
Dream On

Everything seemed kinda flat after Britney and the gang returned stateside, I seem to have nothing to do but brood over recent events. I mean at least Mad asks (persuades) me to do things as Gabby, but Jules drops me in Deep Do Do at every chance.

Who do I talk to? Dad runs away and say's he doesn't need to know, and with Mum back in Germany (God I miss her!) I seem to mope around in a daze when I'm left alone.

An even more depressing thought hit me, the hol's are nearly over Shi- oot! Just the August bank holiday and a fast slide into September then the autumn term starts (Deep Joy) .

Mondays training ride went well apart from a few puzzling moments during a sprint I seemed to be pumping away with out the usual effort, the roadspeed seemed ok but something seemed off I kept wanting to change up a gear but I knew I was in the highest cog.

I coasted to a stop got off and had a good hard look at the bike, but everything looked ok and I was definitely in high gear, (that's the big gear at the pedals sometimes called the double clanger, and the smallest cog at the wheel). As the set-up was identical to my old bike, it was a puzzle.

I got back on and started back home but still felt the need for a higher gear...V-odd. When I got back I tried to ring Mad but no luck, must have gone shopping with Auntie Carol (HUH.)

"Hi Drew you look worried what's up?" Asked Dad, so I told him about the bike.

"Ahso, Glashopper." I didn't know where that came from but I started to giggle which I quickly changed to a chuckle.

" Have you altered the saddle?"

"No Dad it's at the same height"

"So, if the bikes the same something else has changed, right." a real cheesy grin on his face.

" spose so" I said, not knowing where this was going.

"Stand by the garage door." said Dad "That's it shoulders back head up", then he threw the curve ball (Britny's influence)

"Do your shoes fit alright?"


"I mean they haven't started pinching or anything"

"N oooo dad they're fine."

Dad picked up a Buffy annual and a pencil from the bench put the book on my head and scribed a line. I started to catch on. That part of the garage wall had lots of lines each with a name and date, all birthdays of Jules and mine.

" Take a look". Said Dad.

Wow the new line was about 30mm above the birthday line.

"And it looks all in the legs Drew, no wonder the bike feels odd!"

Grabbing the saddle key Dad lifted the saddle about 25mm.

"Ok try that".

"Now that really feels odd"

"Ok, stand on the pedals, I'll lower it a bit.... Ok try again".

"Erm I think its Ok, shall I try it out".

"Not yet, put the brakes on and tension up on the pedals"

Dad started squeezing the muscles of my lower legs "Come on Push now - Harder"

"Hey that's my job" called Maddy closely followed by a piercing wolf-whistle from Auntie Carol (Huh). Both of them had toothy grins.

I started to feel uneasy, Maddy looked almost feral.

" "Longshanks" here is getting even longer!" said dad "I've just been taking in the slack. Good thing it wasn't a junior frame you won Drew!"

"Mm" said Carol "How are your shoes?"

"Huh " Their fine, no change there."

"Oh good "chirped Gabby (huh) then quickly changed the subject "We've been shopping!

"Well," stated Carol "I thought that if Maddy was going to do any more ridding she ought to have the right kit" as Maddy held up a full set of skins, in the most amazing combination of pink and purple that seemed to cast a glow around the garage.

"Woah! Mad you'll certainly stand out from the pack in those colours"

"That's the idea." Mad huffed.

"I need to make Phone call" said Dad " Can you stop for a cuppa Carol"

Dad was looking right at me as he said that, I don't think I groaned out loud, but it felt loud in my head

"Sure." Replied Aunt Carol (Huh?) (I keep doing that but it's almost a nervous twitch when I'm not in Gabby mode.)

"Er, Drew I brought the "Alex Parks" Album over with me, I thought you might like to tape it." That brought me out of some rather deep thoughts that had threatened to develop into a full-blown shudder. Was I getting paranoid?

"Great Mad, Lets go upstairs and set it up."

As we went in I could hear Dad on the phone "...............ight Doc 30 mil, What do you think......" Aunt Carol was filling the kettle then so the water running drowned out anymore.

Maddy was dragging me upstairs. "I haven't heard it all yet." she said " I borrowed it off Bernie last night, if you've got a spare tape could you do one for me then I can give it straight back to her?"

"In that case I'll make a Minidisk, I've only got the one clean tape"

I set up the Sony to record to disc and tape at the same time, and hit play.

I'd got into "Fame Academy" by accident before Christmas, not really into it but "into" it if you see what I mean. There Had been an enormous amount of dross on TV and the dark nights had put a damper on training, so I was channel hopping when I hit the red button on BBC3 and got the live feed from the house (Fame Academy is sort of Big Brother for musicians. Or as I liked to say Pop Idol with TALENT.)

Anyway two of the students, (I worked out later were James Fox and Alistare Griffin. Were sat around this huge piano playing Beatles songs with the odd bit of Billy Joel. (Mum told me later) They just played sang and joked around for about two hours before the other students came back from some award ceremony. James was really good on the piano and seemed to be able to play anything. I was thinking of learning the piano all over the Christmas break, but never did anything about it. I think Jules had a thing about Alistare because I often caught her watching the live feed after that.

Alex Parks was the eventual winner and that's how we were listening to the CD. It was really good, seriously good. About three tracks in was a cover of "Mad World" by Tears for Fears. The cold chills came back. Every verse seemed to be about me.

"Mad did your Mum suggest bringing the CD?". Mad found her shoes interesting all of a sudden.

"Their talking about me aren't they?"

"I think they're talking about "Us" actually" Mad still looked at her shoes

"Huh Wha"

"I got the Mother Daughter heart to heart last night. AGAIN"


"Ere, Drew, Remember Obicon when Mum came in to get us?"

"Ye eees"

"Mum clocked that my bed hadn't ........."


"That about sums it up yes"

"But we didn't do..."

"I know that. You know that.......... I think I convinced her my honour is still intact, What do you think your Dad will say?"

I thought...and thought and I just froze, my brain just couldn't go there. I started to shake. as thought it through

"DREW". I felt her squeezing my hand.

"I....I think I know how Dad feels now.." I remembered the last awkward silence that had developed after I'd asked him a 'Birds and Bee's' type question He answered it ok then I was too embarrassed to ask any follow up questions and I don't think he wanted to develop the topic. So the whole moment dissolved into silence, both praying for an interruption.

I realised then that most of the really great times I'd had with Dad were spent in total silence. Like the time two years ago when we'd watched the sun rise over Snowdon while on a camping weekend.

"What does that mean?"

"He'll feel exactly like I feel now". Suddenly I realised that my shoes were very interesting too.

Mad gently pulled my head around so I was looking at her.

"How do you feel Drew?"

"Scared" Gee I said it. It just came out.

"Go on"

"Every time I try to talk to Dad it just seems to get awkward, like he.... Doesn't want to know too much, He's actually said that. Sheeees I Wish Mum was here"

"Wouldn't that be worse?"

"Maybe..... No better, then Aunt Carol. ......"Mad smiled at me" Would have spoken to Mum, said exactly what she is saying to Dad right now!"

"How would that be better?"

"Well now Dads Gonna ring Mum, and if he's as scared as I am He'll leave out half of what Aunt Carol is saying to him, Mum will get nervous cause she'll know that Dads scared, Mum'll think she has to come home to sort it out. That's when the brown excrement will hit the rotating air mover."

