

Part 4

"What are you waiting for, Christmas? Come on strip."


"Alright I'll turn around but I'm not leaving. With your luck you'd probably slip on the soap and break something." Put in Maddy.

I shrugged and removed the fluffy gown.

"And your jimjams." Said Maddy

"What?" she said as I cracked up.

"Ooof." I got out as my stomach protested.

"Come on get in that's what we need to fix".

"Ok. Ok." I settled into the green soup that Mad had prepared there must have been a whole box of Radox in there. And yes it was slippery.

It took a while but eventually I felt the tension ease. Maddy was working on me carefully massaging the knots out of my body.

After a while Dr. Maddy decided that my six-pack had subsided enough so she set about my hair with a bottle of shampoo.

After around 5 minutes of blissful head and neck massage Maddy rinsed the soap out with the showerhead, I was about to rise when she put her hands on my shoulders.

"Not yet buster it's twofer night with this stuff." As a second dollop of shampoo hit my scalp, within a minute I was purring, or I would have been had I been a cat.

The second massage was much gentler and I really did start to unravel.

I was home playing with my car collection on the landing, taking great delight in sending the friction drive toys from my bedroom, across the landing into the garage known to the rest of the family as the bathroom.

Just as I'd released my best turbo racer, 'Bossy Boots' Alias Big Sis Juliet, came out of her garage, driving an out of control pair of sneakers. Sideswiping the turbo into a terminal spin.

"Aww Jules" as I scampered after the car.

"Don't you aww Jules me, you know your not supposed to play on the landing."

Jules reached down as I headed past. Deftly hooking her arm around my waist, when your big sis is a six and a half and a foot taller it really is a case of: -

Rule one. Big Sis is always right. Even when she's wrong.

Rule two. In cases of doubt see Rule one.

I ducked to one side and spun free giggling.

Jules was steering me around the landing with little tickles to my ribs, first left and then right, until the inevitable stumble and I plopped to my knees.

"Now I've Gotcha, Let the tickles commence."

"Argh he he he" I squealed and rolled up like a hedgehog, but it didn't help. It was starting to hurt when.

"Whaaarg," I got a face full of soapy water.

I looked around, Maddy was sitting back on her heels absolutely drenched from the Tsunami I had caused when I pushed back.

"Shit.. I'm sorry Mad."

"What was that all about... Drew?"

"I guess I fell asleep Maddy."


"I had a 'Bad Dream'."

"No problem." Chirped Maddy, as if nothing had happened

"I'll clean this up then get changed. You dry off." And Mad handed me a towel.

I carefully made my way downstairs, still towelling my hair.

"Feeling better Drew?"

Yeah much better thanks Auntie."

"Well let's hope you've seen the last of the dreams. How long ago was the last one?"

"About 5 minutes ago."

"What! How?"

"I fell asleep in the bath, made a bit of a mess I'm afraid. It's all clean now though."

"Drew, there's someone here I think you need to talk to." Huh?

I looked up, a rather sheepish Juliet was stood in the kitchen doorway.

"Hi Mrs. P, Says you're having problems I'm afraid this is all my fault."

"How is it your fault?"

"Well if I hadn't got you so scared that you feinted that time, maybe you wouldn't be getting the nightmares."

"I feinted."

"I thought I'd killed you."


I didn't know what to do, so I ran to get Dad. But I tripped on the bottom step.

Dad came to pick me up, and when I looked up I could see you were all right, you were looking down at us, so I told Dad I was getting a drink. I was so scared I didn't dare tell him the truth. I'm sorry Drew."

"Shit I thought I'd kicked you downstairs. That's what the nightmares are about, I was too scared to tell anyone about it."

"Dad must have guessed I'd been tickling you because he gave me a long talk about how dangerous it was for you. And what happened the first time"

"The first time it happened?" Jules nodded and she told us.

"Dad was really upset, he said you were in hospital for two days."

"It's Ok. Juliet. Sit down the pair of you." Carol continued.

"The way I see it is that you have each been blaming yourselves for nearly ten years, for something that neither of you had any control over."

"When you put it like that it does sound a bit stupid, but it felt real, I still could have hurt Maddy."

"Drew you could have, but I don't believe you would have, if you see what I mean."

"It's still scary though."

"I don't believe you would either, you two are so tight, that's what's scary Drew."

I felt the blush start, I desperately wanted to change the subject.

"Nah, I'll tell you what's scary, you wearing a track suit. What's that all about?"

"I was going for a run when Mrs. P called. Trying to get fit for tomorrow night."

"Ere don't you think you've left it a bit late?" I chuckled

"Yeah well, I only knew I'd entered last night, I thought I'd better find out how unfit I was. So I won't be surprised tomorrow night."

"You'll do fine Jules."

"Hey I'd better get back. Dad will be home soon"

"Jules, stay in the lighted bits Ok."

"Hey that's spooky, Timber laid into everybody at assembly this morning about scary behaviour walking around in packs and things. Did Maddy tell you?"

"Tell him what Jules?" asked Maddy as she came in.

"'Bout assembly this morning. Drew was just telling me to stay in the lit streets."

"No I forgot. He's right though, Take care Jules."

"Yeah I will, Thanks Drew, Maddy Thanks Mrs P."

"Juliet your welcome but it seems strange you calling me Mrs P when Drew calls me Auntie Carol, what do you think?"

"He, he, Yeah your right AUNTIE." Jules was still giggling as the door shut behind her.

"So what did Timber say?"

"Just as Jules said really, he said they should be more aware of the image they project while in school uniform and anti social behaviour wouldn't be tolerated by any pupil in or out of uniform.

Mum did you have anything to do with that?"

"I rang Mr. Woods after you left this morning, just to inform him about last night, I didn't expect that though I'd better ring him again."

"You mean you found them?"

"Yeah you should have heard Mum lay into them. They were cringing,"

"I don't think they meant anything nasty, they were just being 15 year old boy's" Added Carol.

"Why the glum look Drew?"

"So now they definitely think we were both girls last night. What happens when they see us together again?"

"After last night they'll stay away, I hope."

I was glad to get into the homework, crashing early before another disaster fell on me.

Waking Thursday morning was another memorable experience. I appeared to have grown an extra pair of arms during the night, the one on the right was cradling my neck and head, while the left was tucked under my real arm and seemed to be gently stroking my chest.

Mmm. I could get used to this." Sighed Maddy

"I don't ever want to get used to this."

" Just What do you mean by that Drew Bond"

"If I got used to this it would mean I was bored Mad."

"Ooooh. Smooth recovery Drew."

"Just what excuse are you going to use when your Mum walks in?"

"The truth of course, you seduced me into your bed by kicking the duvet off. I was merely holding you still."

"What?" I tried to turn and look at her, but the way Mad was holding me made that impossible.

"My conscience is clear, I started off in the chair but you were a bit restless, so after I'd covered you up for the second time, I thought to hell with it and joined you, it worked too."

Angela Peters 18.04.04 © 2004

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