Chapter 5
24 July The dancers departed for the short journey to Amsterdam and the Royal theatre. This time Gabriel knew there would be a strong family contingent. As her parents where due. She was hoping her grandmother and Justine would also be there. On the way to Amsterdam the Coach stopped at a Clompen factory. This was where the famous Dutch wooden clogs where made. Then they visited the world famous Allsmere flower auction & where presented with some flowers. They stopped at Valkenburg for a meal & had time to go round the castle. The castle was derelict now and made of a soft sandstone that you could easy press your fingers into. The castle was surrounded by woodland.
Whilst looking round the park Gabriel heard a noise & went to investigate. There was a bird trapped in a snare. When Gabriel got there it was a giant eagle. Gabriel spoke to the eagle I am not going to harm you. So please do not harm me. Gabriel noticed the Eagle had its talon caught in the snare. First Gabriel Pulled the wooden stakes holding the snare from the ground. Ally produced some Antiseptic cream.
Gabriel. "Mr. Eagle I am now going to remove the snare from your Talons. It will hurt a little and then I am going to put some cream on your leg to make it better.”
The eagle was quite calm about all this. Ally noticed another eagle nearby. "Gabriel is only helping your mate so please do not attack her."
The second eagle just sat on the fence and watched a little while later two younger Eagles came and joined her. As Ally watched the eagles in fascination. She also noticed they had quite an audience. For there was Roe deer, Fallow deer, Rabbits & field mice all watching, also on the tree was full of birds of all sorts. Eventually Gabriel got the snare off the eagle.
Herne, "He said to say thank you mistress for setting him free." Gabriel turned round to see her audience."
Herne. " He says he and all his family are in debt to you and now you own their lives. The Eagle flew up and gently settled on Gabriel's Shoulder. “In days of old a queen was entitled to have a eagle but you have four." As Gabriel left in the coach she did not notice the eagles following them, as they would continue to do so.
Darcie turned to Jenny, “The prophecy is coming true. The eagle is the king of the birds and yet he bows before her just as the waters do.”
Gabriel, Maddy & Ally had some free time and decided to see the sights they where accompanied by Jool's, Em, Renate Ally & Darcie. Darcie had reported that morning to her mother that the Aura of the Empress had changed to a golden Yellow.
Darcie, "She still has no idea of her true destiny. She is at this moment surrounded by seven of the Nine & she has never realised they are there to protect her. In addition Gabriel has acquired the friendship & protection of two Leprechauns. These are the two that Gabriel had restored to health after they had an accident at the fun fair. In addition she appears to have also gained the protection of at least four eagles. M other there had been a couple of attempts on Gabriel's life, but nothing had come of them. Other than Gabriel had managed to transport her group to Neptune's realm to safety. Then Gabriel thought she had a bad dream.”
In Amsterdam the group went on a waterbus. This took them on the Canals of Amsterdam. The guide was telling the history of Amsterdam. When they got on the boat the rest of the girls were all ready on board.
Gabriel notices two girls swimming in the canal and then they climbed the steps at the side of the boat. No body else seamed to have noticed them come on board, but Darcie & Jenny had. Gabriel ran across the deck to greet them.
They both embraced Gabriel as they said, “Father has instructed them to go visit Gaby & they might have to occasionally go home to father but from now on they would be constantly with Gabriel.
The Guide s, "Amsterdam had more canals than Venice."
Ally, "It is far cleaner too. When we went on the grand canal in the gondola it stunk something rotten when we passed another gondola."
In Amsterdam the water taxi passed the Navel dockyard & the guide pointed out the diamond work shops. "In fact Ladies we are going to stop here at this one it is very famous."
Gaby & friends went inside and watched the men cutting and polishing the diamonds. Inside Em & Jool's started chattering to the others.
Darcie, "We have two more helpers now to watch her". "Neptune has sent his daughters to protect Gaby." In the Diamond works they all had their fingers sized and a note was made of all their sizes. Gabriel was looking at a Blue Diamond it was almost perfect. There where several smaller blue diamond rings near by. Helen & her sister Darcie went to speak to the manufacturer of the rings.
Darcie." We want The large blue Diamond ring and all the smaller ones.”
“Can you bring them round to me tonight at the Royal Orange hotel." Said Helen as she handed a charge card over.
The owner was only two happy to oblige and said the rings would be sized ready for them. The group continued on their trip on the boat. They saw a boat with hundreds of stray cats. After they got off the boat they went into a cafe. Maddy was complaining that she was hungry yet again. They all ordered a drink and where asked if they would like a cake each. They all ordered a cake. Gabriel did not eat her cake but let Maddy have it, as she was still hungry.
Maddy, "Oh my head is spinning I feel strange."
Gabriel. "We better get you laid down."
Lorelei went to get the owner to ring for a doctor for her friend. The owner came back with her. He asked, "By any chance did she eat more than one cake?"
Gabriel. "Yes she ate mine & Ally's why."
"Sorry I thought you all knew when you came in here this is a cannabis cafe. The cakes all contain a small amount of cannabis. In half an hour she will be OK. Will you accept my apologies this was a genuine mistake."
Gabriel laid her hands on Maddy. A purple bolt of energy shot from Gabriel into Maddy.
Gabriel. "This might just put a stop to your craving for food." Maddy sat up the owner was surprised that she was ready so quickly.
"I have made everybody coffee."
Em , "Gabriel earlier were you not scared the eagle would attack you?"
Gabriel. "Em the eagle was far too scared of me to do anything at me."
Ally, "Well you have made four more friends. They have been following us all the way to Amsterdam." The eagles found Amsterdam to their liking. There were plenty of pigeons to eat. Just after that the girls left the boat and they made their way back to the hotel. On the way back the group with Gabriel was attacked by what appeared to by a very dirty girl.