"Oh........Is........can' we side-track him"


"Like learning to fly you hurl your self at the ground but get distracted at the last minute and completely miss the target"

I giggled the giggle became a chuckle then a laugh the laugh got louder. Suddenly Maddy grabbed my face and started kissing me right on the lips, I Was Really getting to enjoy that when suddenly an image of Dad and Carol Walking in hit my brain and I backed off QUICKLY.

"What Brought That On, that's NOT a complaint mind!"

"Sorry Drew I thought you were getting hysterical so I..........."

" I Was Not GET........... Oh. I was wasn't I."

"So how are you going to get your Dad to miss the ground?" I almost started laughing again.

"Come on Drew think........How about if you ring your mum first."

"No I don't know what she's doing today and anyway the numbers on the phone in the kitchen, and that's the last place I want to be right now"

"But you've got your mobile"

"I doubt there's enough credit on it to call Germany"

"Well whoever you call make it soon because my Mums gonna stop talking soon....." Suddenly I knew who to call; I grabbed the mobile and hit the speed dial......

"Hi Gran"

"Hello Drew What's Wrong"

"Duh How did you know"

" I'm your Gran, now Talk to me Drew"

So I started to pour it all out I talked faster and faster, Maddy was hugging my waist whispering something in my ear, Oh yeah Breath, I know I was garbling and starting to panic but I Knew that time was short. After a while I realised I was talking to myself the mobile silent and the battery symbol showing empty. Shi ooot NOT NOW! WHY NOW? I scrabbled for the charger lead.

Just as I heard the Kitchen door open my stomach started to churn, the first steps on the stair.



Foot steps on the Stair.

I could hear Aunt Carol Say "and mind what I said now Dave"

And the Phone ringing "Oh just what I needed"

Another step on the stair. Then Carol saying

"Answer it after all it might be good news", Dad Huffed, but the steps retreated down the stairs.

He must have left the door open because we heard,

"Oh Hi mum, no not yet" he started to speak quieter and I swear I could hear Granny's voice from the phone, it went on quite a while with the occasional yes mum no mum etc.

I stared at Maddy, she started to smile that became a grin and I suddenly noticed that her nose sort crinkled when she really smiled so I kissed it and then kissed her lips. Her eyes closed and then flew open really wide.

"Drew do you realise that's the first time that you've kissed me" I started to stutter

"N No S S Surely not"

"It is you know, I tend to notice these things"

There was a quiet laugh behind us and we flew around to see Carol in the doorway.

I have no Idea how long she had been there and felt my face began to burn.

"If you where to get some bread Maddy we could make some toast"

I could feel my ears start to tingle as Maddy giggled and squeezed my hand I didn't mind that it was a nice giggle

I was more worried about what Carol was going to say next, as she came into my room looking round, picked up a chair and sat facing both of us.

There was a clunk as the CD finished (I checked the playing time after 48.40 the longest 48 minutes of my life)

"That's a great CD, what was your favourite track Drew"

I didn't have to think very long.

"Mad World"

Carol looked at me for a long time she had a straight face but her eyes were smiling, Maddy was looking at me as well

"What" I eventually got out before the squirming started.

"What indeed" said Carol, Then in an even voice

"What do you know about safe sex?"

My mouth went dry instantly

"B B But w wwe n never..."

"DREW I Believe you as I believe Maddy, we've already talked about this"

"Now I think the sex talk is due this coming term isn't it"

"Yes Aunt Carol" That brought a smile to her face, I just felt I'd dug myself another hole.

"But I don't know if Dads signed the consent form"

"Well I talked to your Dad downstairs and your Mum a few weeks ago, she asked me to look out for you. I have the feeling your Dads been putting it off."

"Yes I have that feeling too its like we have some really meaningful silences together even when we get the chance to talk."

This was insane; here I was getting THE TALK from my girlfriends Mother, while my girlfriend

Sat beside me, Seriously strange.

Embarrassing as the talk was, I really wanted to curl up and die during the QUIZ!

"Now any questions "

I was feeling numb

"Does Dad know.."

"Of course, I told you I've already spoken to him"

"No, I mean does he know about Obicon?"

"Oh, no Only Your Mum knows about that" My stomach gave a lurch, I felt Maddy grab my arm. I awoke with my head on Carol's lap, she was sponging my face, and Maddy was scrubbing the carpet.

"It's OK. Drew really. I spoke to Maddy about it and she explained what happened, and if I believe her then I have to believe that you were innocent too."

I was mortified; I felt a total whus.

"Where Is Dad now?"

"That's what he was coming up to tell you, he was popping out for a bit, I said I'd start without him." Carol laughed.

I started to feel better, after all it feels good when somebody says or implies that they trust you.

"I better get cleaned up, thanks Auntie, thanks Maddy." and headed for the bathroom to clean my teeth, they felt hairy.

When I returned Carol said

"How are you getting on with Juliet?"

"Huh, OK. I think, she really saved my bacon three weeks ago."

"Was that when she had her friends around?"

"Yea. If she hadn't warned me to get into Gabby mode things could have got real messy."

Maddy sighed

"Drew!" Carol said, " Turn it around, if you had been Drew when they arrived then your bacon wouldn't have been on the line,"

"But she rigged the forfeits so I didn't get any thing nasty"

"Yes and then you were conned into assaulting another girl!"

"ASSAULTING?" I said, but I started to feel numb again

"What else can you call it, she was tied to a chair and you shaved her hair." Carol said quietly

"I was Scared, there was five of them and one of me what else could I do"

"What was your forfeit Drew?"

"I was supposed to wear skirts and no knickers for a month, Sonia even checked"

"Yes Drew and if Maddy hadn't disguised your gaff? What then? It's good Drew but not that good."

I didn't want to believe it but I knew it was true. Tears were flowing freely, I wasn't sobbing but couldn't stop the tears either as I remembered other incidents the missing jeans on the return from Paris, she knew we had to pass customs. The bathing suit at the reservoir. My god if she fiddled the forfeits she probably fiddled the Manga costume draw as well! I was shaking now great wracking sobs, my whole world crashing in on me.

Maddy was crying too, hanging on to me as though her life depended on it.

"I'm so sorry Drew." She sobbed "I only suggested how great it would be if we ended up in the same costumes for the dance, I didn't realise till much later that Jules had fixed it the same way as the forfeits."

Good Grief it was true.

I looked down at Maddy clinging to my waist, back up to Carol; she had tears in her eyes too.

I started to run out of steam, my chest hurt, and I felt exhausted. As Carol said,

"I rang your mother as soon as Maddy told me! I think she blames herself for starting the Gabby thing"

"No " I croaked out, while trying to stand with Maddy still attached. I fell back down as she continued-

"Juliet could have collected that check, but she refused point blank, so that you had to be Gabby again."

I felt as though I'd been kicked as the last piece of evidence fell into place.

"She must Hate me!" I Gasped.

"Maybe not but she is jealous of the time you spend with your Dad, and with your Mum away in Germany I think she feels a bit lost."

"What's going to happen, I feel as though my life just exploded!

"Your Mum and Dad have talked about it, she wanted to fly straight home, but your Dad persuaded her to wait for the next break in her schedule. In the mean time they've decided to keep you two as far apart as possible. So pack a few things your staying with us tonight, and tomorrow your Gran will pick up Jules and take her back to Cheshire until school starts again. She'll get a bit more attention and it will keep her away from these so called friends as well."

"I need to speak to Dad first." I said

"Of course Drew"

I packed a change of clothes and a wash kit into my backpack and we made our way down stairs.

As we reached the hall Dad opened the door and ushered a very pale faced Juliet in

"Put the groceries in the Kitchen then up to your room NOW."

