
Dream On

26 "Ouch"

"Drew Your dress!"

"What about it Mad.?

"What was on that step? It's all dirty at the back, you can't wear it like that!"

"Oh. Shit I'll have to go change."

"Ok you sort yourselves out, I'll go meet the Morgan's'. "

"Don't forget you already know Mfanwy." As I gave Dad my phone

"What?" gasped Dad.

"Erm, Mfanwy is really Rhod, and his stepmother doesn't know" I added.

"I'll send Mum out." Maddy called as we rushed back inside. Quickly briefing both Mums and headed up the stairs.

I was doing all right until the first turn when my heel caught something and I found myself slammed up against the wall.

The pain in my chest was intense. I took a big breath ready for the scream and that's as far as I got. I just could not breathe out. My mouth was open, my eyes pleading for help. The shocking pains still in my chest.

Maddy started pounding on my back that hurt as well. While Mum pounded up the stairs.

Just as Mum reached me I finally managed to exhale.

"Argh. What the hell was that?" I gasped out rubbing my chest but not for long that made it worse.

"That's what I want to know." said Mum as she steered me to the room.

In seconds my top was stripped off, followed by the bra. God that felt good as it came off, but as the weight pulled on my skin it set off a new wave of pain through me.

"Solvent." Said Mum and Maddy scampered off.

Not much later I saw Mad's eyes go wide as the first Boob was peeled off.

"What's caused that?" asked Maddy as we all stared at the angry red marks around my nipples.

"I would say Drew still rides like a boy." Said Mum "I've noticed before you ride in a very low tuck. Do your legs touch your boobs Drew?"

"I didn't notice Mum."

"If they were real, you'd notice," piped Maddy.

"Drew that had to hurt. Why didn't you say something?"

"I 'spose I was more interested in the pain in my back, they were itching a bit but it didn't seem so bad until I hit the wall."

"Well you can't wear these again for a while. Ideally you should just rest up tonight but your guests will be here any minute."

Mum grabbed the first aid kit and found a tube of salve. And applied it to my nipples, Oh wow!

She then delved into her bag and came out with a sanitary pad. Now what I wondered.

Grabbing some scissors Mum fashioned two discs to cover the sore areas and used micropore tape to fix them in place.

Maddy had found my Avril Levigne T. Handing it to me.

"Try that for pain level" she said.

I eased it over my chest

"That feels Ok." I said

"Right then shorts and T's" she said. As she started changing too.

"Mad you don't have to change"

"Yes I do. We have to match."

"It's a Gurl thing," laughed Mum.

"The short Cargo's I think" as Mad disappeared again

We descended the stairs again dressed identically and met Mfanwy and Cherys, escorted by Dad, who looked just a little confused.

"Ooh! Twins!" squealed Cherys as Mad started doing the jiggy thing with Mfanwy.

"Cousins actually." Said Mum, before Dad did the introductions.

"Mfanwy, I thought your name was Piper" Carol said, and we watched as Rhod turned the colour of Cherys' dress.

"Oh. That's a school thing Mum we were all into `Charmed' at the time, and it stuck because some of the kids found it easier than Mfanwy." You had to admit Maddy was quick.

"Piper, I like that though Van's not as energetic as the Piper on TV. Are you Luv.

Mfanwy rolled her eyes. She looked nothing like Piper either. But nobody picked up on that.

She looked very cool, In light blue the softness of the outfit contrasted with her hair which she had gelled to a spiky style.

On and on Cherys talked, we almost had her life story in three minutes until into a gap Carol said.

"Where's my John?"

"In here Love. I was just checking Sky News." And we all trooped in and guess what. Yes your right.

"Gaby are you Ok?" said a voice behind me.

It was James. I was grateful for the distraction, so I went over to him.

"Every where I've been today people have been talking about that, but it's the first time I've seen it. Are you sure you shouldn't be resting?"

"I'm Ok, really James just a few scrapes and bruises."

"Just a few. Look at you girl." As he pointed to the screen.

They were showing me shaking hands with the Group Captain. You could clearly see the ripped open skins and my scrapes underneath.

"Oh. That's sick." He said as they showed the crash again in slow motion.

I quickly turned and left. Closely followed by Maddy Her Phone trilled again with another SMS.

I was watching her as she read the Text, and saw the colour drain from her face.

Mad turned and ran for the loo dropping the phone as she went.

James picked it up. "Oh. Shit" He said as he handed it to me. I read.

