Something was niggling me but I couldn't think what.
It was dark; So what, it was night.
It was dark: Yes and its winter.
It was dark; shit I could usually see my alarm clock.
I fumbled for my mobile and hit a button so the blue light would come on, and squinted at the display.
Alarm not set, Time 08:45, SHIT.
There was a crash as I knocked the lamp over trying to switch it on and had to get up to get to the main light switch
Finally I could see, I picked the lamp up and checked it still worked then looked at the clock.
It was unplugged and had a 'Post It' stuck across the face.
'Another day won't kill you. Dad.'
I had a quick shower then headed for the kitchen for tea and a bowl of wheatybangs
I actually felt a bit guilty being home instead of at school; not very guilty but enough for me to get my homework finished including my report on the "Effect of the steam engine on the manufacturing of cotton. 'Thanks Hagrid'."
I started mooching around for things to do, then remembered last night and Fred being stuck in that chair. Time for my 'Cunning Plan'. I headed downstairs.
Once in the garage I got another surprise. Instead of having to struggle to get to the tandem I found Dad had already moved it to the front of the bench, another Post It stuck to the saddle, With a warning not to ride it until Dad was here to check it out.
I had no intention of riding it today I wanted to try something else. Now where was that box of old bike bits.
I nearly fell over when I found it. Dad had stuck yet another post it on the lid.
'I think you'll find what you need in here'. Damn he was good.
Right at the top of the pile was the child seat that I could remember using on 'Picnic' days when the four of us would be on that bike.
Another rummage produced the footrests that clamped to the tube of the frame.
They looked a bit smaller than I remembered, well it was a long time ago. But with a piece of scrap tube over the ends and clamped up, it would do.
I hopped up on the rear saddle to make sure, Sheesh that was uncomfortable. The footrest was far too high as it had to clear the pedals that would be going around as I pedalled up front.
Five minutes later I had the pedals removed and the footrest lowered to a more comfortable position.
I was well pleased with myself as I put the tools away. It was then that I spotted something else.
'Mum's Rollers' No, not the hair kind, The Bike kind, A pair of steel rollers at the back and a single roller at the front driven by a chain to the rear pair.
Now I hated these things, the thought of sliding off the rollers and shooting off though a wall or something was scary.
Yes I know it was unlikely, if not impossible, but it was an impression that had stuck in my mind since the first time I'd seen them.
But I needed exercise.
After clearing a space I dragged the heavy frame closer to the wall, then found a block that I could use to mount the bike, the rollers would raise the bike so I couldn't reach the floor without it.
I went back into the house and changed into a pair of shorts and pulled my cycle shoes on.
As I headed back to the Bike Hanger, I had a brain wave and grabbed a few CD's on my way out.
I set the bike on the rollers and used the block to mount up, propping myself against the wall I started the wheels spinning. Within 5 seconds I had to brake as the wheels slipped off the rollers but because I'd started so slowly the cleats of my shoes hadn't locked and I was able to step off easily even though I missed the block.
Ok try again, this time making sure the bike was vertical by holding one hand against the wall, I cautiously started rolling, this looks better. Letting go of the wall I increased speed gently to a steady cruise concentrating keeping the front wheel on the red line painted on the front roller.
Looking good I thought to myself as I eased back to a stop, putting my arm up to the wall at the last minute I slipped the cleat and stretched for the block, "YES!"
Right all set. I slipped a homebrew compilation CD in the old Blaster, put a towel around my neck took a mouthful of squash and remounted my steed.
I'd honestly intended just a gentle stretch, but I found myself counting cadence with the music. As I was pounding away to an Avril Levigne track. I thought I heard a knocking sound but it didn't last long, I stopped pedalling to listen but there was nothing but the CD.
A quick swig from the bottle and I pumped back up to cadence for another session. I was taken by surprise by the CD finishing, I'd set it for random play but I knew it played for 75 minutes. I eased back to a stop and reached for the block, missing it completely as my legs turned to rubber.
As the bike started to topple I gritted my teeth and waited for the impact on either my ankle or my knee.
It didn't happen, instead I felt arms pushing me back to the vertical I looked round and saw Carol looking worried.
I was about to ask how she got in but of course she had a key, no doubt Dad had a key to the Peter's house as well.
"Are you supposed to be doing that without help Drew?"
I thought for a bit and had to concede that the only times I'd seen rollers used in anger the cyclists had coaches crouched alongside to steady the bike.
