Maddy was looking back and forth between us, Freddie sat on the saddle with her arms folded and a smug look on her face, while her crutches dangled from her elbows. Which was a bit risky considering her precarious position.
"I am not wearing a bra." I almost yelled.
"Drew I've been sat behind you for long enough, I can see the outline through your top. By the width of the straps it's a sports bra."
I finally realised that Fred had seen the straps of the Bib, it was my turn to smirk as I unzipped the top. Freddie gasped as she realised what I was doing.
"Not here. Someone might come past."
"Sod em." I answered, as I peeled the top off revealing the top of the thermals. Freddie was franticly looking around for anyone passing.
It might have been better if Ken and Marge hadn't picked that moment to arrive. My T-shirt had bunched up during my trip behind the fence and I was tucking it back when,
"Drew!" Freddie hissed. I continued with my task, which nearly drove her to a frenzy. It was a good thing Mad was supporting the tandem as well.
"Drew, its Ken and Marge." Totally unconcerned I turned to face them.
I was used to changing and adjusting my kit in awkward places and tucking my T back in, was hardly an indecent act as far as I was concerned.
The protests from Freddie subsided as Ken and Marge got nearer, I felt satisfied that at least one of Freddie's arguments had been shot down.
"Trouble girls?" Ken asked as he coasted to a stop near us.
"No just an argument with my T shirt Ken."
"Oh sorry." As he pulled forward a little.
"I hate those things." Put in Marge, "I find they always do that. You wait till you fill out, it'll be even worse."
I might have sorted Fred out but Ken and Marge were another matter, they'd called me Gaby from the start even though the girls had called me Drew.
I sighed and pulled my top back on, then went back to mount up, cursing John silently.
Ken waited for me to move off and settle down before he moved up alongside, that left Maddy out in the cold a bit, but she didn't seem to mind, as she was able to join in with the chat at the rear end.
It's odd but holding a conversation with someone behind you is tricky on a tandem, the rear seater has to talk much louder to be heard by the pilot, but can hear every grunt from the front. Something to do with the slipstream I think.
The sun was trying to put in an appearance through the thin layer of cloud, and the morning frost had long disappeared leaving a film of water darkening the tarmac. Not enough to cause a spray from the wheels as long as I avoided the occasional puddle that appeared at the edges of the road.
I glanced at my computer to check the time, 12:15 yet the Sun was barely 4 hand widths above the horizon, looking for all the world like a pale egg yolk as it peered through the hazy cloud. It was as though the sun was wrapped in a net curtain. Milky light Dad called it.
" ... Isn't it Gaby?" Ken's voice broke in.
" Sorry Ken what was that?"
"Beautiful isn't it Gaby? The last shout of autumn before nature puts its winter drab on."
I grinned and nodded, a few more weeks and the trees would be bare with just the rooks' nests for decoration, the fiery golds would disappear in the first gale.
"You Ok Gaby? You seem to be in a very low gear, it looks hard work pumping at that rate.
I glanced back to check on Freddie, her head was everywhere as she tried to take in the view.
"I'm fine Ken I'm used to this rate, comes from training to dance music and having to chase Mum."
I try and keep my rate constant and use the gears more than most riders, looking at the computer confirmed it, 83 rpm Slow if anything, but then it wasn't a race was it.
"In that case there's a long straight coming up, how about a tab to the top of the rise?"
"Sure, but bear in mind you've got an extra stoker in the boiler room Ken."
"Who are you calling an old boiler Gaby?" Called Marge that started everyone laughing, (see what I mean about slipstream?) "Go ahead Gaby you set the pace." Ken grinned.
So far on the ride I hadn't even broken sweat, so the opportunity to get some training benefit appealed to me. Just 2 miles from the village and a clear road, why not go for it?
I slipped up a gear and started to up the power. Freddie let out a whoop as she felt the surge and I could feel the difference as she stopped moving about. She couldn't tuck down very far because of the height of her knees due to the footrests and I was in the same boat because of the lower saddle. So I had a fairly high 'Drag Factor' to cope with.
Still it was a lot more fun than a session on the rollers with the turbo up. This was the real thing and I needed it.
"I'll check ahead!" yelled Maddy and scooted off like a jackrabbit. My acceleration somewhat slower changing up through the gears as my cadence increased.
It wasn't much of an incline, but with the extra load I was well pleased when I crested the top at 23 mph and a rate of 95 rpm. I'd wanted to get onto the big ring, but that would have meant getting out of the saddle to punch down on the pedals and I didn't want to risk that, not with Freddie perched on the back.
"Very impressive Gaby. I take it you enjoy the sprint." Said Ken as we coasted down onto the last mile.
"Best part of the race Ken." I laughed as we rapidly caught Maddy who had slowed to allow us to catch her, the extra weight of the tandems keeping the momentum longer.
The familiar burn told me I'd been working, while the chill on my spine and the backs of my legs told me that I had started to sweat.
At a more leisurely pace we settled in for the last mile or so, just enjoying the ride.
As we'd found out earlier Ken was a lot quieter than Marge. But I did find out more about their U.S. trip, and what happened when their tandem was stolen.
I was disappointed when we turned into the village; I wanted to find out more.
Ken has a way of telling a story that made you feel you where part of the action, and I was beginning to realise that far from being just a silent partner, Ken complemented Marge's character. They fit together like pieces of a jigsaw.
Ken stayed with us instead of heading for the pub, when I asked about it he just laughed.
I got the shock of my life when I pulled into the close. "HERE THEY COME!" someone shouted. There were about a dozen of the club members around the Turners drive.