"Hey Dyke why don't you get one of those Rugby players to show you how to do it."

I was stunned and scrolled back through the previous Messages.

There were the usual Text from the rest of the gang but almost every other one said Dyke or Lesbo.

Carol was just coming out of the TV room so I quickly handed her the phone and set off in pursuit of Maddy.

I couldn't find her in the Loo and was starting to panic until Mama Morris pointed me to the car park.

I raced after her, and found her sobbing near the container. I put my arms around her and tuned her round, not sure of what to say.

"Hey is this the girl that usually says Sod Em!"

"Drew you don't understand, that text came from someone who knows my number. I've only given it to a handful of people. Whoever sent those texts, it must have been someone I thought was a friend."

Carol joined us, the rest of the gang were by the door but I could see Mama making her way toward us.

"Its Ok, Maddy, we'll get you a new SIM card in the morning, I'll cancel that one."

"That isn't going to help though is it" said Mama

Mad shook her head.

"Look I think I can help. Will you trust me?"

Mad looked from her to me. Well mama hadn't steered me wrong so far. So I nodded. And Maddy followed suite.

Mama led us back to her office, while James distracted Mfanwy and Cherys.

"Now said Mama I have to inform the Police." She raised her hand to forestall Maddy and Carol.

"I assure you they will understand and will be on your side. This comes under the heading of `Stalking' and will be treated as an assault by the police.

"Nobody gets assaulted in my hotel."

Mama picked up the phone checked a list then dialled.

"Chief Superintendent Whittacker please. Yes it is. Tell him its Mama"

A pause then gave brief details of what had happened.

"13 yes. Yes good to speak to you too Bob. Thank you Bob."

"Right that's sorted can I have the phone?" As Mad was handing it over it beeped once more, she looked at it and smiled.

"Thank God" she said and showed it to me.

"Does Drew know your playing around with Gaby."

I must have looked blank.

"Don't you see. My close friends know about Gaby." She smiled. Mama's eyebrows had risen.

Mama put the phone in a jiffy bag and labelled it FAO DCI Brooks, and sealed it.

"Now go and enjoy the rest of the evening, I'll let you know if anything happens."

27 Ka mate. Ka mate.

I think that was just about the last straw. As I felt myself stumble I didn't feel faint just very very tired.

I didn't resist too much when Dad suggested a nap.

I must have been dreaming when I heard Maddy saying. "Come on Drew, Please wake up." I tried to move but couldn't and drifted off somewhere else.

The next thing I knew was a lurch as some one sat on the bed my eyes flew open and there was Maddy.

"How are you feeling now?"

"Alright I guess. How did I get here? "

"You flaked into James' arms. He. He. Cherys was most impressed."

"You're joking"

"Ha. Ha. The look on your face was priceless Drew, Yeah Your Dad suggested a nap and walked you upstairs. Don't you remember?"

"Oh. Did you get anything out of Rhod?"

Not yet, I haven't got him alone yet, Mum has though, I think he got the third degree 'cause he was real quiet after."

"You coming down then? Everybody's asking after you. I said I'd come and see."

"What time is it?"

"Quarter to ten. You're missing all the fun."


"Wait a mo." Maddy disappeared and came back with a face cloth and towel and freshened me up a bit.

There was a cheer as we entered the music room completely putting off the Swedish couple, who were trying to sing a folk song.

Dad scooted up on the sofa the family had commandeered to make room for us.

James went through a few songs then I found Maddy was dragging me up to the piano as James played the first few notes of Mad World.

I was nervous until James whispered close your eyes, and it worked I got through it. Then he started playing Wonderful, two other girls got up and helped with the chorus where it changes beat, then they let me go.

Before I got to my seat Brad said "Stay there Gaby," as eight of the NZ guys stood and ranged themselves as four and three with Brad front and centre.

They performed their Haka right in front of me. If you think the faces they pull are ugly wait until you see it from one metre, That's ugly.

Toward the end Brad pulled out a rubber knife and threw it in front of me, strutting a few paces back to the group all the time waggling his tongue at me and turning his head from side to side.

Pick it up I heard Dad say. So I did and they leapt in the air with more chanting to finish their display.

"Wow! wait till Dad hears about this Mfanwy said. "He'll be green."

"Told you so."

Mfanwy resisted all efforts to get her to sing, and Joe took pity on her after hearing her name. Saying "I'll sing for Mfanwy." That's when I realised why Cherys had called her Vanoo.