"Dunno it's the first time I've tried it." I gasped.
"How long have you been at it?
"Oh not long." I lied through tight lips as I remembered I was still cross with her.
"Drew I've been stood behind you for twenty minutes. My heart was in my mouth after I saw you wobble the first time.
I didn't dare speak in case I distracted you."
"Maybe you should turn it round and open the garage door next time. I had visions of you shooting into the workbench."
I stayed tight-lipped at Carol's attempt at a joke, at least I hoped it was a joke.
It's hard to give the silent treatment to somebody, when you realise that if they let go you'll end up in a heap on the floor. Which is probably why Carol said.
"Come on lets get you into the kitchen."
Carol bustled around making a cuppa as I recovered in a chair.
"I spoke to your Mum last night Drew." Grrr. Why does everyone get to talk to Mum except me.
I was already on edge but that gave me a push.
"Getting your side of the story in first, I suppose." Carol took a deep breath.
"I suppose it does look like that Drew." she paused.
"I told her about yesterday."
"I think she's a bit upset with me.
I thought she was taking it quite well, until she asked me what I would have done if you had run off. ... She was right, if you hadn't stopped at the jewellers...."
I had thought about that myself, I still don't know if I would have caught the train...
We stared at each other for a while before Carol said,
"I've brought you some lunch to try and make up. Why don't you go and shower I'll have it ready when you come down."
I shrugged and went upstairs; I was feeling a little 'crusty' after my ride.
Opening the airing cupboard to get fresh towels I got that sinking feeling. I knew what I would be doing this afternoon.
One look at the wash basket confirmed it.
Finishing up and dressed in clean jeans and T, I dragged the linen basket down the stairs.
I got back to the kitchen just as Carol slid two plates of 'Chicken Ding' onto the table.
"Trouble Dew?"
"I've just used the last clean towel."
"Well eat up and I'll give you a hand." Carols food is not to be sniffed at, well, yes it is really. You feel hungry just being in the same house let alone the same room.
So with the food and an offer of help plus the warm feeling from the exercise and shower, I was feeling rather less 'Ratty' toward Carol.
We started to separate the loads.
"This can't be all of it Drew. See if you can find the rest. Oh and don't forget Gaby's stuff."
"Go on."
I started to trawl for more washing, returning with two more loads as Carol continued sorting and loading the machine.
"Did you bring your 'Delicates'?"
I handed over the few pieces of Gaby's. Carol tutted as she loaded them one by one into a pillowcase tied it off with a band and put it ready to wash with Juliet's things.
"Is that all you have?"
"Well, it's not as if I need much is it."
"Yes but this isn't even a bare minimum is it?"
"Hey it's expensive,"
I returned to scavenge for more washing, filling the basket yet again. Carol was folding and sorting when Dad walked in it was only 4 o'clock.
"You're early what's up Dad?"
"I'm covering for one of the other managers tomorrow and Sunday so I can take a few days when your Mum gets here Drew. I finished early to start to clean up but I see you've already started." Dad grinned
"Well things were getting desperate Dad, I think its just the bedding to go, unless you want to do the curtains as well." I laughed.
"Ok let's blitz the bedrooms Jules can do the rounds with the Dysan later, Thanks Drew."
We stripped the beds I was in Jules room pulling the fitted sheets of her mattress when I discovered the condoms, I quickly tucked them in her knicker drawer before Dad saw them.
I was tidying the living room Dad was in the kitchen with Carol when I heard.
"... The fact that you didn't say anything makes you just as much to blame as anyone else Dave.
I'll bet you even told him to do what Jenny or Juliet told him to do."
I couldn't hear Dad, Carol must have been nearer the door.
"... He can hardly come to you and say Dad I need a new Bra can he. It doesn't have quite the same ring to it as I need a new pair of jeans does it.
"... Like it or not you have an occasional extra daughter in the house and daughters are expensive..."
Shit I didn't mean to listen but it did concern me after all.
"Getting out of hand; its way beyond that Dave. Gaby is so well known now that people expect to see her and if that's the case she needs to be appropriately dressed. It's unfair to expect Drew to spend all his savings or Prize money on something he has no control over."
"... Maybe I am but Gaby was created by you and Jenny long before I got involved; now all we can do is run with it, keep him safe and protect Gaby."
I didn't want to hear any more, cleaning the bathroom seemed a much better pastime.