"Give me your money & I will not harm you."
As she spoke four Golden eagles swooped down from the sky and started to attack her. In her haste to get away from them she fell into the Canal. Lorelie & her sister Ariel dived in and brought the girl out.
Em. "We should get her to the hospital."
Jenny, “No let us get her to the hotel & then we can clean her up there.”
Ally and Em offered to clean her up."
Gabriel asked if somebody could get her a new set of clothing.
Once at the hotel Ally had to cut the remaining clothing off the girl. All though most of it had been torn to shreds with the eagles. Em had the bath running and the girl was now down to her bra and pants. They helped her to the bathroom. The girl took off her bra & pants. They were all that was left of her clothes as the rest where totally destroyed by the eagles."
Ally. “Come on let us get you clean so those wounds are not infected,” The girl was rather hesitant at taking her pants off in front of Ally. "Come on you have nothing we have not seen before."
The girl started crying. "I might have."
"I am not a girl I only look like one. My father threw me out after my mother died because of me looking like I do. I have been living rough for about two years now. There is some decent food in the bins of the Cafe's. I went to the doctor's for help. They told me if I came back with the money they would operate to make me whole." Gabriel entered the room with Maddy.
Gabriel, "Dr Jones here can make you look more like a girl if you wish." But it could be painful.”
The girl, "Tricia could try as she was already needing painkillers."
The girl had a long soak & then got dried. She went into the room where Gabriel was waiting with Dr Jones. The warm water must have helped for it only took Dr Jones about five minutes to complete the job.
Ally gave the girl some clean clothing. “The eagles destroyed your other clothing.”
The girl, “I was christened Christopher but these days I go under the name Christobell." The others had left the room and Ally spoke. "Now you are presentable, but first a little lipstick & mascara to finish you off. She escorted Christobell to another room where all the others where waiting including the two who dived in to the canal to save her.
Christobell went across to them, "Thank you for pulling me out are you two OK the water can be fatal if you are not a good swimmer." She then turned to Gabriel & the others & said, thank you for cleaning me up & giving me a new set of clothing. I do not deserve it after I tried to rob you."
Gabriel , "What have we to do with you I suppose we could hand you to the police & tell the truth. We could let you go, but who is to say you will not be attacked by the eagles again. And we will not be there to save you."
Christobell looked terrified. Jenny, "How old are you child?"
"Please lady I am nearly Twelve years old."
"On the 29th July I will be 12."
Jenny, "You should be at home with your family instead of attacking people."
Christobell, "I would be but my farther did not want the likes of me in his house.
Maddy, "I think we might be able to help you there."
"Where is your father's house?" Christobell showed them.
Gaby, Helen, Maddy & Jenny knocked on the door. A well-dressed man answered it.
"Herr Van den Berg" said Helen. "We have a warrant for your arrest."
He replied, "You must be mistaken I have done nothing wrong”.
Helen, "Do you know a Christopher or Christobell Van den Berg?"
"I think you had better come in what has he done now?." The house was very nice. Helen noticed the photos of Christobell with her parents.
Helen "Today your daughter was dragged out of the canal after been attacked. She gave this as her address. She then informed us that you threw her out two years ago.”
"In a way that is correct but missleading."
"Two years ago I told her to pull her self together and be a man or else get out. This was when I was in rather a bad temper. I have been out every night looking for her but until today never found a trace of her."
Helen, "Your daughter need considerable care and attention which I do not think you can provide. If we where to rescind the arrest warrant for abandonment of a minor you will have to do something in return. This document gives this lady called Jenny the power to decide your daughters future."
"It makes Jenny and sister Christobell's legal guardian until she is of age." "You will though be expected to contribute to her up keep." Mr. Van den berg signed the documents & agreed to pay an allowance into an account for Christobell.
Jenny, "I will ensure that she writes to you weekly or telephones you." Mr. Van den berg gave Helen a card with an email address on. “Contact would be better this way. In fact you can give this from me and tell her I still love her regardless of what she is."
Helen said, "You could tell her your self as she is waiting with friends of mine." Helen text a message to Gabriel. Christobell came round the corner with her friends. She hugged her father.
Then he said, "Christobell this lady has promise me you will be well looked after. I want you to know this is always your home. Take this and keep in touch with me via it.” Gabriel noticed it was a top of the range Laptop. "My company manufactures these computers." Then he corrected himself. “It was my company until a short wile ago, but it got swallowed up a few weeks ago by a massive Anglo-German combine. They seam to be concentrating on all blue chip companies. Even the Mighty Bill Gates of Microsoft is having to do a deal with them."
Gabriel, "Did you sell out completely sir?"
Mr. van Den Berg. “The deal was part cash part shares in the new company & I get to stay on as Vice Chairman of the company. Apparently the New President will be appointing the chairman herself."
Gabriel. "You said, Her self there can not be many female presidents of companies."
"I have never met the president but I will in a months time as I have to go on a training course. I also get the meet the chairperson of the company."
"You do not object to working for a female then". Asked Ally. Who was looking at Gabriel?
"No and the shares I got are now worth far more than when I did the deal. I could sell up to day and be comfortable for the rest of my life. I am not though as I think this company will go far."
"Besides that I have put all the shares in Christobell's name so that there was something left for her if she ever returned.”
Em, "It might be worth getting a few shares in this company what is it called."
"The Company is called Gabriel Bond Enterprises It is not quoted on the stock exchange & you only can get shares if the presidents advisors decide you can have then".
Em & Ally burst into a fit of giggles.
Jenny. "Sorry about them, they have hiccups." Christobell went to her room and collected some personnel items.