Joe got up, spoke quietly to James then asked the NZ Guys for some help.

James started to play quietly. The chords made me think it was a hymn but it sounded more like a lullaby. Dad said it was an Old Welsh love song, which made sense. I could feel the hair stand up on the back of my neck, as Joe sang 'Mfanwy'.

Cherys had her eyes closed as she revelled in the sound. I saw Mama wipe her eyes several times as she bustled about. And nobody wanted to follow that.

"You're a 'Gog'." Cherys said to Joe as he came back to the table. It actually came out as. "Yorra Gog" her accent was harsh.

Y Guble. That's what it sounded like. Joe explained that Gog was short for Goglieth or a North Walian. And Y Guble was literally "Yes, No, Aye"

"Come on Vanoo, a quick visit to the 'Ty- Bach' then home."

John roared with laughter.

"I haven't heard that in a while" he said.

When he saw my expression he explained.

"Ty-Bach means Little House, It normally means on outside loo or privy"

We never did get a chance to speak to Mfanwy that night.

28 Revelation.

I slept badly that night I had lots to worry about, the press coverage was a disaster I couldn't sleep on my back, I couldn't sleep on m stomach. I just turned on my right side, my left hurt too. And fretted most of the night.

In the end I got up and moved my sheets to the easy chair, grabbed a pillow and settled in that.

I woke to murmuring from the others and ignored them, perhaps they'd go away.

To be fair they did leave me alone for quite a while, for when I next opened my eyes Mum was checking me out and the others were ready to go for breakfast.

I couldn't believe it, it was only 8:30. On a Sunday as well.

Maddy wanted to stay with me but Mum shooed them out and said we would be down later.

"Rough night?" asked Mum. I nodded, there was no point denying it. I felt as though I hadn't slept at all. What I'd had was a load of weird dreams. And I didn't want to remember them.

"Your Dad said your were scared yesterday that's why you blew up. Is that right?"

I nodded "I'm always scared. Did Dad tell you why?"

"Something about Gaby taking over."

"And how much has Carol told you?"

"She said you had a rough week."

"Is that all. How about a rough year"

"Drew I never meant this to happen it was supposed to be fun"

"Oh I'm sure you had a riot."

"Drew no! I thought you had fun too."

"Breaking my collar bone was the best thing that happened over Christmas."

"Drew you can't mean that."

"You preferred Gaby around. That's why I was the only one who didn't have a change of clothes for the restaurant."

"No Drew no, Juliet said she'd spoken to you and that you were alright with it"

"This is the same Juliet whose staying with Gran is it?"

"Oh Drew I'm sorry. Why didn't you say something?"

"I did and quickly learned that I was wasting my time. You'd already made up your mind it was fun."

"Dad hasn't told you much has he. What about Gran have you talked to her?

"N..Not since I got back."

"Mum! if you'd asked me I'd have been Gaby for you anyway. But now I feel trapped all the time. She's stealing my life. I need to be Drew for a while Ok."

"I understand Drew, but what about today."

"What about it. I turn up collect the cup or whatever, and we beetle back for the party in the park."

"Er. This was supposed to be a surprise."

"Mum, I don't do surprises very well. Or hadn't you noticed?"

"The WFC asked if I would do an appearance ride. Show the Yellow Jersey."


They called George, the team manager to get permission. Then George called Apollinaris to tell them"

"Yes and?"

"Well they were so pleased with the coverage so far that they're sending him over to sort it with the WFC."

"What's this got to do with me?" I was getting a bad feeling about this.

"Drew we were both wearing Apollinaris skins on camera yesterday, they were excited about your Win and they want us to appear, that is er, ride together.

"Cool. A couple of laps and wave right?"

"Er. Not exactly Drew It's a new track so they'll want to show it off, they probably have some sort of event in mind." The bad feeling was getting worse.

"My skins are ripped Mum. That wont be a very good advert will it?" I was clutching at straws and we both knew it.

Mum pointed to a box near the door.

"That came by messenger last night." Said Mum.

"Will you do this for me?" I knew it was a lost cause. I'd do anything for Mum.

"What is this event Mum?"

"I really don't know Drew, it's probably going to be a novelty ride, between the morning Comp's and the prize giving."

"You know, to keep the Punters happy while the organisers and judges get ready."


"Drew they know you're not very experienced at track, so they won't expect too much. Your job is to make me look good. But I know you, once you're on a bike you have to give your best, don't you?

I nodded

"Right then, shower!"