As she past me she looked down, she'd been crying and couldn't look me in the eye; fair enough I suppose I didn't feel like looking at her either. Carol just shook her head. Dad's neck and ears were red, he was angry, and I hesitated until I felt a shove on my back, I buried my face in his shirt as I sobbed.

"I'm sorry Dad It's all My Fault" He was rubbing my head as he said

" No son, Juliet is two years older than you she was supposed to be looking out for you."

"But I should have said no"

"Maybe But I don't think you could have, Peer pressure is a powerful thing, I'll see you tomorrow Have you got your Race Kit? I'll bring the Bikes and pick you both up at six." I'd forgotten about the 10 at Cuckney.

" I don't feel much like racing tomorrow Dad."

"Drew Go get your kit you are racing no arguments. I guarantee things will look better in the morning." I went back upstairs and stuffed the kit in my pack, as I descended I saw that Dad looked a bit cooler.

"Are you racing as well Mad?"

"Yes please"

"If you've got room Dave I'd like to come and see what all the fuss is about."

"Of course Carol, and thank you I really appreciate your help today. I'll see you all at six."

I gave Dad a fierce hug as I left "Thanks Dad, I love you" I mumbled into his shirt. "I know Son, I love you too. Now off with you before this gets any harder."


Part 3

I was not the best company to have around that evening. I knew I was being a pain, but things kept going round in my head and I couldn't concentrate on anything. Aunt Carol seemed to understand though and reassured Maddy and myself when she told her "It's OK. Drew will talk when he's ready."

Eventually I said I would turn in.

I woke with the sun on my face but my eyes were gummed up, probably from the crying I'd been doing last night. God I thought I'm such a whus. I had reached a few conclusions last night and resolved to make an effort today as I remembered the look on Mad's face as she watched me cry. She must have felt so helpless.

My eyes were so gummed up that I could only squint out of the corner of one eye, not even enough to see the time on my mobile. But I could hear muffled voices down-stairs and "Wogon" on the radio in the kitchen so I guessed it was gone half seven. With my eyes still seemingly glued shut I headed for the bathroom. Headed was the right word as I fumbled my way through the door, took three steps and promptly fell down the stairs.

I heard a shriek (I knew it wasn't me) as I braced myself for the sudden stop to come then a loud whump before I hit something soft, very hard.

"Oh, good thinking Carol" Mr Peters' cried, it appeared Carol had thrown the load of washing she was carrying, in front of me just before I hit the bottom step.

I was buzzing after expecting to hurt somewhere, still blind, but very awake.

"Hi Mr. Peters' did you know your house was back to front?"

"Not this house it's yours that's backward Gabby." (Huh), I suppose he has seen more of Gabby than Drew recently.

John Scooped up a load of the Washing with me still tangled inside, (John's a big man, and he makes a great Gandalf), I might as well have been a pillow as he carried me into the living room complete with the washing and dumped me on the sofa.

I felt the sofa lurch as, whumph Maddy arrived "What's Going on Dad?"

"Gabby decided to try Sky Diving down the stairs"

"But she's OK Right?"

"If your Mum hadn't had the presence of mind to dump the washing in front of her it would have been a trip to the A and E."

"But her eye's are closed she .....!"

"I'm OK Mad, Honest, my eyes are gummed up and I forgot where I was. When I headed for the bathroom I found the stairs instead"

Maddy climbed to the top of the pile of towels and other washing that was me, I could feel her breath on my face.

"Drew your eyelashes are stuck to your cheeks!"

"Give over Mad they're not that long"

"Oh yes they are kiddo, I'd kill for lashes like that" said Carol.

I wrinkled my nose as a feint whiff of antiseptic hit my senses I must have flinched.

"It's OK Drew it's a very mild bactericide like you get in an eyewash its Borax I think, it won't sting

"Let Me." said Mad

I could hear a cloth being wrung out in a bowl then something wet on my face as Mad dabbed my eyes.

"No too rough Mad; Like this; See"

The water was warm and I could barely feel the cloth as it seemed to glide over my eyes and cheeks, I couldn't help myself I started to hum, every time the cloth lifted I felt my head rise as if trying to prolong the feeling

"Somebody likes that.," said Carol "It's like hypnotising a chicken." I could hear her smile.

"The Touch of an Angel." said John

"Thistledown Wings" I replied

"Listen to these two Poets," said Carol

"More like feeding an elephant strawberries" Mad put in

"AWE You spoilt the moment Mad" as we dissolved in laughter.

The laughing made me screw up my eyes and with the effects of the eye wash they popped open, but I spent the next few moments blinking as the light hit them.

" Don't rub them Drew they'll settle down soon."

"Right "said John "If there are no more crises I'll get off to work."

"OK then Luv try not to be late this evening."

"Oh that's right the girls are racing this evening."

"Kids John, Kids, Younguns, Athletes, not girls Drew is a boy remember"

"Oh, sh.. I'm sorry Drew. I've been calling you Gabby as well haven't I, . . . It's just that after 'Obicon' when you were Gabby the whole time, its tricky"

"Yeah I figured that's what it was 'Gandalf'."

"I suppose I deserved that didn't I." John chuckled

"Go on Luv, you'll be late, and I don't want you to have to stay on this evening."

"OK then Bye Girls er. And you Drew!"

"Erm, can someone please unwrap me?"

"Mum, do you have to come tonight? I mean its embarrassing."

"Oh I see," I put in "Its OK to embarrass me but not you is that it"

"It doesn't embarrass you does it Drew?" Asked Carol

"No I like it really."

"Go on Drew, tell us why?"

"I suppose it makes me 'Try' harder, I mean I always try hard, and there's usually a crowd to cheer at the turn or the finish. But knowing there's someone that's cheering just for you makes you feel special, that they care about you, so you try that much harder again to sort of say thanks, do you see.

I don't think I'd have done half so well this year without the cheer squad. It makes me feel sort of fuzzy inside. I don't know how to explain it any better I can't find the right words."

"That's all right Drew, I think those words will do just fine."

"Don't you Maddy?" Maddy was hugging her knees and just nodded but her nose was all crinkled.

" Er can somebody please unwrap me?"


Part 4

The Mall

When I finally got free and cleaned up and after the required bowl of 'wheatybangs' * we piled into the car and Carol drove us to the mall. It was still a hot August day and the three of us were wearing shorts and "T"s with trainers. After the trolley trawl in Sainsbugs and loading the car we went back in to hit the coffee shop, for a can and a sticky bun. We were just searching for a clear table when.

"Hi. Gabby, Hi. er Maddy, right?" I cranked my head around to see who had called and saw Sarah trying to wave with her hands full of food bags. I hoped they weren't cream cakes or there was going to be a right mess in those bags. Sarah saw where we were headed and made her way over.

"I was right it's maddy yes?"

"Hi Sarah, That's right good memory. "I said

"This is Maddy's Mum, my Aunt Carol."

"Hello Sarah" Said Auntie Carol

"Sarah works at the shoe store Auntie."

"Ah. That's useful Maddy's been hinting about new trainers since she saw yours Gabby"

Maddy's eyes lit up.

"Oh great then I might see you later then. If you send us much more custom I'll have to see if I can arrange a discount Gabby."

I grinned while Maddy bounced up and down in her seat.

"Great eye shadow by the way it makes your eyes look huge. Must dash," Sarah bubbled "I must get these cream cakes back for the others before they go soggy in this heat Nice meeting you Maddy's Mum HeHe."

