossiter, the manager. I just want to say how much I appreciate your quick and decisive action earlier. I have just heard that Ken, the guard, is going to be okay."
"That's good," I said. All I wanted to do was to collect my stuff and go. Charles was having none of it. He called a spotty youth over.
"Tell Bruce what you want, and he will get everything for you."
I did, and half an hour later I was on my way to my folk's home, having been given everything free. Had I known that I would have doubled the beer order.
I stashed the goods and answered the phone when it rang. It was my sister Melanie.
"No, it's Sherri. Hi Mel."
"Sherri. What the hell are you doing there?"
"Mom needed help. So I came."
"Shit, now I feel guilty."
"Don't. We can't all be here."
"How are you?"
"Fine. Well actually, I am sort of up and down," I said.
She asked, so I told her. She got the lot, the illness, the job, the boyfriend, the operation, the engagement, and the armed robbery.
"You killed a guy?" she asked horrified.
"Maybe, last I heard he was critical."
"Shit, Sherri, how do you feel about that?"
"I have no problem. If he didn't want to get shot, he shouldn't have taken a shotgun in to rob a store."
"I don't know how you can be a cop. I couldn't."
"How is teaching in a city?" I asked, and she laughed.
"Okay, it is dull, but at least I don't have to shoot people."
"How's what's his name?" I asked, forgetting her current boyfriend's name.
"Ah, that's over. I am sort of seeing another guy at the moment," she said, very cagey.
"He's married, and has children," I said, bluntly.
"Yeah. He's also my colleague."
"Mel. You stupid woman."
"I know, you don't have to lecture me. We went to a conference in San Diego, and, well one thing led to another."
"Oh Melanie, I thought I had problems."
"Don't tell Dad, whatever you do."
"Mel, don't do this. Get wise, either change men, or change jobs. You will get hurt."
"I know, but he is so special."
"So are you. He wants his cake and to eat yours too."
"Listen to her. What made you an expert all of a sudden?"
"Nothing. I'm your sister and I love you. I just don't want to see you hurt. That's all."
"Enough of how terrible we are with men. How's Daddy?"
"Last I saw he was trying to come out of the anaesthetic. They think the cancer is gone, but have to check his lymph nodes. It will take a couple of weeks before we get the results."
"How long are you staying?"
"As long as they need me. If he is all clear, then I will head back in a fortnight, otherwise, I will have to see."
"I haven't seen you for ages."
"Well, such is the way we live our lives. I have bought a neat little house, and I am very domesticated," I said.
"You've bought your own home? I'm still renting my apartment."
"Ah well, if you must live in a city with the high prices and everything."
"I'll have to come and stay for a while, maybe there is a decent man up in the wilderness for me."
"Wally Gates would suit you."
"Wally who?"
"The town drunk."
"Oh, thanks a bunch, little sister. I love you too."
"I'll call you when Daddy is well enough to speak on the phone, and you can talk to him as well. Okay?"
"Okay. And Sherri?"
"Thanks. I knew one of us would have to go to them, and I really didn't want to leave right now."
"Your turn will come."
"I accept that. Take care. Bye."
I made my weary way to the hospital and parked in the parking lot and walked into the main reception area. My arrival seemed to cause a stir amongst the receptionists. I shrugged and turned to go to Dad's room.
"Officer Brewster."
I turned. One of the women from the desk was hurrying after me.
"I'm sorry, I thought you were the one from the TV. I just want you to know that we think you are so brave."
"The TV?" I asked.
"Yes, it was on the news. The armed robbery at the mall, and the way you saved those cops. The wounded cop and the security guard are in this hospital, and so is the man you shot."
"How are they?"
"The cop will be going home very soon. They dressed the wound, and he's fine. The security guard is okay really. Some bruised ribs and a fractured cheek, but nothing too serious. The other guy is out of immediate danger, but still critical. They have a cop watching him." "Where is the cop? I'll just go say hi."
"Down to the end, and instead of turning right to your dad's room, turn left, and he is in the last room on the left."
Out of curiosity I went as directed, and found the door open. The cop was in a wheelchair, and he had a woman and a couple of kids fussing around him. The Lieutenant I had met earlier was there. He saw me and smiled.
"Hey, look who it is. Sherri, come on in," he said.
I went in and they looked at me.
"Hi, I just wanted to see how you were," I said. The guy in the chair grinned and looked at the bandaged leg.
"Looks like I'll live to fight another day."