They got back to the coach & all but Christobell burst out laughing. Christobell asked what the joke was.
Gabriel, "I will tell you myself. I am The Gabriel Bond your father was on about. Also Christobell you have just been appointed Chairman of the company. Your father is in for quite a shock in a months time."
Christobell started to laugh, "Do you think those eagles will attack me again."
Gabriel, "Do the same as me and stand very still.” The next second four black shapes came and settled on Gabriel & Christobell's shoulders.
Gabriel spoke to the birds. “This is Christobell she is a friend do not attack her.” The birds then flew off into the sky.
Christobell. "They are your eagles & they protect you if you where in danger."
Gabriel. "Not just me, but any of my group that includings you..
Christobell. "You are far too young to own a company.”
Maddy, “The girls you see around you including your self are the true directors of the company.” Christobell soon realised she was to accompany the group back to England. It dawned on her that the girls had told her the truth when she spoke with Jenny.
Christobell, "I hope we can get a video of my father in a months time." "In the mean time I will be keeping contact with him daily both as his chairman & as his daughter. The others laughed. "Gabriel I have been thinking about it. "Is it possible either in Holland or England to get me fixed properly?" Gabriel said, "we might know somebody who could help you, but you could have to wait 6 -12 weeks"
Kiko, “Actually it could be done now if Dr Jones will perform some slight surgery.”
Gaby, “Sorry Kiko I forgot about the new instant change we can offer.”
Dr Jones. “I have already hidden her extra equipment. It might be as well just to let her slip the pants on. I did not find any testies earlier. In 24 hour I will give Christobell a booster Estrogen shot if needed.”
26 th July Gabriel said, “This is our final night dancing.” This times they where to have 10 curtain calls before closing. There was only a few days left before they had to return to England. In that time Gaby had one more race to try and win.
Gabriel turned to Ally, “I have been so busy that I had clean forgotten about the 27 th .
Ally, “ I only remembered last night when our team van arrived with Godfried and Bill.”
Gabriel, “ You make it sound as if they are my personnel cycle support staff Ally.”
In walked Bill & Godfried. Bill handed Gaby a new set of skins . Gabriel sudden realised that Maddy was missing. Ally and some of the others had also gone missing. The two girls who previously had been catty appeared in skins. “All of us are entering in this race with you. We know we are not up to your standard at either dancing or cycling. However we are supposed to be one team and so we all demanded the right to ride with you even if we come last.”
Helen & Darcie were nodding their heads. “Yes Even your mother and Aunt are riding today Gabriel.”
Kat took hold of her friends hand Gaby. Yoday we get an actual chance to try and beat our mothers. The full support team is here. So this will be the first time that we get a chance to beat them.
27th July the day of the ride. Gabriel's mother had put on her skins. Like Gabriel Renate is also in a set of skins. Renate also informed us she wanted to take part in the wedding of William Church and is also partisipating in this event. The commentator was speaking. Today for this historic event we have the Appolonaris Junior and senior teams competing against each other. Not only that but it looks like it will also be a mother and daughter battle as we have the batteling Bonds. Ladies Champion Jenny Bond and her daughter Junior British, European and World champion Gaby Bond.
The atmosphere in the stadium was electric as the riders took up their positions. The gun sounded and they were off lone lap of the stadium and then they took to the streets of Amsterdam. One area was cobbled and this caused some riders to fall off their bikes. Gaby was actually enjoying the race. She had allowed her mother and the senior ladies to take the lead. Then Gaby gave Kat the nod. The two of them flew past the senior ladies. They set off in hot persuit of the two teenagers. Maddy and some of the other juniors also attempted the same thing. Alas they had not the stamina to compete with the senior ladies. However they did try the best they could. It was into the Stadium and all Gaby rememberd was a flash as the camera for the Photo finish went off. Gaby came round and her mother was rubbing her legs. “Who won mum.”
“We are waiting for the results to be announced.”
By the time the results were announced all the stragglers had arrived back in the stadium. “Mum it is a good job we have had the last of the dancing my legs are so wobbly. I doubt that I could have gone on stage ttonight if I was dancing.”
The speakers crackled into life. “Ladies and Gentlemen today we not only had a super race. The Appolonaris team has provided us with the winners. In all my life as a commentator I have never seen such a spectacular finish. Well the photos were taken and we have the winners. In First place we have a dead heat. There is nothing to seperate them the Batteling Bonds Jenny & Gaby. One thing is certain in future we are in for an interesting time as these two fight it out for first place. In second place and representing Germany we have another mother and daughter combination. I can say for certain Appolonaris did the correct thing in starting the junior team. In third place we have Nichol Cook from Great Britain. That night there was considerable celebration back at the hotel.
The return journey home would be by sea from Rotterdam to Hull. There the coaches would be waiting for the Girls to take them home.
Wedding Day.
30th July William & Beverley's wedding took place in Holy Trinity the ancient parish church of Skipton town. Gabriel was to be the Chief bridesmaid and was to be accompanied by her friends. This was to be William's final engagement for after tonight he would no longer exist. The organist started up with here comes the bride. There was a full choir the bridesmaids looked around and noticed lots of their friends & family. After they had exchanged vows and the service was finished. The bells started to ring. The reception was to be at the Long Ashes hotel & country club near Threshfield. The Girls had decided to combine the Wedding reception with a farewell party for the English girls who would be going to America on an exchange visit. The party enabled all the mothers to say good-bye to their daughters. Every one was required to be in full dress and nobody was permitted to enter after 18.00.