She spun around and wiggled away giggling her heels clacking away, looking like something out of Legally Blond. All three of us were laughing. In the air-conditioned Mall, those cream cakes were in more danger from Sarah than the heat. Maddy was still up with the thought of new trainers.As she nibbled at her bun, Carol was watching me over her coffee cup. She didn't even blink.

"You seem remarkably calm about that little encounter, are you sure you're alright with that or did that fall this morning affect you more than we thought Drew."

"No it's something I worked out last night. I've decided it's an S. E. P."

"Which is?"

"Somebody Else's Problem" Maddy put in." You Know Mum Hitch Hikers Guide"

"Ah so you think that if something doesn't directly affect you then its not yours but somebody else's problem"

"That's it Auntie"

"But surely it does Drew, she thinks your Gabby!"

"But that's the point, look at me, who do you see?"

"I see you Drew"

"Not Gabby"

"No of course not"

"At Sainsbugs who did you see then?"

"Still you Drew, the manageress thought you were twins with Maddy but then said she could see the difference."

Maddy put her twopeneth in "Mum while you were paying she told Drew not to worry she would soon catch me up in the chest department."


"That's what I mean. Since I got up this morning have I done anything other than you would expect from Drew?"


"You're sure?"


"Then why was Mr.P calling me Gabby?"

"He explained that"

"What about Sarah then she's the third person today that's sees me as Gabby, and it's not even 12 o'clock. I've been Drew all morning and you're a witness. The people that see Gabby today are the ones with the problem. Not Me!"

"And are you alright with that Drew?"

"I was up most of the night thinking about it: I Have to be all right with it. If I'd thrown a tantrum and yelled I'm a boy what would you think of me? Getting into fights all the time, just another kid with a bad attitude - Right?"

"I'm so sorry Drew I didn't realise what you were up against; What about a disguise?

"What you mean I should PRETEND to be Drew?"

"Not really, just reinforce your image a bit, maybe a hair-cut." Maddy frowned

"Auntie, I think that even if I shaved my head people would say why did SHE do that!" Maddy yelped

"I'll show you what I mean." I dragged Carol to the side of the escalator's where some of the pillars had mirrors around them. I scrapped back my hair and tried to arrange my hand over the top of my head.

"I see what you mean.," said Carol almost in a whisper.

I let go of my hair and got it roughly looking like Drew again, it was then that I caught site of my eyes.

"Oh Shit!" I hissed "Shit Shit Shit!"

"Drew Language! What is it?" Carol was looking around thinking I'd seen somebody in the mirror.

"My eyes " I hissed, I could see what Sarah had seen. The bags had all but disappeared. But the dark grey rings surrounding them made my eye's seem HUGE!

Carol spun me around by the shoulders and shielding my face with her hands peered at my face and eye's.

"It's OK. Drew, they're bad Drew, but the strip lights here are very harsh and they show up more. Come on back to the Cafe' the lighting is softer there."

We made our way back to Maddy. As we got near, 'Paul and Clive dashed up and screeched to a halt in front of Maddy. I groaned, Carol gave me the question mark face.

"Clive's got a crush on Gabby and we can't get rid of him."

"Oh, are you sure that's not a problem for you Drew?"

"No it's Gabby that has the problem. SHE needs your help." I sighed.

"Come on Maddy I know she's here somewhere, I saw her on the big screen!"

"Saw WHO on the screen young man"

"H Hello Mrs. Peters I was looking for Gabby, Hi Drew."

"And do you think that Brow Beating information out of my daughter is the correct way to get to see her Master Jones?"

"I was desperate Mrs. Peters. Gabby seems to be avoiding me."

"Gabby has always shown good sense." I said

"Stay out of it Drew."

"Take care Clive that's my nephew your talking to, and as you have shown that you can't be polite to him or indeed my daughter I can hardly recommend you to her mother as fit company for her daughter now can I."

As Clive's face fell, Paul said

"You Blew it Man! You'd better stop digging that hole any deeper."

Clive mumbled an apology to Carol before slouching away.

"I'm sorry about that Mrs. Peters But he's been going on about Gabby since the school dance, I can't get him to see sense. She only danced with him once and he thinks they were made for each other."

"Thank you for that Paul, you might point out to him that Gabby's mother will not let her date anyone until she's 16 so he really is wasting his time. And that I will not tolerate anyone harassing any member of my family, understand Paul?"

"Yes Mrs. Peters, I'll try my best."

"Thanks Paul." I said

"You had better go after him Paul, I have a feeling we've not heard the last of this"

"Yes Mrs. Peters, Bye Drew, Sorry Maddy." and he ran after Clive (glad to get away as well I thought)

"What did he mean, when he said Gabby danced with him Drew?"

I felt my face start to burn,

" He was being such a pain at the dance I thought that if I had one dance then he'd go away,"

"Maddy I think you had better explain it to Drew. Mind you it would have been better if you had explained the rules before the dance. Don't you missy."

Maddy looked rather sheepish for a bit, then said

"Sorry mum."

"It's not me you should apologise to, Is it. Especially as he was helping you and the rest of the girls at the time"

"Yes Mum, I am sorry Drew"

"Right then I think we'd better head home it seems to have been a very long morning, is there anything you need to get first Drew?"

"Yes Auntie I need to get a new pair of gloves for tonight, but I'll have to draw some cash first."

"OK let's move." said Carol

Maddy looked a bit crestfallen, as Carol seemed to have forgotten about her trainers. So I mentioned the bike shop was almost next door to Sarah's place, she brightened up then. .

Although Barford's is a national chain of cycling and accessory shops most of their stock is mass produced and of little interest to the competitive cycling fraternity and usually over priced as well, but we were here now and I figured they should be a fairly safe bet for clothing.

We arrived at the ATM. Point, and wouldn't you know it, 2 of the 3 machines where out of service and the queue for that was ten deep. I stuck my head in the door of the Bank and there were only three customers so I went in.

As I got nearer the counter a familiar face appeared.

"Hello Gabby, Nice to see you again. Putting in or taking out today?"

"Hi. Mrs Jenkins Taking out I'm afraid, I need to get some new gloves."

"Gloves Gabby? In August or are you just getting ready for December?

I laughed and explained that I was racing tonight and my old gloves were falling apart.

"Racing Gabby I'm impressed, Where is this being held" I told her about the ten at Cuckney and had the nagging feeling that I'd given her too much information. As clutching my thirty pounds I thanked her and turned for the door.

"Good Luck Tonight Gabby." Mrs. Jenkins called as I turned and almost walked straight into Carol who had followed me in.

"Such a lovely girl" Mrs. Jenkins said to no one in particular as we made our exit.

"That's Five."Said Maddy"

"Four and a Half" I said "Clive only saw Gabby on TV"

Maddy chuckled. Aunt Carol was in shock!


Part 5

Cycles r us

"DREW What just happened? How did you draw money from your account if Mrs. Jenkins thinks your Gabby?"

I explained about the prize money and the account in Gabby's name.

"But Drew all you had to do was sign the back of the cheque and anyone could have cashed it."

"Oh SHI.."

"Drew Language"

"Sorry, I didn't know."

"Oh well what's done is done I suppose, but that was really stupid Drew".

Maddy was looking a bit sheepish as well as we made our way to 'Barfords'.

I was checking out the gloves trying them on for fit when I heard.

"Look at this Mum"

Near the front of the store was the usual display board that advertised local events for the various clubs in the area there was a second board that was new.

"Drew I think you ought to see this" Carol almost whispered.