To my surprise and consternation the woman, I presumed his wife, flung her arms around me and almost hugged me to death.
"Oh, you have no idea how grateful I am that you were there. The rookie he was with had no idea what to do, and thank God you did."
"Sherri, this is Officer Mark Hammond, and Carol Hammond, his wife. That's Ricky and Cheryl, their kids."
I shook Mark's hand.
"Glad to know you Sherri. It took some guts to do what you did. What with your old man in here with cancer and all," he said.
"I'm just glad to have been of help. I hope your leg gets better."
I retreated as soon as they allowed me to, and made my way to Dad's room.Mom was almost asleep, with her head on the bed. I looked at Dad, and saw he was awake, and aware that Mom was tired. He winked at me, and I smiled.
"Hi squirt," he said.
It made me cry, and I went and gave him a gentle hug.
Mom woke up, and saw he was awake. They had a hug too, and I pulled a chair up to the bed.
"How are you?" Mom asked.
"I dunno. They've pumped me so full of dope, I am on a different planet. I only know I have the greatest difficulty staying awake." Mom turned to me.
"How long have you been here?"
"I only just got here," I admitted.
She frowned, as she knew it was now almost ten p.m.
"I ran into a small problem at the market," I said, and changed the subject.
A few minutes later the surgeon came in.
"Hello Mr Brewster, Mrs Brewster. How do you feel?" he asked Dad.
He went through telling him what he had done, and what to expect. Dad was attached to a self-administer pain relief system, and he could bump up the dose of morphine if he was experiencing too much pain or discomfort.
The surgeon seemed quite pleased, and he left us telling us that it was downhill from this point. There was more than one meaning for that, but I knew what he meant.
We sat and chatted to Dad for a while, and he turned on the TV. It was the news, and before I could say anything, there was a shot of the paramedic removing the injured from the scene.
The commentator was speaking off camera.
"Dramatic events unfolded at the Walmart on Beach Road earlier this evening.
Officers received a call from an off duty police officer who walked in on an armed robbery in progress. Two armed men had forced their way into the office, and badly beat the security guard. They then forced the manager to open the safe at gun point and were ready to escape with over $50,000.
But they had not reckoned with twenty year old Sherri Brewster, an officer with the Freetown PD in Oregon. Miss Brewster, in town because her father is undergoing critical surgery as we speak, was shopping in the store. She immediately called it in, and assisted to evacuate all the shoppers from the store.
Officer Mark Hammond, and trainee Stephen Ryder attended the front of the store after shots were fired at police from the rear of the premises. One of the armed men, shot and wounded Officer Hammond, and before any further shots could be fired, Officer Brewster instructed the men to disarm, and when twenty five year old Antonio Gracia turned the shotgun on her, she shot him twice in the chest. The other man, twenty two year old Lawrence Ives, dropped his handgun and surrendered to the officer.
All the stolen money was recovered, and all injured persons were removed to hospital. The wounded officer is shortly to be discharged, having sustained a gunshot wound to his thigh. The security guard is being kept in, but is out of danger. Concern is growing for the wounded felon, as he is still critical.
Here we see the stunning Officer Brewster leaving the scene to go to the police station to file her statement. Chief Hutchings made a statement a few moments ago."
The scene changed to the outside of the police station. The chief was standing on the steps, and the lieutenant was by his side.
"At about five thirty, two men entered the Wal-Mart, and forced their way into the office. The security guard was beaten unconscious, and his weapon taken. Then they forced the manager to open the safe and removed all the contents. This came to around $50,000.
An off-duty colleague from a police Department in Oregon, Officer Sherri Brewster, was in the store as a customer, and she acted promptly and professionally and informed us of the events as they occurred. When the perpetrators attempted to escape, the officer, having moved all the members of the public to safety, then assisted after one of my officers was shot in the leg. She challenged the perpetrators, and one man, Antonio Garcia, swung a shotgun up towards her, and she shot him twice, clearly in self defence. She then secured the arrest of the other man, and started to assist with first aid on the wounded.
I have seen the CCTV footage of this incident, and can categorically state that this brave officer deserves enormous praise for her courage and professionalism. Undoubtedly, she has saved lives today, and I'd hate to think of the report I would be making now if she had not been there."
The scene changed to a shot of me getting out of a police car at the police station. I looked very different to how I felt. My long hair was down my back, and my jeans looked sprayed on. I had never seen myself on TV before, and I had to admire my figure. I smiled, there was no way anyone with a figure like that could ever have been male.
