
All of the original situations in this story are mine, the rest is the intellectual property of Maddy.

Gaby Rides Again

Part 2

"Oh god no, what's wrong with me?"

"Calm down Drew, lets hear what the doctor has to say first shall we?"

"Ok then dad." Drew stated warily.

"Well Mr Bond , Andrew, I guess you both know that Andrew here has a very low testosterone level, What we've found out also is apart from that, he's got a slightly elevated oestrogen level."

"A what?" replies Drew.

"A slightly elevated oestrogen level."

"That's what you said before, but what does it mean?"

"Well Andrew, what it means is you don't have oestrogen in your body as a normal person has, that's the female hormone, It means you have a slightly higher than normal level for a boy of your age."

"Are you sure Doc?" asks Dave Bond of the doctor.

"Yes, I had them do the tests twice to confirm what the first one told us."

"Oh right, are you sure they are correct?"

"Yes Mr Bond, I'm quite sure!"

"So what does that mean then Doc?" asks Drew.

"Well what that means is...hmmm...a body produces oestrogen and testosterone…"

"Hold on there Doc, can you explain in Basic English for those of us that aren't in medical school or something?" interrupts Drew.

"Sorry Andrew."

"Please call me Drew, I prefer that better."

"Ok then Drew, what it means is girls produce more oestrogen and boys produce more testosterone, however in your case because your body is not producing enough testosterone, your body has decided to make oestrogen your primary hormone, but we are mystified as to why your producing as much as your are."

"So, what are these options you have for me then?"

"Well Drew, what we have in mind is testosterone shots and a mild steroid to..."

"Whoahh, I can't take steroids. I race bikes and I belong to a club and everything, if they find out I'm taking steroids then all my races will be for naught. I can't take `em, I just can't."

"That's right Doc, he rides for a local team and is national champ, so he can't take any kind of steroids at all!"

"Oh, we'll cross that one out for the time being", replied the Doc.

"You said there were a few options?" asked Drew

"Yes, option number 2 is doing nothing and let us monitor it, which means going to Nottingham Hospital and getting a full blood workup done."

"Nooooo way, I hate hospitals, you'll never get me in one."

"Oh, that was the only other option I had available." replied the doctor.

"You mean either do something with it with steroids? Or do nothing at all! I don't believe modern medicine has only the 2 options available." queried Dave.

"Sorry Mr Bond, we have never really come across a condition like Drew's before."

"Well, forgive me for asking, BUT what happens if we do nothing, what's going to happen to Drew here?"

"As far as we can ascertain, Drew here will continue to develop as a normal 12/13 year old girl will develop."

"I'LL WHAT!" screams Drew, dashing to the corner of the room.

"Nope! No Way! I don't wanna be a girl, I'm sick of looking like one now, annn...and getting mistaken for a girl as it is! Nooooo!"

"Come on Drew sit back down will you." says Dave.

"So Doc , we have Drew either take testosterone shots and steroids, which means he can't ride, or do nothing, go for tests at Nottingham and see what's gonna happen?"


"Hmm, We'll have to think on that one and let you know what coarse of action we'll be taking",

"Ok Mr Bond, I'll leave the decision up to you and your wife, BUT we must ask Drew what he wants also as it's his body it will affect and his state of mind, we'll have to consider also."

"Thanks Doc, Oh by the way, Drew here collapsed again today in assembly at school, he was apparently out of it for about 5 minute?"

"Was he now? I'd like to examine Drew if that's at all possible?"

"Ok, Doc you want me to wait outside?" asks Dave,

"Drew, do you want your dad to wait outside?"

"No thanks, I'd prefer him to be here just in case, ya know?"

"Ok then Drew, Can you go over to the bed for me please, sit down and take your shirt off please."

"Ready", says Drew,

"Err, Drew can I ask how long you've had red marks around your nipple area?" asks the Doc,

"Err, well they've been a bit sore for a couple of weeks now to be honest",

"Right then, I'm going to bring this curtain around to examine you properly, ok?",

"Yeah fine, I guess its ok."