As went over I could see that the new board was covered with Photo's and was Titled "LOCAL HEROE'S"

Around the board were pictures taken various cycle meets some of them showed me in full race mode captioned D Bond others G Bond but most of them said Gabby Bond including the pride of place centre spread of Mum Me and Jules taken in Paris. They even had the Manchester shot of me and Mum after my track outing.. I felt my knee's start to wobble a bit, then.

"That is you Miss Bond, isn't it"

We all turned and there stood a tall fair haired man with an ID badge clipped to his shirt pocket, behind him hovered a younger man who had a camera in his hand.

"I'm Roger Bartlet the store manager Miss Bond, I wonder if I might ask you to pose for a few Photo's for the Barfords Magazine?"

I was just about to say sure when Carol interrupted.

"Just what exactly do you mean by a few Mr. Bartlet?"

"Well I was thinking of a couple looking at the board here and perhaps a few more looking at the cycles in the store"

"Carol seemed to grow a bit to me, as she said "well I suppose a couple at the board is ok but as for the rest I'm afraid you'll have to speak to her agent, her mother Jenny Bond."

His smile flickered a bit at the mention of the word "Agent"

"You see Mr. Bartlet, young as Gabby is there is a lot of interest in both her and her mother as European champion" (I thought that was laying it on a bit thick.) but Carol pressed on.

"I'm sure Jenny would be most upset if Gabby were seen to be endorsing any product that she didn't approve first."

"Not even perhaps just looking at our top of the range cycles"

I started to bristle at that but caught a warning and cool it signal from Carol.

"My Aunt is correct I couldn't possibly be seen to endorse any product that I didn't use myself; and as my cycles are hand built from the finest parts from Europe. I can't see how I can help I really only came in to checkout you're clothing" I said waving the gloves." If you wanted general Photo's perhaps featuring my own kit then maybe we could help."

Maddy had to go behind on of the other aisles as she couldn't keep a straight face but luckily she was standing behind Mr. Bartlet. While Carol continued the theme.

"Of course Gabby has modelled on several occasions her last fee was nearly £1,000. Perhaps you would like to discuss this matter further with your head office.

"But please remember what we've said about endorsement."

Roger Bartlet was clearly not going to get his photo's cheaply and it showed on his face, but he cheered up after I had posed for the photos at the board. Carol made a big thing of checking that no brand names appeared in the shots, I even dragged Maddy in for a couple.

Carol gave him her address and phone number saying that if he was serious about anymore photos then his head office should contact us there. I was reaching for my money to pay for the two pair of gloves that I'd selected when Mr. Bartlet said there would be no charge, and scanned the gloves through the security machine. Carol insisted on a receipt. "I'm sure you wouldn't want to be bribing us would you?"

Maddy could barely contain herself as we walked back to the car, while Carol and me were thinking over what just happened..

"Don't you think that was a little over the top auntie?"

"I thought I did rather well," said Carol "Afterall he' was trying to get publicity for the store, if I hadn't been there he'd have got it too wouldn't he, All for just two pair of gloves"

"Spose so" I huffed "still a thousand pounds, you know I didn't' get that much"

"That was to try and put him off Drew, or did you really want more photo's of Gabby floating around"

Maddy started coughing, I mean seriously coughing I thought she was going to choke!

Carol started to rub and pat her back and eventually she calmed down.

"Maddy, I know you too well, what was that all about?"

Maddy was still very flushed as she said in a very quiet voice.

"There are lots of photo's of Gabby on the Web, I found them last night and with Drew's tumble this morning I forgot to tell you"

"Oh SHIT..." It was a duet.

"Er... Can I change the subject Mum"

"It would be a blessed relief" said Carol "Please do." "Er... Trainers?" Hinted Maddy

Part 6

'The World of Shoes'

"Does Sarah count twice?" whispered Maddy

"Not really. I replied. "I Might concede the half point though."

"I make it seven then" chirped mad

"Cut it out Mad, you make it sound like I'm trying"

"You're not are you?" said Carol from around ten metres in front of us

"Spooky" I said in awe of her hearing abilities.

"It's alright Drew I'm not Supergirl it's not super hearing just lip-reading."

"When did you learn that Mum?"

"When I was sixteen I had a summer job in a printer's, one of the job's was to stack the paper as it came of a web machine it was very noisy. I had to wear ear plugs and rather than shout at the other worker's we used to lip read."

"What's a web?

"Tell you about it another time Drew we're here now. Let's go see your friend with the problem."

"What problem?" asked Mad

"Squashed cream cakes." I said quickly

Carol was still chuckling as we waved goodbye to Sarah after wangling a ten-percent discount. Maddy clutching the bag containing her Nike's with purple laces.

It was just on three when we arrived at Ch'e Peters. And Carol suggested a pasta and tuna salad as a late lunch. So we set to preparing the meal. I was Slicing tomatoe's, Maddy tearing the lettuce while Carol prepared the pasta shells I heard a crash at the sink.

"What's up Mum?"

"Nothing Maddy Just dropped a glass, my hands where wet".

I glanced up I could see she was looking right at me. Carol seemed to shake herself and quickly cleared away the broken pieces.

For some reason I shivered

"You alright Drew?"

"Yea Fine." I replied and concentrated on the tomatoes again

As we ate Carol looked up and said "You're quiet you two; Getting psyched for the race tonight?

"It's not really a race auntie, you can't do that on public road, too dangerous!"

"But you race against the clock Drew"

"Well yes but a race is very different from a trial"

"You still need to prepare though.. Get psyched up"

"Sure, Mum says it's just as important in a time trial as in the Tour France's"

"but you do warm up Drew said Maddy"

"Well yes but I'm preparing now."

Maddy looked at me as if I'd grown horns or something

"You're eating."

"Very observant Mad." Which earned me a kick

"Sorry, It's important not to eat too much or just before a ride, this is about right really."

"how so.

"Well it's nearly four now. Dad picks us up at six, and depending on the draw the ride should start between seven and seven thirty. That means three hours for our bodies to digest the food before the race. So I'm really preparing now."

"Not to mention the food itself." Put in Carol.

"Oh. You mean the carbo's?" Asked Maddy

"That's it." Said Carol "The Pasta gives the energy you need for the race.

"But wont you feel hungry by seven?

"Maybe but I can top up with a sugar snack or glucose tab before then"

Maddy thought for a bit then said. "What about the psycho thing then?

"That's getting my mind ready, different events need different preparation"

"I thought that was just the warm up" said Maddy

"That's important too" We'll have to be sure of that tonight cause we normally ride there but with Dad picking us up..."

"I noticed you always get quiet before a race, is that it?"

"Yea you should watch Mum she' got this whole routine that she sticks to."

The rest of the afternoon went quickly and I opened the door for Dad at a quarter to.

"Hi Son, All set? "Hi Dad, "I could see Jules in the back of the Vdub."I thought she was going to Gran's?"

"Grans picking her up later, Go put your kit in the van I need to use the loo first."

There wasn't much kit to speak of, only shoe's gloves and helmets, as Dad had the rest and I was wearing my skins, Dad must have heard my non-verbal question.

"Go on Drew."

I picked up both backpacks and headed for the van, Jules stepped down as I got to it.

"I'm sorry Drew." I said nothing as I packed the kit away as I felt a knot form In my stomach.

"Drew please."

"I thought you hated me."

"No Drew please. I could never hate you" She was crying " It just got out of hand I only meant to tease you" she sobbed.