17.00 Les was again the doorman with instructions that had to be strictly enforced no latecomers would be admitted. Gabriel was in a gold, Silver, White & Purple Dress. Ally, Maddy, Jool's, Em, Kiko, Hellen, Darcie Adrienne & Ally where all in silver and white dresses. Wendy was in a white as was Christobell. Daisy & Buttercup where in green as was Tinkerbell. Lorelei & her sister Ariel turned up in aqua green dresses. At 18.00 the door was closed and Les was left on duty to guard the door. Although Les was a powerfull warlock he had no intention of crossing these ladies as they could make life very unconvertible for him in the extreme.
Wendy's mother presented her, "It has taken my daughter a long time for her to realise her true vocation in life." She then placed her hand on Wendy's head. Justine was also there but she was dressed in a red dress with gold & purple trimmings.
Justine. "It would normally have been my sister's Tatiana's job to present the next candidates." But as she has been missing for 30 years and has only just been returned to us I have to undertake the task.”
The high priestess bows , "Your grace we are pleased to see you and all your family here tonight."
18.30 There was a commotion outside the door. The door burst open and as it did so a bolt of energy left the High priestess and hit Les in the chest. Everything came to a halt as at the door was a very irate lady accompanied by several other ladies. Gabriel ran to greet her mother & aunts.
The high priestess bowed before them, as did Justine.
Gabriel, "Justine was going to present us. When you arrived."
The older lady took her hand, "Come let me see my grand daughter." Then she turned to the High priestess. “How is Les? Anthea you are going to have to learn to curb your temper." Les was brought before Tatiana.
"She is still unconscious.”
"Anthea you will have the responsibility to bring her up and teach in our ways. What you did tonight cannot be undone. Look well after your daughter.”
18.45 Tatiana took the high priestess chair and waved her hand. “Very soon the halls of Valhalla will be open again. Once where Woden sat will reign a queen instead. The nine shall remain true to their calling & forsake all otherS. Even the nine times nine will remain true. After been imprisoned by the forces of evil for 30 years I escaped and broke free. Even though she is my sister I cannot permit Justine to present the candidates that job is mine & mine alone. Tonight in front or you I will present the candidates & all family members so there is no mistake.”
Tatiana then turned to Justine & said, "Justine is the other candidate ready?"
Justine. "She awaits my command to enter.” In walked Crown Princess Renate dressed exactly like Gabriel.
Gabriel took her hand. Tatiana then said, "Please take a seat?" Tatiana said, "I present five of my Grand daughters here tonight. Up stood Gabriel's, Ally's, Maddy's, & Em's mothers. The next I will present are my Great nieces, In came Mrs Rushton, Mrs Humphries and Mrs Woolier. You have already met some of my family however I am presenting them all as is my right."
Tatiana looked at the high priestess and said do not worry you did us a great favour previously. The candidates mother had lost her calling when I went missing. She tried in vain to alter what she knew should be. Eventually she sent her child to her sister who also tried to rectify the mistake. Apart from my grand children that is all I have to present.
Gabriel looked at Renate, "Are we cousins or sisters?"
Jool's, "When we first met you and visited Bavaria I said then you could be Gabriel's double.”
Gabriel. "I felt sorry for the waiter who you tore off a strip."
Renate. "Do not worry about Gustaff he was promoted as per your instructions. The manager thought it was me & did not want to disobey me. So Gustaff was promoted to catering Manager at the palace."
Maddy the loyal companion of Gabriel was the first grand child to be presented. Jool's & Em followed Ally. The high priestess touched both their heads and then the abdomen of Em. Let your the daughters be fruitful said the High priestess. This left Renate & Gabriel, Tatiana took Gabriel to her left & Renate to her right.
"Ladies tonight it gives me great pleasure in introducing my grand daughters and identical twin sisters Gabriel & Renate. Until a few weeks ago neither knew of the others existence, as they had never met. They where separated at birth and now are reunited. Tonight you see the nine before you. Some of you preseny have already felt the power of the nine on a previous occasion. I myself have already felt my Gabriel's power for it was she who restored me to you. The birds of the air and the fish of the sea protect her and fall down before her. There is one here tonight who has first hand experience of what can happen if harm was to befall my Grand daughter."
As their grand mother was speaking, Renate said, To Gabriel. "One day you too must take the mantle that will befall you and join with me for only then can the key be opened to the hall of Valhalla." Gabriel spent the rest of the evening with her grand mother & Renate
August 1st there was great celebration through out the County of Yorkshire for today was Yorkshire day. On the second the girls had their return journey to America to make. With the amount of us returning to America they had an aircraft to themselves. It would took them 8 hours for the flight and then a fleet of buses would take the girls to the place they would call home for the next few weeks.. That evening's events gave us much to talk about for weeks to come. The girls Gabriel had surrounded her self with had all turned out to be family.
09.00 August 2nd Darcie & her mother accompanied the group & us to Manchester for our flight. The High priestess gave her daughters a kiss as she bayed them farewell. There was an announcement will all passengers for the Virgin flight to New York go to the enquiry desk. Waiting at the desk was Justine. “Sorry girls the flight has been cancelled none of you will be going to America today or in the near future. You though will all be going to London. Virgin has agreed to take you all down there.”
Darcie turned to her sisters."I am returning to London now to follow my career for soon it will be all over for me. One of you or all of you must stay with Gabriel until I return to replace you."
Roberta , "In that case we all stay as we all are off to London now."
Darcie , "Adrienne I would like you to return and train with me."
11.30 Darcie returned to London with her sister on the same flight as the others Once there they split up. Darcie finds Dan. "It is with great regret that I must call the engagement off Dan. I love you dearly, but very soon it will be impossible for us ever to be together. In a short while I will have to give up my career and go and support a very dear friend."
Dan was distraught with the news. "I wish I had stayed in America all my friend's are over there now."
"Dan had you still been there the same would have happened as now. At least you have a career in dancing to fall back on."