Giggle, "Doc your hands are cold",

"Oh sorry Drew, you say they've been itchy and sore for a couple of weeks?"

"Yeah they have a bit", replies Drew.

"Well from the looks of things, I'd say they look and feel like the start of normal breast tissue as found on a young girl."

"WHAT!", screams Drew, followed by a thump.

"What the hell was that?" asks Dave.

"Mr Bond, can you give me a hand here it seems Drew's collapsed and fell off the bed."

"What the hell happened?" Dave asked.

"Well I was just explaining about the soreness and itching that Drew was complaining about, that they were exactly like that of breast growth on a young girl, he screamed, then collapsed."

"Well I guess that would have that effect, he's always been told he looks like a girl and it must have freaked him out."

"He's coming around, DREW, DREW can you hear me?"

"Huh, yeah, did I just hear you say I was growing breasts Doc?"

"Well that's what it looks like Drew, I'm gonna have to refer you to a specialist who knows a bit more about these type of conditions."

30 minutes later and Drew was feeling good enough to leave the doctors office.

"Good, you know I don't like these places dad!"

"I know son, but we had to come here to find a couple of things out didn't we?"

"Well Mr Bond and Drew, I'll get a referral over to a companion of mine and get him to contact you about young Drew here ok."

"Yeah thanks for everything Doc, bye for now", says Dave, "Come on Drew lets get you home shall we!"

"Yeah thanks dad, I think I need it."

-- 25 minutes later --

"Right, that's us home, Drew would you like to crash out somewhere in the house?"

"I think I'll go to bed for a bit, ok?"

"Yes, no problems son, I'll come and check on you later."

"Oh, before I forget, can you ring mum and ask if it's ok for Maddy to borrow her spare bike? It's for the 25 in South Wales next month?"

"Yeah I'll try and get hold of her this afternoon and let you know later if I've managed to catch her between training ok?"

"Ok, thanks dad, I'm off to bed."

Brrrng, Brrrng.

"Hallo, team Appollinari?"

"Err, its Dave Bond, Is by any chance my wife about?"

"Moment, Jenny! Telefon!"

"Hallo, Frau Bond here?"

"Jen, its Dave, you got a few minutes?"

"Yes, what's wrong, if you're ringing me here?"

"It's Drew, Jen."

"Oh no! What's wrong with him? Tell me Dave!"

"Well he collapsed at school again today, and I was called at work by Jules, when I got there he was ok. So I took him home, as soon as I got home there was a letter from the doctors with the results from Drew's tests he had the other week."

"What's the verdict? Dave -- come on tell me."

"Well it seems...you remember he had a very low testosterone level don't you?"

"Yes, I do."

"Well it seems he has a higher oestrogen level also, which means believe it or not its slowly changing his body."

"No, I don't believe that one minute Dave."

"It's true, the Doc had them do the tests twice and same result, he's already showing signs of breast growth."

"Oh come on Dave, things like that can't happen?"

"Well it is happening, and the only options they have is either leave alone, see what further happens to the poor lad, Or..."

"What's OR mean Dave?"

"Or it's give him testosterone shots and a slight steroid regimen?"

"He can't take steroids Dave; he won't be able to ride if he takes them?"

"I know Jen, that's why I've rang you, WE all need to talk about this with Drew?"

"Right Dave, hold on!"

Dave could hear mumbling going on in the background then all of a sudden; Jen came back to the phone.


"Yes Jen?"

"I've just had a word with the team manager and he's let me take emergency leave. He's going to wave the next weeks practice so I can come home."

"What he's letting you come home as easy as that."

"Yes! I'm coming home, I'll ring you later with all the details, I can't let Drew go through this with just you and Jules just there."

"This is a decision we'll all have to talk about."

"I'll ring you in about 30 minutes with the flight details ok!"


Samantha 19.01.05 © 2005
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