Mum carefully checked my scrapes as I stepped out,

"How's the chest this morning"

"Still sore Mum, It was itching real bad last night that's why I got up I just couldn't find a comfortable position." Mum got the salve out again gently applying it to my sore nipples the relief was as intense as the pain. I groaned.

"Mmm. If this goes on much more you'll have to by me some more sanitary pads." She giggled as she cut up another pad and taped it over the sore bits. Then made me do a few of the Isometrics to loosen me up, before donning the skins.

"Come on a quick breakfast snack then a short ride Ok."

We hit the breakfast bar for a few glasses of orange and a slice of toast

"What about the bike I asked?"

"Sorted." said Dad.

We went out to the car park. Steve Baker was there holding my bike.

"Wow what did you do Steve?"

"Not a lot really. The lads at St. Athan had a whip round after you left and paid for the bits. All I did was put it all together Gaby."

I was speechless I thought it was going to cost an arm and a leg to replace those wheels. I managed to stutter my thanks but Steve waved it off.

"It's ok Gaby. There are over 2,000 people on that station they didn't have to dig very deep to raise the funds. In fact the excess which was considerable was given to charity."

"Aren't you going to try it then?" asked Dad as he handed me my shoes, I wasted no more time, and soon Mom and I were bowling down the road.

We didn't go far just a few K at an easy pace, we found a lake to the north and looped around it and back to the hotel it was just an excuse to get me back on a bike I guessed.

We got back 20 minutes later and headed for breakfast proper.

"Drew the work's, Ok."


"Your Dad told me you didn't get a proper breakfast Friday and you fainted right? So today you make sure to order the full breakfast."

"Another great entrance ladies." Called Brad as we walked in to join the others who were just finishing.

"Now Brad I've told you before."

"The works are you sure?"

I nodded. Mama bent down closer to me, and whispered.

"I liked your friend Mfanwy, he's not like you though is he." and she bustled away to get our food.

Wow, as a breath-taker that was pretty good.

Mama came back with two well-stacked plates that Mum and me set about cleaning.

We were only half way through when a coach driver appeared at the door. As one the NZ boys stood and started to take their leave. They all shook our hands, Brad kissed my cheek and said.

"I hope we meet again Gaby. I'll be watching the Cycling with a different attitude from now on."

"Next stop Edinburgh lads lets go."

I was finished and onto a second cup of tea when Mama came back with a tall red haired man.

"This is DCI Chris Brooks, he'd like a word."

"Thank you Mama. We waited 'til it was a bit quieter. Is this alright or would you rather one of the rooms?"

I looked around we were the only ones in the room.

"This is fine." Said Carol. I got up and went to sit next to Maddy.

Chris looked at the two of us and started.

He told us that they had traced the phone calls with the help of the Phone Company and that texts were still being received at 9:00 last night some of them even more offensive than the ones we had seen.

The Phone Company even told the police the approximate location of the phone (A Mall in Sheffield). The Police then used the surveillance cameras and had film of two girls using the phone at the Mall.

"Do you know a Sonia Mills and Kirsty Weber?"

"Shit" said Maddy "I was terrified it was one of my friends. How did they get my number?"

"Er. This is where it could get awkward. We checked the calls made to and from the phone for the previous 24 hours. This number was used twice, its ex directory."

He passed a card with a number on it to Maddy.

"Means nothing to me." Said Mad. I looked at the card.

"Holy Shit" the number leapt out at me.

I passed the card to Mum and Dad. Mum went pale. It was Gran's number!

"There is no record of the conversation, the other messages were texts. But Kirsty Weber told us a girl called Juliet had given them the number."

"What happens now?" said Carol

"That will be up to the Magistrates As they're Minors they'll probably be bound over but they could find themselves with a restraining order to prevent them coming near or contacting you in any way. Especially If you request it."

29 Felodrom Casnewydd

Mum was cross but Dad was seething as we drove to Newport. To lighten the mood John was pointing out landmarks as we drove along the motorway.

As we crested a rise and started to drop John said check over there by the river.

We could see a monstrous structure looking like two giant pylons with a girder bridge between them suspended from the bridge was a platform.

"Newport Transporter Bridge" He told us. Built by Brunel, the platform moves and carries vehicles over the river Usk.

John navigated Dad through the docks so we could see it up close. It really is monstrous.

As we travelled to the East Side of Newport there were lots of signs up for the Velodrome or Felodrom and we found it easily just before 12:00

The car park was heaving and Dad was getting frustrated when we spotted a man wearing a tabard who directed us to the reserved parking at the back.