Dan, "I might have had Gabriel as a friend if I was not here & met you."
"Sorry Dan Gabriel is the reason I must go she will need the help of all her female friends very soon."
"Dan, "If Gabriel needs help then I will be on the first flight out with you."
“Sorry my darling for now we are together and must make the most of it. Within a very short time I will have to go away and Adrienne my sister will take my place. You will dance opposite Adrienne as from tonight.”
The Savoy.
22.30 Back at the Savoy after their flight to London. Gabriel was in bed with both Ally & Maddy.
Gabriel, "Did I just imagine it or have we all found out we are all White Witches?"
Ally, "No you did not imagine it."
Maddy, "I find out we are not only partners but cousins also."
Gabriel, "In that case I think we had better add witchcraft or magic to the lesson plan."
Ally, "Who will teach us all what we need to know."
Maddy, “Before we go any further down this road I think we should have a talk with Justine & Tatiana. All of a sudden there was a loud explosion that made the girls jump.
"You summons me?"
The girls looked around. There in her finery stood their grand mother Tatiana.
Gabriel, "Grandma you surprised us. We where discussing if we should add witchcraft to our lesson plan & who would teach us.”
Their grand mother smiled as she said, "Gabriel that is a good idea for it would be dangerous to let you loose with out instruction. As for your instructors you already know the answer as there are only two that can teach you. My sister Justine & I will take on the teaching. As for my crown you already wear it."
“On Wednesday morning we all start lessons including your mother and aunts. The last time I was remise in not teaching them. You though have given me another chance. However we have a bigger problem. I cancelled your trip to America when the American Press realised Gaby Bond and Gabriel Battenberg were the same person." Later today you as Queen Gabriel Battenberg will make your first state visit to the palace.
Gabriels eyes started to glaze over. “Oh William is so dishy.”
“We all need to be at the palace before 18.00.
Gabriel. “The loyal Craven Coven will join in the lessons. The High priestess has brought all the others down here to accompany you. Your friend Darcie has had some sorting out to do. Soon though she will also be here. Craven is our homeland and power base so you must return there. The great hills of Sharphaw, Pinhaw, & Roughaw are our life blood and energy. As Renate already told you the Hall of Valhalla will find you when the time is ripe.”
Gabriel, “Maddy & I have already been there if that is where Odin, Neptune & Oberon crowned me. It was where I thought of when we where in danger back in the Black Forest, Some how I took my family & friends to Neptune's Realm."
"Maddy & Gabriel give me your hands & think of Valhalla. Maddy was holding Gabriel & her grandmother. The next second the three of them where transported to the halls of Valhalla.
Odin, "I see you have come to claim the throne Tatiana alas you are too late."
"No Odin I come to arrange a proper coronation for the true Empress."
Odin, "What is already done cannot be undone."
"Tatiana you could formally crown your grand daughter & we can fix a date for that."
Odin, Gabriel come & sit on your throne for a little while before you return to the realm of man."
Gabriel went and sat on the throne, but first gave Odin a cuddle. Gabriel, "I think grandma needs a cuddle as well Odin give her one.
23.45 Later that night back in their room Maddy was saying to Gabriel I wish Grandma used the door like everybody else".
A voice said, "I heard that Maddy. Goodnight and god bless you my dears." Their grandmother said as she vanished.
Jool's, "You are going to have to be more careful what you say from now on."
"Let's get some sleep,” said Gabriel
09.00 Tuesday. The following morning. There was a knock at the door. Ally answered it. There stood Tatiana, "Is that better Maddy?I have come to collect you to meet Darcie from the dancing school. I understand she is rather upset."
Gabriel, "Why was she so upset?"
Tatiana, "I was informed she has broken up with Dan."
Gabriel, "If Dan has hurt one of my sisters. He had better watch his back for I will have retribution."
Tatiana, ”Gabriel before you convict anybody you need to know all the facts first. Your loyalty to your sisters is admirable and shows you put them first rather than your friend. To make threats with out asserting the facts is not becoming of you.”
Outside the Royal Ballet Darcie came was waiting. Reporters where on hand to ask Darcie was it true that she had resigned from the ballet.
Darcy. "Officially I am on tour for the next three years.” In fact she was to be staying with Gabriel. "How are my sisters and Mother?"
Ally, "They are fine you will be reunited with them in half an hour. They have already got your gown ready as we all have to go to the palace.”
Tatiania. “Tomorrow is Wednesday then you all will begin your lessons. For now we need to get you ready."
Gabriel showed Darcy the letter she had received from London. It was in an official looking envelope. I had decided to show it to Justine just before our planned visit to Ameriva. At first I though somebody is having a joke on me. Justine as looked at the letter and informed me it was correct. It was from the palace requesting the company of Gabriel Battenberg & friends. It transpires that the American press have managed to work out Gabriel Battenberg and Gabriel Bond are the same person.
A fleet of Rolls Royces all drew up outside the Savoy. Gaby noticed they all were flying the Royal flag of Northumbria. With a police escort through the streets of London the cavalcade slowly made its way down the Mall to Buckingham Palace. There was a considerable number of tourists milling around hoping to catch a glimpse of the queen. Gaby also noticed the number of telivision vans stationed outside the palace. The engineers appeared to be running cables. As the cars got near the great gates swung open and the guards saluted as the cars went past. The cars were driven under an entrance way and into a courtyard. Gaby smiled as she thought about the last time she was here.
William & Harry were there to greet them. As they walked towards the reception area Gaby noticed Fredrick Manby from one of her Local papers. She went across “Fred you will accompany us.”