"Tease!" I Huffed almost a shout "I was scared Shitless!!" I was also glad that Dad and Aunt Carol were still in the house." Do you have any idea of the trouble I'm in now because of this?" I hissed. As I tried to get control back.

"Trouble what trouble Anna said she'd managed to calm her mother down, Kirsty, Kazza and Sonia have been grounded and dads forbidden me to see them again and Gabby doesn't exist. She just disappears right?"

"Huh I wish it where that easy. "Did you get grounded?"

"The way Dads acting Ill still be grounded when I' m 18"

"Is that all"

"Drew please, cant we just forget this, I'll try to make it up to you I promise."

"I don't think I can forget it, 'It' gets pushed in my face every day. And I'm still scared!"

"Wha ...?"

"Every day! " I paused to let that sink in but she still hadn't got it.

"Look you'll see what I mean tonight......Just don't make it any worse OK?"

I looked towards the house Carol was stood in the door, she looked at me, I shrugged and she stood aside allowing the others to pass I was glad of the break and just concentrating on breathing as the Peters clan climbed into the Bond mobile.

Mr P got in the front with Dad, I wished I'd thought of that as in the back of a Vdub everyone is sat facing each other. Carol sat next to Juliet facing back as Mad and me got in the back facing forward. Our skin's contrasting violently. I'm sure they glow in the dark.

The mood was strained a sort of nervous energy running around everyone as they tried to find a tactful way of breaking the silence. Mad looked me right in the eye as she piped up.

"So tell me some more about this psycho stuff Drew."

Nobody gasped but it seemed as though everybody heard one from somewhere. Both Dad and Mr.P turned in their seats as the where getting their belts on, so now I had the whole party looking at me. As an icebreaker it was more like a showstopper.

"You no, that stuff you do before a ride" That time you could hear the sigh as everyone started to breath again.

So I went through the routine telling her about the breathing and stretching exercises and telling her to watch the riders as they all do different things to prepare.

"You mean like always putting your left sock on first."

I actually laughed. "No that's superstition, but if you get into a routine it upsets you when you don't stick to it".

I went on to tell her about Mum pacing up and down about six times before stepping up on her toes as she walks to her bike. I grinned.

"She starts off walking like a clown then turns into a gazelle." I felt everyone looking at me.

"What?" I said looking around Jules had her mouth open Carol just smiled.

"What do you mean walking like a clown?" asked Mad.

"Well the pedal traps on your shoes sort of lift the front of your feet of the ground, it's like you've got clowns big boots on, it makes it awkward to walk."

"That reminds me you really ought to try traps, I reckon your times would really improve." I added.

"They make me nervous." Mad said "What if I cant get my foot out?"

"There are quick release types" you could practise tomorrow it doesn't take long to get used to them."

"Drew's right Mad I reckon you could make up 15 to 20 seconds on a 10 k. Using traps." Dad said as he opened the door. We were already parked up in the usual place, I hadn't even noticed.

"15 seconds! Woo Hooo ! Look out Drew, guess I'd better try them then."

We all piled out of the van and I started pulling the kit out, Mad started undoing her laces.

"Er Mad. You weren't thinking of wearing your new trainers were you?"

"Well yeah."

"Mad. don't do it. They were designed for running not cycling."


"Honestly Mad Those trainers have got real thick cushions on the soles you need that for running because of the pounding, but on a bike there is no pounding so the cushions absorb the power. Trust me Mad. Please. I know you wanted to wear them but your old ones are better really."


"Please Mad I really want to see you do well tonight."

"Wh Why Drew?"

"Erm well I kinder like um. "


"Look I just don't want you to be discouraged OK."

"Ok." Mad grinned

Part 7

Nightmare on Cuckney High Street

My ears were burning so I pulled my helmet on hoping to disguise the blushing. Dad was busy setting up the bikes, which had been strapped to the back of the camper.

"right you two warm up time, take it easy for about 5 minutes then build it up ok."

"Ok Dad see you in a bit"

We made our way down to the front of the hall to commandeer a bench so we could start the ritual rubdown. I could see Mr. and Mrs P with Jules. Chatting with a familiar face. Just as I was about to wave and shout to Gran. John the timekeeper stepped out from the community centre right in front of them and called.

"Hi There Girls.You're early. Both riding today?" He shouted My hand stopped rising as I saw Gran look at us. And Jules raised her hand to her mouth.

"Yes Please!" called Maddy

My feet felt like lead that coupled with the aluminium plates on my shoes I stumbled I ended up on my knees the bike clattering on the road

To add the final insult John reached me first.

"Gabby you ok?"

My chest was burning I couldn't breathe, Gran reached me

"John! Can you look after the bike? Carol give me a hand here." Gran was in take charge mode

"Its ok honey I need you to relax ok look at me now relax. That's it relax Keep looking at me honey now think about your breathing relax..."

Eventually Gran's soothing voice got through to my stricken brain I started breathing again ragged and jerky but I was breathing. Gran was watching me closely as was Carol, Jules was clutching a plastic cup of water she'd been sent for but she was shaking so much it was splashing everywhere.

Carol retrieved the cup before it emptied and fumbled in her bag, coming out with a handful of those sugar packets you get in motorway services. She hurriedly dumped a packet load of sugar into the cup stirring it with her finger, held it to my lips, looking me sternly in the eye said.

"Drink." Looking back to Juliet, Carol told her to get more.

As I became more aware, Dad came hurtling round the corner with Mr, P, who'd gone to get him I realised I'd been moved off the road and was sprawled on the bench outside the Community Centre. The water tasted disgusting, too sweet, but Gran insisted I drink it all.

Maddy was looking on with wide eyes as Jules returned with more water. More successfully this time and I realised that she'd been sent off to keep her busy, as Gran used it to wash my face and hands concentrating on my wrists for some reason.

As I became more animated I heard John say.

Christ ladies I don't usually have that effect on young girls, must be the new after shave."

That's when I realised I was surrounded by almost my whole family, with a large number of the cycling club looking on.

I started to shake but Gran settled me down again with that soothing voice.

After a few minutes she got me to sit up then stand and proceeded walk me back to the Vdub where she sat me in the back.

"Care to explain that?" Gran asked quietly.

I looked around, Carol and Dad were shepherding everyone away from the van. I felt an enormous sense of relief wash over me. I turned back to Gran.

"I panicked." I said stating the obvious..

"Was that because I'm here?" Gran reads minds I thought

I nodded. Gran waited

"I felt ashamed of myself for being such a wimp,

"For not being able to look like a boy.

For not being able to make people think I'm a boy. Everyone thinks I'm a girl and I can't stop it."

"Carol told me you had an interesting day." Gran said Tell me Drew if I hadn't been here would you still have panicked?"

"I guess not"

"Drew I know all about the confusion I do talk to your Mum and Dad. I'm not just for birthdays and Christmases you know". I felt like I'd been slapped

"GRAN I Never thought That! I love you!"

"It's alright Drew I know that. You proved that yesterday."

"I did?" yesterday seemed a lifetime ago.

"Who else does a boy ring when he thinks he's in trouble with his Dad?"

I smiled and gave her a hug. Gran held on tight and said

"You racing or not?"

I looked at my watch it was only 7:15. I nodded

"Go on then and take it steady you've still got to warm up. We'll talk again after."

"Thanks Gran." I gave her an almighty squeeze as she kissed my cheek and I scrambled out.

Dad smiled as I approached the family group, Juliet detached herself and walked toward me as she gave me a hug she said.

