Fanfic - All of the original situations in this story are mine, the rest is the intellectual property of Maddy.
Part 5
Diane dressed for her morning ride. At 6:00 in the morning and it was a brisk 42 degrees outside so she dressed warmly. She was glad she met Drew and Maddy, the day before and was able to get them bikes. She hoped everything would go well for them. She stepped outside and breathed the fresh mountain air. It was still dark outside as she headed to her shop to get her bike. Diane opened the door and rolled her bike outside and started stretching. She was pulling her head to her knees when she heard gravel crunching. Looking up she saw Drew on his bike coming toward her.
“Morning Diane, how are you today.”
“Well good morning Drew, what the heck are you doing up this early? The roosters aint even awake yet.”
“I haven't had a chance to ride in a while and I just needed to get out for a while.”
“I know the feeling believe me. How much time do you have?”
Drew looked at his watch “I guess I have about 40 minutes, before I need to be back let's head out.”
Diane mounted her bike and pushed off; Drew fell in beside her as they rode out. Their pace picked up as the blood started flowing faster in Diane's legs. Drew then gave a burst of speed. Diane looked at her cyclometer and saw they were on a good pace. She saw that Drew was really pedaling much faster that she was. She knew she could have pressed him but she was just content to follow. They crested a small rise and then Drew began a sprint dropping a gear and really picking up his pedal speed pulling away from her. She did the same and closed the distance and passed him and he tucked in behind her. She kept the pace up for a few minutes then pulled wide, Drew passed her and she tucked in behind him. She pulled back in the lead as they came to the point where Diane usually turned to attack the big climb but she motioned for Drew to stop and she rolled to a stop.
“Usually I turn here there is a really big climb that way and we don't have time. We'll turn here and head back to Brit's so you'll have plenty of time to get ready for school.”
“That sounds bril Diane let's do it.”
They turned and it was another speed run Drew pushed faster than before. They took turns leading and following Diane found herself pushing a smaller gear and increasing her pedal speed, something she was not use too but it seemed a little easier. She was in the lead as she passed her shop and she headed to the Walters house. She took advantage of her gearing and made one last push as she gave it all she had to see if she could shake Drew. He dropped back a bit but then reeled her in. She slowed to a cool down pace as they neared the Walters spread. It was 6:40 as they turned into the Walters home; they could see Mrs. Walters step out on her front porch.
“There you are Drew; you need to tell us before going out. Your sister Jules told us you snuck out to ride but it is always good for you to let us know.”
“Sorry Mrs. Walters, I just felt I needed to get out for a short.”
“Hello Diane, how are you this morning?”
“Ok Mrs. Walters, I was taking good care of Drew this morning. We wanted to test that new bike of Drew's. What do you think of it Drew?”
“I love it Diane, feels good, and rides well. It's bril I think.”
“Well I think I will be riding on guys, I'll see ya'll,” Diane said starting to turn and head out.
“You'll do no such thing Diane. Now get off that bike and come in for a cup of coffee with me and a spot of breakfast,” Mrs. Walters said putting down her foot for emphasis. “Drew run on up and take a quick shower, you still have got to get dressed.
Drew locked up his bike and Diane climbed off hers and took off her cleats on the front porch and left them outside before entering the Walters home. She headed to the kitchen to help fix breakfast. Deb and Brit were already dressed and working in the kitchen. They greeted Diane with a hug and a kiss on the cheek and got her to help setting the table. Jules came down and introductions were made.
“Jules, this is Diane Biggs, she is the girl that built Drew's and Maddy's new bikes. Diane this is Juliette Bond, Drew's sister.” Deb said.
“Morning Jules, How are ya'll finding America?”
“Morning Miss Biggs, It is all exciting, except for having to go to school, but I guess that can't be helped.”
“People, don't Miss me it is Diane, I am only 19.”
“Ok Diane, Mum always told us to be polite.”
Drew came down in a skirt and a blouse. Diane had half expected it at least and showed no shock. Everyone sat down to eat. They ate as fast as ladies can eat and still be ladylike and chatted.
“Diane, how have you been doing dear? I am sorry for not coming round more since your father died.” Mrs. Walters said.
Diane noticed a strong, but silent reaction from both Drew and Jules to Mrs. Walters's question.
“I am doing very well Mrs. Walters. I am getting over it. I have my work at the shop, my bike riding, and a lot of good people around me. I am going to make it.” Diane said watching Drew out of the corner of her eye.
“That is good dear; I just can't imagine what it is like having lost both of your parents.”
Diane could see something disturbing in Drew's eyes, but just filed it away.
“I hardly knew my mom; she died when I was very young. Dad was very strong for me and let me know that I was loved very much, Sally filled in, in things that he couldn't. I love her just like a mom. I even send her flowers on mother's day.” Diane could see Drew and Jules struggling as she talked.