Inside the reception area there was a considerable amount of banter between the various film crews. Gabriel took her seat infront of the camera and then pointed to Fred. He will represent all the media present and ask me the questions you all are so eager to discover. The palace staff had looked down the list of questions and deleted them they did not find appropriate. Gabriel replied to all the question put to her and then Fred asked, “Have I permision to show the photos of the practise coronation in York Minster?
Prince William took her hand. “Queen Gabriel has lived in Britain all her life. It was only recently discovered that she was a direct decendant Of Robert Battenberg. Gabriel tried to remain a school girl and do all the things normal teenagers do. However the American Press realising that Gaby Bond the champion cyclist and prima ballerina is the same person as Gabriel Battenberg Queen of Northumbria & Empress designate of Germany & Russia.”
Sigfried of Bavaria spoke. “Gabriel is already Queen of Bavaria. While most people think of me as the king of Bavaria I am only the Regent. Gabriel can over rule me any time she chooses. Some of you may have seen the recent celebrations in Scarborough when the fleets of many countries came to greet the Queen of Northumbria. Some of you may even have seen the daughter of the late Tzar Nicholas place a crown on Gabriel's head. This was filmed and transmitted to all the European states. For some the placing of Catherine's crown on Gabriel's head meant that they once again had a queen. This was the cause of much joy.
Queen Elizabeth. “It was my desire to allow Gabriel some freedom. My parliment has been in discussion over the sucsession should anything happen to me. Charles has decided after talking it over with me that it would be in the public interest for William to take his place as heir apparent to the British crown in addition the goverment has decided that Once William & Gabriel marry they will rule jointly.”
There was a stunned silence from the people in the room.
The remainder of the Evening was taken up with meeting Ambasadours and various Lord's & Ladies. During the evening Queen Gabriel managed to dance with the American Ambasador so took the oppertunity to express her distaste with the American media. This was later to get relayed back to the American Presidant George Bush.
After dancing the evening away Gabriel & her cout returned to the Savoy.
The following morning a fleet of cars took the girls to Kings Cross station where they boarded a train bound for Northumbria.
Back at school security had to be increased following the relevation of who Gaby actually was. Life started to settle down again. Some of the pupils came up to Gaby and asked if it was true that she was a queen. Apart from the increase security Gaby found life changed very little. She did though have quite a few official functions to go to.
10.00 Wednesday we all met in the Gabriel Bond building. Gaby noticed herFather was on with the computers as per normal. The girls had taken over the entire Drama room and Kitchen. The building was closed to anybody else.
Tatiana stood in front of us and said, "Sit & be quiet". The room at once became deadly quiet. "That is far better. All of you need lessons including both my sisters Titania & Justine (Better known to you as Justine & Brigid. So I alone will undertake the teaching of you all. You will learn the lore and healing you all need to know. For the next five months most of you will be here constantly. There may be an exception or two.” Tatiana took Bevelry by her hand and asked, "When are your daughters due?"
Gabriel went to talk to Wendy & Beverley. Bevelry, "At Christmas.”
Wendy. "Did you not notice there seemed to be rather a lot of girls & very few boys."
Gabriel, "Yes I did and was told that even at school there was a similar ratio. So I let it go. I did think it was odd though the amount of good sportsmen & ladies you seemed to attract at the youth club.
Beverley. "It is normal for all of us to have twins & in some cases triplets." Sometime a boy is born but normally he changes before his 18th birthday. Occasionally though he gets stuck & remains a feminised male like William was.”
“William was one such & with your intervention you saved him. For without your help William would in all probability be dead by now. So Wendy & I owe you a debt of gratitude."
A Thought flashed through Gabriel's mind. Gabriel, "Mum & Granny is Renate my twin sister or my cousin." Tatiana took Gabriel's hand. "Yes she is your twin & will be one with you. Like her sisters she will always support you although she is not one of the nine.
Tatiana , "Renate was brought up by Sigfried as the heir to the throne of Bavaria. You though scuppered everything when you presented Robert's ring."
10.15 The first lesson was on herbal medicine. This proved to be very interesting. All the girls where taught about the good and bad uses of various herbs and plants. The next lesson was on Spell craft. In addition Gabriel & some of the others had lessons on the power of the nine. This continued for four days a week. In addition some of the group had additional lessons in health and beauty. These included Beverley & Wendy.
Gabriel, "Granny I need your advice."
Tatiana , "I agree with my sister you have to go back to the palace."
Gabriel. “According to the invite you both can come as it invite's Gabriel Bond, Family & Friends. & You both are family. I do not understand though what an investiture is though.”
Justine, "It is like a presentation but different." Back at home Gabriel had to sort out what to wear as the invite said black tie. Then Gabriel remembered the dresses that had been sent for the party that never happened. Gabriel thought of Anthony her hair dresser who she also called Fred are going to be very busy.
Gabriel went to see him to make an appointment & whilst she was there Sandy one of the hair dressers informed Gaby that Tony had asked her to marry him. Sandy asked Gabriel be one of her bridesmaid. Gabriel gave her friend a hug as she said, "Yes I and my friend will do that."
The Palace
The news media where at the park in force when the helicopter came to collect Gabriel & family. Justine, “As Queen Gabriel Battenberg You represent the interests of the Northumbrian people at the palace & you goe with their blessing. The helicopter collected Gabriel & family from the Newly opened Lady Anne Airport at Skipton. On arrival in London certainly where given the red carpet treatment by the British government. Gabriel discovered they where to be provided with additional protection by the Diplomatic Protection unit. At Heathrow the press was waiting for the helicopter to land on runway one & then taxi to the VIP Terminal. The British & Northumbrian flags flew side by side.
The group had a short stop at the terminal whilst the official Rolls Royce cars where brought round. Justine came in her official capacity.