"Is that what you meant?" I nodded "Everyday?" I nodded again

"Drew I really am sorry I will make it up to you I promise" I nodded again, I didn't trust myself to speak to her but we exchanged half smiles, before I walked to the other's.

Dad held out my number and said

"I got you moved down the order, Maddy goes at 7:31 and your 5 after OK."

"How did..." I started.

"Mum said you were riding, I don't argue with Mum" We grinned at each other. Maddy helped me pin on the number as she said in a quiet voice.

"You scared me Drew."

"That was the problem I scared myself" I gave her a weak smile. Carol handed us each a cup I took a large mouthful.

"Arg!" I sputtered It was neat orange juice the kind your supposed to sip at breakfast

"I thought you could use the sugar," said Carol with a smile

"Thanks auntie. Carol" I said as I returned the cup as Dad wheeled the bike over and just said two words.


I set off down the road next to Maddy.

We returned for Maddy's start and dismounted as we still had a few minutes to go. I started the stretching exercises and Maddy followed me.

"It's a pity I go before you" She giggled.

"Why's that Mad"

"I wanted to see you turn into a Gazelle." She smiled as she wrapped her arms around me and we kissed until John cleared his throat behind us and said.

"1 minute Maddy" There were catcalls and cheers from the crowd.

"Sod em" Said Maddy as she retrieved her bike and took position on the start


"10" John started the Rock

"5. 4. 3. 2. 1. GO. " She was off, rapidly reaching a good rhythm.

"That's one hell of a warm up technique lad." "Does it Work?"

"Sure gets my blood pumping." I grinned as I mounted my bike to continue the warm up. I was twenty metres away before I realised he'd called me Lad.

As I continued my warm up Ally and Bernie arrived out of breath

"We thought we'd missed you" Panted Ally

"You've just missed Maddy, and I've got 2 minutes". They looked disappointed.

"The folks are down at the start you could get a lift with them" I said

We zoomed down to the start together Dad was waiting near John as he sent 35 away I pulled over to Dad.

"Feeling better now Drew"

"Yeah Dad much. Can you give the girls a lift to the turn?" I pointed out the cheer squad.

"Ok. John's been telling me about the new warm up technique. Leg rubs not good enough now?"

"Er.." I blushed as 36 got away

"How's the bike feel"

"Good." I said "not like yesterday at all."

"We'll see."

"37" called John, as Dad walked back to the Family.

I was away to shouts and cheers from the crowd swelled by not only Ally and Bern but also a few of the early starters who had already returned.

Part 8

I Quickly settled into a steady rhythm, you get to know when things are right, it's not just the feel but the sounds of the bike as well. The sounds give you a constant feedback the snicking of the chain and the hissing note of the tyres especially give you an accurate feel of speed changes. While the sound of the wind over and through the helmet. Tell you that you are tucked correctly into the best streamline, any movement from the tuck causes an increase in noise.

I chuckled to myself as I thought of my efforts to get Maddy to warm up and get psyched up into race mode. If ever there was an example of how not to do it I was it. I was jerked from my thoughts by a toot of a horn, which I recognised as the Bond mobile, And resisted the temptation to look round. After all I knew what was going to happen. If the road is clear dad will draw level. And match speeds then after a few seconds will pull ahead and drive off to the turn point, park up watch the turn then repeat it on the return leg.

As the Vdub crept up I could hear the shouts of encouragement, every window was open on the near side. And had at least one head shoved through it shouting and screaming. Go Drew Go drew Hut Hut Hut, and other meaningless noises. Meaningless that is to anyone else, if you're on the receiving end you get a tremendous buzz. I dutifully responded with an extra burst, which was in turn greeted by more shouts of encouragement. As the original people-carrier moved ahead I could see Dads hand raised out of his window. he held three fingers up and pumped his hand twice, meaning he'd clocked me at thirty-two Mph. Cool.

It was pretty meaningless, as it was only an instantaneous measurement I could have been going down hill or had a tail wind and of course the boost from the cheer squad all played a part.

I did the sums any way, then I did them again. OMYGOD That's around 50 Kph. If I made the whole ride at that speed? Nah that's silly. I checked the computer 4:35. Number 36 was in sight and reachable, so I dug in to shrink the distance.

Wheels singing I tried to clear my mind concentrated on the road ahead and the rear wheel of 36. Just past the two-mile point the road begins a gentle swing to the left and with the hedgerows blocking my view ahead I was on him before I knew It. As 36 heard saw me at his wheel he dug in and it developed into a battle he was a vet and much larger than me. He eventually waved me past and as I looked up I saw we were right on top of the next rider going much slower. As I whistled passed I saw the number 34 on his back..

As the road swung further left I felt the going much more difficult as the wind was now on my forward quarter, with a slight rise as well I felt I was hitting a wall. Odd, I've felt that before, but not at this point in the course. I dropped a cog and carried on.

If Maddy hadn't been passed or passed others there should be two riders between us, I'd wanted to go four or five back so I could catch and encourage her at the finish but with six I knew it was out of the question though I thought she'd be in sight.

As the turn markers came into site I started to ease off, I saw about 15 to twenty people there including the cheer squad near the van more shouts of Hut hup hut hup Go Drew Go and a few Go Gaby's as well.

I made the turn cleanly and pushed on the wind now at my back. Well that's relative as they say. On a bike the wind is always against you, there is just more or less wind that's all.

I was able to get back into top gear again and the hiss from my tyres got louder. A good hiss not like the other one. Damn I'd forgotten to check the clock. I was about three minutes past the turn when this animal passed me. His legs pumping he looked huge his thigh's twice the size of mine.

A little later the Vdub and the cheer squad were again making there presence felt and I dug in again I couldn't believe it. Carol had popped the rear door flap and was leaning out yelling at the top of her voice. I thought. Dad's gonna kill her, he always shouted at us if we went anywhere near that rear door on the move.

At last I entered the final stretch and as I crested the last rise I saw Maddy about 100 metres in front and a half-mile to rip. I dug in again I new it was going to be tight. I concentrated on my breathing as I steadily cut the distance.

Maddy had kicked as well but I think she was all in and I managed to draw level as we flashed across the line together. I managed to signal to Maddy to keep going, if you slow too soon you could get another fast finisher collide with you.

I led her in a loop back to the line where we became aware that the roaring noise was not from the blood rushing in our ears but from the large crowd outside the Community Centre.

It seems that. as it was such a fine evening most of the regulars from the Wheatsheaf across the road had swelled the ranks and as we had provided the only close finish (they thought.) we generated much excitement including I heard later money changing hands.

We managed the get to a bench and made a disappointing discovery. You can't give someone a leg rub if you've got rubber leg syndrome yourself, someone has to be able to stand. Carol and Gran did the honours as we quivered on the bench.

"Well done you two I had no idea it would be so exciting." Said Carol as she ministered to Maddy.

"Thanks Maddy you were wonderful." I managed to get out.

"But you caught me" Maddy Pouted

"If you hadn't tried so hard neither of us would have got such good times, don't you see. You trying so hard made me try harder"

"But you still caught me... Six whole minutes "Maddy huffed as I put my arm around her shoulders, she leant in to rest her head on my chest.

"Look at Lord and Lady Muck here, I think that's enough leg massage for these two" said Carol, Gran chuckled.

"Don't stop!" we both said together.

John was elbowing his way through the crowd, I'd never seen so many people here.

"Well done girls a really brilliant ride from both of you." He gushed

"Maddy I've got you as 29:05"

"But that means." I gasped.

"Yes Gabby, 23:05 congratulations"

"But that's not possible it can't be true."