The Newport Transporter Bridge!
Even the signs are in Welsh!

The building looked massive, not just because of its size but the way it was built. If you imagine an oval perhaps 300 by 200, with walls going straight up 30 or 40 metres and you'll get the idea.

Mad pointed to a competitor's entrance sign and we headed to it. We could hear the cheering and roars from the building over the chuffing of the Vdub.

As we entered and descended the ramp into the basement area below the stadium, the look on the Peters family faces was priceless. The basement was a warren of corridors leading to training rooms squash courts and other sports activities. People, riders and officials, seemed to be milling about all over the place and we felt a little lost until Dad spotted the familiar face of Mike heading toward us.

"Oh. Great you're here. Herr Muller is around somewhere, on the deck I think. You can take your bikes into workshop 3 but you won't be allowed to take them up until you've changed tyres."

He went on to explain that as the Velo was so new they didn't want street tyres as he put it, scuffing or bringing stones onto the track. He also handed out those silly little ID passes to wear around or necks.

Dad huffed a bit and left with John to fetch them.

"Come on up." Said Mike as he guided us to a flight of stairs along side a large curved ramp.

We emerged to a wall of noise. A four-man pursuit was in progress, and the crowd was very vocal in their support for the riders.

Mike had to shout as he told us the heats had been going on for three days but as this was finals day and the event well publicised there was a full house. The race finish caught him out, as the noise level dropped and he was still shouting.

"So what's this event going to be Mike?" Mum asked

"Well we're running a little late but the last event should be clear at 1:30. We thought that You, Gaby and Maria coul..."

"MARIA!" yelled Mum "You mean she's here?""

Just then I felt someone hug me from behind. It was Kat.

Kat started the jiggy thing as I turned. Mum was doing the same with Maria.

I finally got her calmed down, and introduced Maddy as my girlfriend. Her eyebrows rose into a question.

"So are you Gaby or Drew today?" she asked

"Er. Well, everyone seems to be calling me Gaby at the moment but I'd prefer Drew to be honest, just to remind me I'm still here."

Maddy put her arms around me, staking out her territory. I responded in kind to show my agreement.

I was just about to suggest we all go somewhere quieter when my phone rang.

I pulled it out, 'GRAN' I read on the display.

"Drew I'm sorry. Please tell Maddy I'm sorry" A sobbing Juliet said before the line went dead.

"Juliet say's sorry " I told Mad, she scowled, it would take more than that to appease her, or me I thought, especially today, still she hadn't heard her crying.

Just as I'd put the phone back it chirped again. Unknown number it proclaimed.

"Hello Drew quick turn left and wave." Britney's voice yelled out of the phone. I grabbed Maddy and swung her round looking for the camera, I spotted it and yelled "Wave Mad" and we started the jiggy thing mouthing "Hi Britney"

"Wow that's so kewl," said Britney as Maddy pressed her ear to the phone "The Gangs all here and an assortment of "Hi Drew's, Hi Maddy's" made there way to us.

"But It must be like 5:00 AM" over there I protested.

"Not far off" said Britney" Your attempt at flight was all over the sports channels even CNN, so we called an instant slumber party waiting for C-sport to show the Cycling."

"You mean you've been up all night?"

"Well Yeah. Couldn't miss the Drewbie show now could we girls?" a chorus of no's and no way's came down the phone.

"Look Drew gotta go, this'll come out of my allowance. But I couldn't resist when I saw you with your phone." A chorus of "Bye Drew Bye Maddy." Then

"Love to Gaby...Click"

I just stared at the phone.

"Who was that?" Carol asked.

"That was just so cool Mum, Britney saw Drew with the phone and called him."

Carol had a look of relief on her face. I think she was a bit worried after the texts.

I introduced Kat to Carol, then looked around for Mum.

I saw her a few feet away, I'm surprised I didn't hear her, she was going at it Hammer and Tongs with George, in German. Maria was trying to intervene.

"Oops," said Kat as we got closer.

"What's going on?" I asked her, all I could make out was Nein, and Nicht.

"Your Mama is saying er. 'Surprises are Verboten. No surprises, Drew is allergic to surprise.' What does she mean Drew?"

"It's true." Said Maddy, "Drew has this nasty reaction to surprises."

"What is this reaction?" Kat asked a little nervously.

"Er.. I er, faint" I said quietly, I could feel the blush start.

"It's true." Said Maddy," 'bout four times this week."