Justine, "Something very special was going to happen at the palace. Gabriel you will have to curtsey to the Queen & say yes Mam." When the Limos arrived Gabriel found there was also a guard of honour to greet her. Which she had to inspect before getting in the limo. In addition to the security she already had. Gabriel did not see that she warranted all this security. Unlike most people there was no customs or passport control to negotiate. The group was taken first to the Northumbrian Embassy this was formerly the Savoy Hotel. There they where greeted by the Northumbrian Ambassador who welcomed them to the Embassy & his home. There the group refreshed themselves before going to the palace.
09.00 The next day the group was due to go to Buckingham Palace.
The Ambassador, “Madam I will be attending in an official capacity." The Rolls Royce cars pulled up outside the Embassy to take the group to the Palace. You could hardly hear the engine it was so quiet. Each car flew the Northumbrian flag except the one Gabriel got into this sported her personal emblem. When we got to the palace we where ushered into a side room & informed we would be seen soon. Ally noticed Gabriel's agitated state & gave her two Valium tablets. Gabriel soon calmed down.
Then we where all called Her Majesty Gabriel Bond family & friends. The group entered this massive room. At the far end of the room sat the Queen on the throne with her husband Phillip by her side. Ally & Maddy took Gabriel by her arms as the slowly walked down the yellow carpet. Gabriel remembered Justine's instructions to only speak when spoken to. The Queen. "Come here child. You are Gabriel Bond also known as Queen Gabriel Battenberg of Northumbria I have been hearing so much about from William?"
Gabriel was in awe although they had met previously. "Yes your majesty."
The Queen. "I have this award for you and your friends in saving a boys life."
Gabriel was totally at a loss as to what was going on, and then it suddenly dawned on her. "You mean it is for helping the boy who got knocked down at Skipton."
There was a smile on the Queen's face as she said, "Yes." "I must ask you Gabriel now to kneel in front of me. The Queen then lifted a sword and placed it on both of Gabriel's shoulders. "Arise Dame Gabriel Bond of the British Commonwealth this is for your contribution to the saving of a life. I understand that you have already meet my daughter & cousins.” As the Queen said this Gabriel noticed Renate in full regalia.
Gabriel. "Yes Mam I met your daughter at Bramham Park & your cousins in Austria & Bavaria. Then a great cheer went up in the room. The Queen gave a hand signal & Gabriel accompanied her to the largest dining room she had ever seen. Ally accompanied Philip & Maddy Charles.
19.00 the following day Gabriel's mind was in a total whirl. How had she managed this? Gabriel managed to get to talk with her twin sister.
Renate said, "Gabriel will you and your friends return to Bavaria & be my special Guests. After thinking about it we agreed but where told it would almost a year before we needed to go.
Gabriel was sad to hear that the nice old man she had met had died & said so to Justine.
Justine "I will miss Sigfried greatly."
Eventually Gabriel & party where transported back to the Embassy & then given a tour of London before having to do the return journey Yorkshire.
Eventually the girls returned home. For quite a while afterwards the news hounds followed Gabrie and friendsl about. Eventually all but the local reporters found more interesting things to report in the media.
• Linda & Josie
Josie Loveliest was the exception though she stuck with Gabriel like glue. She only ever sent in reports of news worthy items. Josie was the daughter of Linda Loveliest who had become well known as a fortune-teller & seer. Titania & Tatiana noticed the interest Josie was showing in Gabriel. They decided to visit Linda.
At the house they where greeted by Linda who said, "I know why you both are here. My Linda has been a pest following your grand daughter like a lap dog."
"Josie can see like I can but she still has not mastered it correctly." As Titania was about to speak the doorbell rang again. This time it was Justine.
Justine, "It looks as if we have already been beaten here."
Titania, "I was just about to invite Linda to come with Josie to school for the foreseeable future."
Tatiania, "Two seers would make a fine addition to our club.Neither of you will be able to report the meetings we hold."
Justine gave Linda a list of thing she and her daughter would need. The following Monday morning as they had been instructed they entered the Gabriel Bond building. There they had their photograph taken and were given a biometric pass each. Two girls escorted them to another room where they where instructed to wait.
Josie, "Mum" "Do you realise what those two are? Red Hair & pointed ears they can only be Leprechauns. The girl on the desk could beat me any time at swimming."
Linda, "Josie be Quiet. You never know who is listening."
"If they are true magic folk then there could be more about." Tinkerbell came to collect them. Josie, "You are a fairy?" Tinkerbell looked at them. "Yes you are right on all three accounts. My cousins are Leprechauns. Lorelei wishes to challenge you to a swimming contest as she hears you also are very good. First though we have somewhere to go.” Tinkerbell took them through in to another room. Linda for a moment was speechless.
Justine "Empress I present the seer Linda Loveliness & Her daughter Josie.”
Josie was looking round the room. Josie could clearly see all the auras of everyone including her own mother which she had never noticed before. Josie went into the centre of the room and spoke, "Ladies I want to tell you all a story. I was just leaving junior school for the day with both of my sisters. My sisters are both deaf & I use sign language to communicate with them."
Gabriel whispered to Daisy & Buttercup to go and fetch the sisters. "I was not paying attention when attempting to cross the road. Instead I was signing to my sisters. I had not noticed the wagon thundering towards me & my sisters. The next instant hands grabbed me & my sisters & pulled us to safety. The ones who had pulled us to safety was called Drew Bond & his sister Jool's. From that day I had a crush on Drew from that day at school but I never told him. I had intended to thank the Bond's for saving the life of my sisters and I. The next time I went to school the Bond's where not to be found. I never mentioned this to anybody before today. Although I suspect my mother already knew."