"What's going on?" I asked, but Ken just smiled and flicked a glance back at Marge.
We had no trouble pulling onto the drive as a path seemed to open up by itself. I was at a bit of a loss as to what to do, but went back to say goodbye to Ken and Marge, before making sure the bike was safe and grabbing the pannier from the handle bars.
When I rejoined Freddie and Maddy there were a few "Way to go Gaby's", Freddie gave a wave and we scooted through the door, FAST.
I sagged with my back against the door. "I'm sorry Fred, I didn't plan on that."
"Don't you dare."
"Drew... Gaby... Whatever... Don't you dare say you're sorry. I've just had one of the best days ever. And you're trying to say sorry?"
"I just wanted to give you a fun day out, not all that fuss."
"Well? ... You did. ... It was Boss! ... Stuff them, now get in there so I can kick your arse on the Xbox." She managed to get a laugh out before,
"Sorry Mum."
"Drew are you alright, Mike said you'd had a bit of a 'moment' when he called just now."
"A moment?" three voices chorused, mine the quietest.
"Yes he said you sort of blanked out while crossing the road, he was worried you'd got too cold."
"Oh that, I was just shocked when I realised what John had said that's all. I didn't 'Blank', well, maybe, I just wasn't looking where I was going. I didn't expect him to fuss like that though."
"Oh I expect Mike was just being keen, he's only just done his mountain leadership refresher, he was probably checking for exposure."
"But why?"
"Ha! the list of symptoms is endless, the sneaky bit is you may have one, several or even none of them, just a suspicion is enough reason to start treatment. I had to help Mike with his precourse notes, its pretty simple really."
"What did Mike do?"
"Er. Well I ended up wearing the GoreTex."
"Trust you to notice that Drew."
"Um, Oh yeah, a Mug of tea and a biscuit. Oh and a woolly hat.
"Mmmm. lets see," Mrs T said as she joined us at the table.
"He got you out of the wind, put an extra layer on you to keep the heat in, then warmed the core by giving you a warm drink and some food. Right?"
"The core?"
"Your torso, the bit that holds all your important bits like liver, kidneys, heart. The bits that you have to keep warm to stay alive. What else did he do?
"He took my pulse, that was weird, I've never had my ankles checked before."
"He wasn't checking your pulse Drew, he was feeling how warm your hands and feet were, it's a useful guide.
Did he check again later?"
"No, he told me to keep the coat on though."
"That shows he wasn't too worried about you, if he was he'd have brought you back in the bus."
"So why were you so worried about John?" asked Maddy. I explained about the Club dinner.
"But that's good isn't it Drew."
"Oh yeah, I thought Timbers little speeches were embarrassing, this is going to be a nightmare."
"So where's the problem?" Asked Freddie "You just wear your posh frock and smile when they take yo... ... DREW?"
That was the moment I tried to hide under the table, unfortunately the table was in the way and there was a loud bang as my head made contact, the teaspoons making a satisfying rattle.
The Pain helped, it really did, so I did it again, at least I tried to, Maddy was pulling me away from the table.
Fred was staring at me the colour draining from her face as the truth finally filtered through.
"Oh... Ess Haitch One Tee. ... I was so sure. ... God you must " was all she could manage as her voice started cracking.
"Sorry Drew" she said with downcast eyes, "I was so sure you were winding me up, and you told me often enough. Please don't hate me you've been so nice and .... Oh shit. I feel a right Plonker now, I'm sorry."
Mrs T came and put her hand on mine.
"Drew, I know Fred can be stubborn once she gets an idea in her head, don't be too hard on her. I wasn't really sure myself until Mike told me after speaking to your father. I get the feeling that this happens a lot." I nodded and looked at Freddie who looked as though she was heading for a firing squad.
"Its alright Fred I don't hate you." I moved over and gave her a hug, she was trembling
"I'm a bit peeved that you didn't believe me or Maddy, but I don't hate you." I could feel her calm down and her colour was returning.
"Ah ... Oh is that what happened with Jones 29 as well?" asked Mrs T
"Trooper Jones, Mikes driver."
"Er ... yeah, probably."
"That creep, What did he do?" Asked Fred.
"Well he is, he gives me the creeps, he's so smarmy, he thinks he's Gods gift, but he just rubs people up the wrong way." Freddie said hotly, her face suddenly flushed, the difference was amazing.
"What's the creep, I mean Jones, done this time? Drew?
Maddy and Fred were looking at me, waiting. I stared to squirm.
"Well go on, what happened? Don't keep us in suspense." I felt my face burn, I felt like heading for the door.
Freddie didn't say a word, just rested her chin in her hands, waiting. Mrs T bustled about putting the kettle on and getting tea ready. Mike had probably already told her I reasoned. Freddie would find out anyway, so that left Maddy.
"er ... Why is he called 29?" Not the best change of subject, but with all the hit's my ego was taking today my brain was slowing down.
"There are too many Jones's so they use their service numbers to sort them out." Mrs T put in, damn she had ears like Carol.
Now I had the pair of them just staring at me, waiting.
"Come on Drew, I could always tickle it out of you."
"SHIT Maddy NO!" I found myself at the kitchen door the chair still spinning. The look on Maddy's face changing from shock to sadness while Freddie's went the other way round.
Damn now I had both of them near to tears, Maddy folded her arms tightly, to show me she wasn't a threat I suppose. I moved back and gave her a hug.
"Sorry Mad. Guess I've still got to work on that."