"Are you accusing me of bad time keeping young lady. That's what my clock say's and that's what stands."

"NO, no." I stammered.

"Apology accepted Gabby." he grinned "Now I need to find your father about this." He waved a handful of forms in the air "You realise with that time you've earned a ride in the Welsh open this weekend" as he made his way back through the crowd.

"Welsh Open, What's that all about?" asked Carol.

"Not a clue" I shrugged

"Well let's find out. "Come on lets get you out of here." Said Gran briskly, while I struggled to stay in control. I was biting the inside of my lip trying to think about something else.

"So I guess that's 8 then." Said Maddy

I looked at Carol she looked worried.

"Its 9 Isn't it Auntie" I said looking straight at her

"I'm sorry Drew."

"I don't understand, what's going on Drew?" "Your Mum saw Gabby today too" I sighed

Part 9

9 "You alright now Drew?"

"I'm fine Gran"

"Alright then don't forget I'm only a Phone call away in fact ring me tomorrow Ok."

"Yes Gran" I gave her a hug and Juliet too, then Gran walked to her car with Jules running to catch up.

"I'm sorry Drew. That was unforgivable I just couldn't believe it had happened to me as well. Are you OK."

"At least now you know what's happening I was still Drew though right?"

"Yes Drew you were but I do understand a lot more now"

I saw Dad talking to John as they walked across

"Gabby congratulations on your time again an outstanding effort, You to Maddy a tremendous ride. Just what he needed"

"Dad what did you do to the bike? You fixed the start positions too didn't you."

"Gabby that's the second time you've accused me of fixing thins I have a reputation to maintain you know."

"Sorry John."

"So what is this Welsh thing

"It's actually the Welsh Cycling Federation Championships."

"How can I ride there? I'm not Welsh."

"You'd be entering the open section by invitation."

"Invitation? How do the WCF now about me?

"Ha. I just got off the phone to them Gabby"

"Ask a silly question. So, what am I being volunteered for?"

"The junior championship is a 15 on a closed circuit."

"What do you reckon Dad?"

"I think it's do-able. John is helping out down there and he's organised hotel accommodation that he doesn't need as He's staying with friends nearby."

"Hotel? Dad Where is this place?"

"Ok I'll start again "The meeting is hosted by the Cardiff Ajax club and Newport Velo.

The time trials are at an R.A.F. station near there on Saturday and Sunday the track events are held at the new stadium in Newport. It coincides with the Cardiff Festival, so there's Lots to do and see. I thought we'd make a weekend of it, go down Thursday and comeback Monday or Tuesday" Maddy looked a little miffed.

"Don't pull faces Maddy" Said Mr P if I can swing extra accommodation I thought We'd go down too. What do you think Carol?" He said handing over several fliers.

"Some of these Concerts look good, but they'll probably be sold out now. Still the Party in the Park and fireworks sound like fun"

"John. What name did you give the WCF? I always sign on as D. Bond."

"Ahh. Ok. I'll get back to them."

"Actually Drew you could register as Welsh by descent. Your grandfather was born in Neath."

"Your Kidding!"

"Is that why you sing so well Drew." Chirped Maddy

"No Drew, Its true they moved to Manchester when he was 6 months old but his birth was registered at Neath."

"If you were to do that Drew the International rides would come sooner" said John

"But I've only been to Wales twice it doesn't sound right to me."

"Your Dads right Drew. But that news will certainly cheer the WCF; Wales has a much smaller cycling community. So you'd be a shoe-in for things like the Commonwealth and European games in a few years. And all you'd have to do is affiliate to the WCF, about £10 pounds a year. No £5 for juniors."

"Sounds like cheating to me, I'll have to think about it."

"What Shows Mum? Bounced Maddy

"Well let's see there's George Benson at the CIA

"Sugerbabes Monday"

"A Musical "Blood Brothers" at the New Theatre"

"And Elaine Page and Billy Joel Saturday at St. David's Hall"

"To cap it all Wales play New Zealand to start their tour. Well that will be sold out for certain."

"I had better get on the phone then, hotel first I think Cardiff is going to be buzzing this weekend Have you got the number John?"

"Got it here somewhere I was going to cancel. It's not a big Hotel about thirty rooms I think but very nice, Ah here it is."

"Right then lets get moving its getting late now"

As we drove back Maddy was bouncing up and down and Carol was going through the fliers.

"What's the Party in the park Mum?"

"Oh You wouldn't like that." Carol frowned and screwed up the flier and put in the bag we keep in the bag for waste.

"Mu um" Cried Maddy and dived into the bag

"Mum you big schemer it says here its an all weekend pop party sponsored be Red Dragon Radio what's not to like?"

"Oh you wont like Monday. Turn it over."

"Woo Hoo. Avril Levigne." Shrieked Maddy. I guess we were going even if we slept in the van.

Part 10

10 Dad was on the phone as soon as we were back at the Peter's Palace.

"Well there pretty full but I booked another double and they said they'd put an extra bed in so we can relax. Come on Drew I want to get back in case your Mum rings".

I started to follow.

Carol said. "Are you working tomorrow Dave? Maybe Drew should stay over if you are."

"Good Idea Carol. I need to clear my desk to get away Thursday. How about you John what time can you be ready to leave?"

"I should be clear about one." John replied.

Mad and me walked back to my place in the morning to practise using the pedal traps. I made her practise releasing both sides just in case. Mad was a bit stiff from last night's efforts so we took it easy on the way back to her place.

"I suppose it's another trip to Barfords then" Carol whinged.

"No." I said, but paused as I remembered something. "Doc. Jenkins would be better." I added.

"Doc?" asked Carol. I explained that Doc. Was a sort of honorary title Cyclists give their Bike mechanics especially the good ones.

"I guess you could call Dad Doc.He's. pretty good as well."

We arrived at Doc.s little shop in Grantham.As he bundled up Maddy's second pair of new shoes in two days Doc said.

"I saw your finish at Cuckney last night. Well done Drew. But what's this Gabby thing?"

"Just a nickname." Chirped Maddy.

"Oh from Christmas you mean?"

"Yeah that's it." I sighed.

"Ok. See you then girls." He called as he disappeared in the workshop"

"That's the first today."

"I don't think so Mad."

"But he said girls"

"Mad. He knows, he was just winding me up. I spent all day with him six weeks ago as he built the new bike. Trust me he knows."

"We'd better get back with Jules away I bet Dads forgotten the washing."

Dad hadn't forgotten, but the washer and drier both had completed loads in them. So we spent the next hour folding ironing and sorting the piles. I put out several changes of clothes for myself and started the packing.

I'd just reloaded the washer a second time when Dad rushed through the door at 5.

"Oh. Thank you, thank you, and thank you. I started to panic this morning before I left, and I've brought a "shed load" of work home to finish up."

"Dave I'll take these two home with me so you get some peace. You walk over about seven then you can dine with us. Ok."

"That would be wonderful Carol. We can sort out final details then. Thank you."

Dad arrived about 7:15

"Sorry Carol, John. I was on the phone with Jenny."

"Aw. Dad you mean I missed her again.!"

"Fraid so Drew but she sends her love I had to describe your race twice, once to Mum then again to Maria. They where most impressed"

"Got the tapes Mad?"


"Got all your kit Drew?"


"Gas off"


"Door locked"


"Cheque books"


"Credit cards"

"Check" .

And the Vdub Chuffed into life. Why do they always make that sound?

Nearer 2:00 than 1:00 Though

Angela Peters 03.02.04 © 2004

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