Kat put her arms around me and gave me a hug.

"It's all right Drew, I get like that too. Especially when I have my monthly visitor. Perhaps you're starting yes."

"Er. No." I started as Mad put her hand over her mouth. I felt the blush go down to my toes. And right on cue I started to sway.

"Quick get a chair!" yelled Carol."

There was a paramedic near this time and he waved the chair away and got me into the recovery position. It was weird I couldn't see very well but I could hear perfectly.

"You see what I mean now George?" My eyes started to clear and I tried getting up. The paramedic made me stay until he rechecked my pulse then allowed Mum and Carol to help me back down the stairs.

I was feeling much better by the time we reached the canteen area, lots of comfy chairs and vending machines that Carol immediately set about with a handful of 50p's.

My phone started ringing again, Mad took it.

"Hi Britney, No Drew's coming out of it now. No He's all right. Really. What? they interrupted the MotoCross? Just another Kodak moment I guess. Ok. Later."

Carol plonked a bottle of Yukazade in front of me and watched as I drank it. I can think of better ways of getting sugar in your system, but when someone else pay's!

"Do you realise your breaking hearts all over America." Mad chuckled.

30 Surprise Surprise!

"So. What's the surprise then?" I asked

"Better I show you" said George.

He lead the way back toward workshop # 3, where Dad and John were just finishing re inflating the tyres, four tyre changes, he was not impressed! I was, he'd taken less than 15 minutes.

"Hi gang we were just coming up to find you."

"Well you know were to find us, just head for the nearest trouble spot." Said Carol

"Trouble? what trouble?" asked Dad

"Don't ask," said Mum "we're working our way through them steadily. "Right George?"

George was fishing through the bike racks until he pulled out a machine still in its corrugated wrapper.

"Apollinaris were very impressed with your performance yesterday Drew and as you gave them excellent free advertising. They want me to present you with this."

He started to pull the covers off a Carbon Fibre monster.

I started to drool until something caught my eye.

"Do you mean I nee...Oh shit" said Dad.

Crossbars on carbon bikes are not the 20mm tubes you find on most bikes, Oh no these are 50+mm of streamlined oval section.

Airbrushed in fluorescent purple against the jet-black carbon was.

Gaby Bond

"Good grief George! You can be such a Prat sometimes. I've told you enough times the name is Drew. Of all the things to do, you could have had `Bond, D Bond, Drew Bond' or even left it blank."

"But Gaby is the nickname, Jah. Everyone here is calling you Gaby it is all over the Radio and Television."

I couldn't fault his argument and he wasn't to know that Gaby was more usually applied to a girl than a boy. I doubted that Gabriel Byrne would tolerate being called Gaby though.

My eyes were stinging. God I wanted that Bike.

"I can't do it Mum. I can't. I'd feel like I was borrowing "Gaby's Bike" all the time."

"Can you paint it out?" suggested Carol.

"The paint is epoxy it must be carefully applied or you can damage the carbon." groaned George.

"What about Tape?" from John

"The same thing, the adhesive must be compatible."

"We'll just have to cover it some how," said Maria. "Use some of the wrapper, if you tape to the paper it won't stick to the carbon."

So that's what they did, cut a piece of the wrapper to fit and used tape to hold it on.

"That's another crisis reduced to mere drama! What's next?" asked Mum.

"Er. This event what exactly is it?" I asked and all eyes swivelled back to George.

"Well I thought we'd start with the three of you just doing a few laps for the crowd Jenny wearing the Maillot Jaune."

"George you didn't fly over just for that"

"Er. No we thought a Pursuit between you and Gaby?"

"You've got to be kidding It'll be over in one lap" I protested

"Ah. But Gaby you will have a rolling start, Jenny will start from standing. We guess you will make four maybe five laps before Your Mother draws level. The race ends then yes."

I looked at Mum. I think the idea appealed to her because she started to grin.

"What do you think Drew? You up for it?"

The classic Bond challenge! Mum knew I would. Oh I was going to lose no question about that the question was how hard I could make it for her to catch me.

I nodded. Mums grin got wider.

"Gutt. Herr Preece is having your cycles prepared and there are rollers available for warm up"

I declined that offer, those things scared me to death.

"I shall leave you to prepare. And inform Herr Preece of your agreement."

Carol handed me another can.

"I've a hunch your going to need more of this Drew"

Maddy and me followed her back to the rest area.

Angela Peters 24.02.04 © 2004

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