"Well I left high School & was working my way through college as a cub reporter for theYorkshie Evening Post & Morning Post when I was given an assignment. My assignment was to check up on reports of Gabriel Bond. At first I did not realise that it was my Drew. I saw a very attractive young female always surrounded by some of the most beautiful ladies in the world. It was not until I recognised Jool's that I realised that the person I had been following for the paper was the same one who had given me my life back all those years ago."
Josie approached the throne, "Gabriel Bond my sisters & I where the first three you ever saved. Without your intervention we would all be dead. From the day you saved us all three of us became yours to do with as you wish. I know where we all currently are for I have inherited gifts from my mother. Gabriel Bond had you stayed male and not moved from where you previously lived I would have gone out of my way to make you mine & my sisters. All I ask now is may I permision for my sisters & I to join your elite group?"
Daisy & Buttercup returned & whispered to Gabriel.
Gabriel. "Tinkerbell can you fetch our other guests in please."
Tinkerbell came back shortly with Jackie & Jade. They had not seen their mother or sister for quite a while as they had been attending a special boarding school for the deaf. They signed to Gabriel who signed back. They walked up to Gabriel & kissed her and then sat on the floor in front of her. Josie came & joined her sisters.
Josie "These are my sisters Jackie on the left & Jade on the right.”
Gabriel placed her hands on the heads of both girls. Gabriel. "Josie for those wishing to join the pack there is a initiation do you wish to participate on behalf of yourself & your sisters?"
Josie. "Yes I will participate."
Gabriel. "In that case we will all retire to the pool. I believe you already have challenged Lorelei & Ariel & three others also requested permision to participate."
Before Josie could reply there was a, "NO you are nor swimming without us Josie."
Jade. "Thank you your majesty for restoring our hearing. We will though swim on our own behalf." The first race was the breaststroke. Lorelei won this easy but Josie came in second With Ariel & Jade in joint third. The next was the freestyle. This time Josie managed to tie with Lorelei for first place.
Neptune was watching the event He turned to Gabriel. "Those three are giving my daughters a run for their money. With a bit more practice that one is going to win Lorelei."
Uncle may I present the mother of all three girls. Neptune turned to greet the girls Mother. "Linda they are your daughters that challenge mine?"
"No Neptune they are your daughters who are finding out who is the best. My money is still on Lorelei but Josie is giving her a hard time. Eventually they came to the high dive this time it was Jackie & Jade who took the first place with Ariel & Josie in second. As they got dried Josie noticed her sisters aura had changed to a Blue-Green.
Lorelei came with her sisters. "Mother was & still is the only one who can beat me, but you have come a very close second."
"I hope you will agree to make this weekly as I need the practice." Lorelei then noticed her father. "Father I did not realise you where watching”
Neptune, "Girls there is something you should all know. Before I married your mother I was engaged to another. The girls father did not care for me & one day moved his family away. From that day until today I did not know what had become of them. Today I come to visit my niece & find the girl I was engaged to & presumably still am is here with her daughters. Not only do I find she is here but her daughters are challenging mine in a swimming contest."
Ariel. "Father are you trying to tell us we have been swimming against our sisters."
Linda spoke, "Half sisters to be precise. Yes girls he is their father. My father was not very pleased when after we moved away & I started to swell up like a beached whale. To teach me a lesson I had to bring the girls up with out their father. Yes Neptune I still have your ring which I still wear to this day. I will not marry you though until you recover your wife & only then with her permission. However I would like the opportunity to get reacquainted & for our daughters to get to know each other better.”
Gabriel turned to Josie, "Do you still wish to join the elite group now you know who your father is?"
Lorelei & Ariel both spoke, "We can not deny these three are our father's daughters. We propose our sisters join us in your group & like us take lessons with Tatiana.”
Lorelei turned to Linda, “Our mother is missing until she returns will you be our surrogate mother to all of the mer girls.."
Ariel , "We now ask Linda & father to swim against each other."
Neptune was about to say no when Linda. "Neptune are you scared that I can still win you over 5 miles."
Neptune. "Right you are on & if you win then the Engagement is still officially on. After 240 laps of the pool Linda eventually won.
Neptune looked shattered. Ariel, "Dad nobody ever beats you."
Neptune after regaining his breath, "Linda could before & apparently still can beat me."
Lorelei looked at Linda. "Are you ready for a challenge from your daughters & step daughters Linda."
Josie. "One mile Back stroke & one breast stroke." All the girls where game to challenge Linda after she had beaten their father. Coming up to the final length & Ariel, Lorelei, Linda & Josie where all level pegging with the others some way behind. All four eventually tied for first place.
Gabriel, "Uncle Neptune in front of your family you vowed if Linda won your Engagement would be officially on again. We all know you can have as many wives as you want. However I forbid you to get married again with out my permission or that of your existing wife."
Linda, "Empress I have waited 17 years to be reunited I can wait another 17 if I have to.”
Neptune s "Linda you & my wife where to only ones ever to beat be in a race.
Linda, "I have two sisters who could beat me but I have never seen them from the day my father discovered I was carrying your children."
Ariel, "What where your sisters called Linda?" " My youngest sister was called Pegi & the middle one Lindi."
Lorelei looked at Ariel who disappeared & returned with a photo.
Ariel handed the photo to Linda, "This our missing mother & father vowed he would never remarry until she was found."
Linda looked at the photo. "Neptune you married Lindi my sister."
Neptune. "My missing wife is one of your missing sisters?"
Linda, "Yes she is."
Josie. "Father I had a dream about Aunt Lindi that a police lady would show you where she was."
Josie had just finished speaking when Justine put in an appearance. "Neptune make the most of the time with your children for all too soon they will leave you to protect the Heavenly queen."
Justine disappeared in a puff of smoke.
Sharp 13.01.09 © 2009