The scene changed to outside the hospital, and the reported was live.
"I'm here at the hospital. Officer Hammond has just been discharged, and the suspect, Garcia, is believed to be out of danger. He is being watched by an officer, nevertheless.
I met Officer Hammond as he was taken home by his wife a few moments ago. He had this to say."
Officer Hammond had the camera stuffed in his face.
Commentator: "How are you feeling officer?"
Hammond: "Pretty good."
C: "Have you had a chance to meet Sherri Brewster?"
H: "Yeah, she came to see me a few minutes ago. That is one great girl."
C: "Isn't she though. How would you like to have her working on your shift?"
H (Grinning) : "I wouldn't mind, but the wife might object."
Officer Hammond got into his car, and his wife seemed eager to drive him home.
"Well, we understand that Officer Brewster's father, an Air Force Police Veteran, is currently recovering after having emergency surgery, so we will not intrude, but wherever you are Sherri, we think you are great."
Dad turned the TV off, and looked at me.
"When were you going to tell us?"
"When I got a chance. I told Melanie when she rang, and I never got a chance to tell you about that either," I said.
"You might have got killed," Mom said.
"No, I knew what I was doing. It's my job, Mom."
She didn't look happy, but Dad winked at me again, and I grinned at him.
"I'm proud of you, girl, you did good."
Those few words were enough to send me over the top, and I found myself crying again. Apart from my gender identity problems, it was all I had ever wanted really, for my Dad to be proud of me for being a cop.
The nurse came in again, and she smiled at me. Then she went and checked on Dad.
"Well, Mr Brewster, how does it feel to have a heroine in the family?"
"You mean my little girl? It feels just fine," he said.
The nurse looked at me.
"I hardly think she is a little girl anymore, Dan," she said, using Dad's first name for the first time.
"You are right, she is all grown up. The terrible shame is, she got engaged on Friday, and all this has put her joy in the shade," he said.
"How wonderful. Congratulations. Is that the ring?" she said, looking at my left hand, which I held out for her to see.
"My, that is pretty. So where is your boy now?"
"Back in college. He is going to be a lawyer."
"That's nice. Well, this little hiccough will soon be over, and you will have your day."
"Yeah, I know. But we need to get through it first."
"Well, your Dad needs to sleep, so I think you'd better go and get some rest yourselves. Come back any time tomorrow."
Mom and I said goodnight to Dad and went out to the car. Mom looked shattered, and I realised how much all this had taken out of her. As we walked out of the hospital, I was totally unprepared for the cameras.
Before I knew it, there was a TV camera in my face, and the same commentator was thrusting a mike in front of me.
"Officer Brewster, I appreciate you are concerned with your father at this time, but can I ask you, were you afraid this evening at the store?"
I stopped and smiled briefly.
"I can't really make any comment. I reacted as I felt appropriate, and I was never given an opportunity to feel afraid. Things happened quickly, and I am glad that no one has died. If you'll excuse me," I said, and pushed past the cameras, and made for the car. Two local cops came and made sure we weren't bothered again.
We stopped off on the way home at a diner. I was tired and very hungry, and I wanted Mom to eat something. So we went in and sat at a booth.
The waitress was bored, as the place was almost empty. She was watching the TV and she came and gave our menus.
"Mom, what do you want?"
"I don't know if I am hungry, dear."
"Come on, even if you just have an omelette or something, you must eat, it'll give you energy to get through tomorrow."
When the waitress came back, she was looking at me in a funny way. I ordered the Cajun Chicken and fries, and Mom ordered an omelette.
The waitress brought some iced tea, and then she hovered.
"Sorry ladies, but I gotta know. Are you the lady police officer who saved those two cops earlier?" she asked me.
"Yeah, but I don't really want the world to know," I said.
She gently touched me on the shoulder.
"Sure, Honey, I understand. I just want to say, I think you did a wonderful job."
"Thanks," I said. What more could I say?
The food was freshly cooked and pretty good. When I asked for the check, the manager came out and told me it was on the house. I thanked him, and he shook my hand.
"Could I get a picture of you?" he asked.
The next thing I know he was taking a Polaroid of me, and I signed it for him.
"Thanks. I don't often get famous people coming in here," he said, and I left shaking my head.
We arrived home, and Mom went straight to bed. I checked the answer-phone and there were some messages. All the boys had rung, and wanted an update, but it was too late now. There was one from Peejay, who said that he felt like he was walking on air, and that my love for him had given him such a boost.
I had a shower and went to bed.