“Well I need to get these kid's off to school Diane, please come by more often dear and drink a cup with me sometime. Move along kids lets get rolling.”
Diane helped Mrs. Walters clear the table as the kids got their stuff together and head out to their car. Diane started to wash the dishes but was shooed off. She put her cleats back on and pedaled her way back to her place. She had some things to think about and didn't like where they were headed. She rolled in and put her bike in the shop before heading to her home and cleaning up. She dressed and grabbed a hot pocket before running off to the office.
Derek was already at his computer terminal working on the design of a part they were fabricating for the government. This was going to bring some good business for the fabrication shop. If Derek kept this up she might make plans to expand her shop. Diane closed the door to Derek's office.
“Derek I have a top secret project for you. See what you can find any recent information on David and Jenny Bond. Don't breath a word on any information you might find.”
“Sure boss. Is there something I should know first?”
“No, I don't want to influence you in your search.”
Diane left Derek's office and headed over to where Sally sat doing her paperwork. She snuck up on Sally and when she was in range she threw her arms around her and hugged her tightly.
“Either that is Diane or my husband Chuck. If it is Chuck why is he wearing polish on his fingernails?”
“Sally get real. You know that is not Chuck's color it would be all wrong for his complexion and hair color, Diane said holding up her fingers for inspection. “Anyway I just wanted to show you how much I love you,” Diane giggled.
“Diane you don't have to tell me I know, but it is still good to hear it dear.” Sally turned and faced Diane and returned her hug.
“So how are we doing Sally?”
“We are better off than we have ever been, whatever reason you had in bringing Derek in, he has been a Godsend to us. Cash flow is good no problems there. Eighty percent of your accounts receivable are thirty days or under and ninety-eight percent are under sixty days. We are current on all accounts payable. You have two more bike orders that have come in. You seem to be working much faster since you started working with Janice. Cal says that William is doing well in the big shop. George called and said he is coming up with some new paint schemes for your approval. He's happy for all the work you've brought him, and he sends his thanks. The whole community seems to owe you their gratitude dear.”
“Ok I should be able to take two more bike orders under the next 45 days, and six for under 60. If we keep getting more orders I will need some help maybe. It will be a while before Janice can do any welding. She is coming along well though.”
“Derek wants to bring in one of the computer nerds at school and train him. He name is Samuel Carter and he is sixteen. Derek says he is a whiz.”
“Have Derek look into whether there is Federal money we could get for any apprenticeship programs. Derek is such a whiz himself; this could be a big benefit to us Sally. Well I am off to my shop.”
Diane was becoming much better and faster at what she was doing, Janice helped because she didn't have to fetch what she needed.
Diane's work was interrupted by a phone call. She hustled to the office and picked it up.
“Hello this is Diane Biggs.”
“Hello Miss Biggs, this is David Bond, Drew called me and told me what you said. I just wanted to go over it before we committed.”
“Yes it is good talking to you Mr. Bond and please call me Diane. All I want is for Drew to ride my bikes I am new in this business and word of mouth goes along way. Although I would like some pictures they would be for me, and not to appear in any ads. If Drew wants to ride another bike well that is up to Drew there is no obligation. Is that acceptable to you?”
“That is more than acceptable on our end Diane, I have read about the bikes, Drew emailed his Aunt Carol that paper you gave him. Carol was quite excited about it too and sends her thanks. Maddy said she loved the bike she got.”
“Ok then, we have a deal. How are you doing Mr. Bond?”
“A little tired but I am ok.”
“How is Jenny Bond doing? I am a fan of hers. I followed her riding on TV and in the magazines. It was her accomplishments that got me riding and building my own bikes.”
“She is doing alright; she's a little tired but… I will have her mail you an autographed picture of her. Thank you for being so kind and generous to our son.”
“No problem Mr. Bond and thank you.”
“Ok well thanks again and bye.”
“Bye, bye Mr. Bond.”
Well that call was really informative. That was an awfully big but there; that goes without saying. Just another piece of information to keep tucked away.
Diane broke for lunch Derek invited her out to the Pizza parlor. Diane figured that if given a choice that that is all Derek would eat. He still looked good and he was riding farther and harder than ever but his choice of cuisine was limited.
We got our salads as our pizza was being fixed and sat down at a table.
“I have found something or rather a lack of something, that is interesting, Diane.”
“I only found a few references to David Bond; I could expect that he just aint newsworthy. Now on Jenny Bond there were a few articles asking where is Jenny and such. She received the Athlete of the year award and poof. Apollinaris isn't showing her riding lately. It's just like she aint there anymore.”
“I think I might know what the problem might be but I need to keep it to myself. It's not that I don't trust ya but… If you figure it out Derek just keep it under your hat.”
Diane prayed she was wrong and that Drew and Jules lives would not become more complicated.
(to be continued)
Paula Dillon 13.04.05 © 2005
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